VOSpace-1.0 WSDL and schemaThis is a discussion page for the WSDL and schema for the VOSpace-1.0 service. This is somewhere where we can post proposals for schema and WSDL to enable interested parties to discuss the different versions. For each version there is a Change request section - please add to this and vote on other suggestions
Core schemaThis is the main section for schema and WSDL files. The files for the 1.0 VOSpace release are
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Added: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
> > | Version 1.0rc3vospace-interface-1.0rc3.zip This matches v0.22 of the specification document. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Version 1.0rc2
Changes from previous version
Change RequestsKeep Transports/Formats as separate opertation-- PaulHarrison - 13 Jun 2006 I agree with adding the new methods. However, this should be changed in the specification first, not the WSDL. Move this to the specification change page. -- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006Votes
Refactor use of
This construct was there principally to get round difficulties in specifying the use-case "create a file with a server generated name" before the vos: URI scheme was approved. Not needed any more.
-- PaulHarrison - 16 Jun 2006
Needs to be much clearer what this represents.
-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006
name | vote | comment |
DaveMorris | -1 | Change the specification document first |
GuyRixon | -1 | Don't see the need: we have faults for errors conditions |
name | vote | comment |
PaulHarrison | +1 | proposer |
META FILEATTACHMENT | attr="" comment="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" date="1150212841" name="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" path="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" size="7450" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1" |
META FILEATTACHMENT | attr="" comment="1.0rc2 interface" date="1150814386" name="vospace-interface-1.0rc2.zip" path="vospace-interface-1.0rc2.zip" size="6232" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1" |
META FILEATTACHMENT | attr="" comment="Matches v0.22 of the specification document" date="1153215532" name="vospace-1.0-rc3.zip" path="vospace-1.0-rc3.zip" size="6248" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1" |