Difference: VOSpace10schema (1 vs. 25)

Revision 252012-06-26 - root

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"
VOSpace home page
VOSpace home page

VOSpace-1.0 WSDL and schema

The VOSpace-1.0 schema has been completed, the release versions are available here :

This is a discussion page for the WSDL and schema for the VOSpace-1.0 service.

This is somewhere where we can post proposals for schema and WSDL to enable interested parties to discuss the different versions.

For each version there is a Change request section - please add to this and vote on other suggestions

  • +1 if you agree
  • -1 if you disagree
  • 0 if you have no particular preference

Once we have finalised the WSDL and schema, the final versions will be posted on the main Grid & Web Services page.

The experiments that were on this page have been moved

Core schema

This is the main section for schema and WSDL files.

Version 1.0rc6

Changes from V1.0rc5

  • ensured that Axis 1.3 WSDL2Java would produce code
    • corrected fault declarations
    • redefined PropertyReferenceType so that it was not derived by restriction.

-- PaulHarrison - 03 Aug 2006


  • why is View optional in TransferType - what view should be assumed if is missing? -- PaulHarrison - 11 Sep 2006
  • the extra metadata that is added with exceptions still needs review -e.g. NodeNotFoundFaultType includes uri for the node (sensible), but ProtocolNotSupportedFault need a full Protocol object -- PaulHarrison - 11 Sep 2006
  • not sure that parameters for protocols are really useable, will need specialized client to deal with them if the protocol does not already allow parameters in the URL format c.f. http. -- PaulHarrison - 11 Sep 2006
  • in general this is too much reuse of types in several places where it would aid understanding to have two separate types - TransferType is one of the best examples of this - on an operation where this type is used to specify a request to transfer data - only parts of the subtypes are relevant - e.g. endpoint of the protocol is not meaningful - this leads to
    • elements being made optional in the schema, when in some uses of the type they are actually mandatory
    • and, as a consequence, the explanatory documentation having to be more complicated.

Version 1.0rc5

Changes from V1.0rc4

  • Added elementFormDefault="qualified" to WSDL and schema
  • Restored ParamType for view and protocols params (changed back from PropertyType used in rc4).
  • Removed commented xsd:annotation elemets that broke Axis code generator.
  • Removed ViewErrorType, not required and reports that it caused some problems.
  • Added nillable="true" to fault details.
  • Changed TypeNotSupportedFault to use xsd:QName (let me know if this causes problems).

Question : Should we add a text message to the base class for our faults. Currently we rely on using the message in the standard SOAP fault.

Version 1.0rc4

There is a known problem with the rc4 schema.

In rc3 we changed Protocol and View params from

    <xsd:element name="param" xsi:type="vos:ParamType">
to use the same type as Node properties
    <xsd:element name="param" xsi:type="vos:PropertyType">

This meant that params were identified by uri rather than a string name.

The original intention was that we would use the fragment symbol '#' to reference the param description within the resource document for the protocol or view.

    <protocol uri="ivo://net.ivoa.vospace/protocols/ftp-get">
        <param uri="#name">
In this example, the param uri refers to the definition of the name param within the ftp-get protocol resource. The full uri of the param would be ivo://net.ivoa.vospace/protocols/ftp-get#name

However, the latest metadata schema allows more than one protocol or view to be defined in a single resource document.

    <vor:Resource xsi:type="vsp:VOSpaceProtocol">
        <protocol id="http-get">
        <protocol id="ftp-get">
            <param id="name">
This uses one resource document to register all of the vospace protocols as a set, and using the '#' fragment identifier to resolve one protocol within the set.

For example, the full uri for the ftp-get protocol would be ivo://net.ivoa.vospace/protocols#ftp-get

However, this means that we can't use the '#' fragment identifier to refer to a specific parameter within a protocol without overloading its meaning and using it twice. e.g. ivo://net.ivoa.vospace/protocols#ftp-get#name.

I can't see a strong use case for registering params as separate entities outside protocols and views, so we probably don't need a full uri to identifiy a param. In which case, to solve the above problems we might as well change back to using a string key to identify params within protocols and views.

So, next version of the schema will revert to using ParamType for protocol and view params, identified by a string key rather than a uri.

    <xsd:element name="param" xsi:type="vos:ParamType">

Note also that allowing more than one protocol description within one resource document means that we can end up with more than one element with the same id attribute.

    <vor:Resource xsi:type="vsp:VOSpaceProtocol">
        <protocol id="ftp-get">
            <param id="name">
            <param id="pass">
        <protocol id="ftp-put">
            <param id="name">
            <param id="pass">
In this example, we have two param elements with id="name" and two param elements with id="pass".

Ideally, the id attributes should be unique within an XML document, so the identifying attribute on param elements should probably be changed to key, matching the way they are used in the main schema.

Version 1.0rc3


This matches v0.22 of the specification document.

Version 1.0rc2

This release attempts to follow the interface described in version 0.21 of the specification document as closely as possible.

Changes from previous version

  • Use namespaces in release candidates that include release number
  • Make sure that the naming of operations/parameters more closely matches the written specification
  • Remove enumerations for security related types
  • Remove enumerations of transport keys
  • Remove enumerations of parameter key values
  • Remove any idea of callbacks
  • Remove the use of ChangeOwner operation

Change Requests

Keep Transports/Formats as separate opertation

-- PaulHarrison - 13 Jun 2006

I agree with adding the new methods. However, this should be changed in the specification first, not the WSDL. Move this to the specification change page.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006


name vote comment
DaveMorris -1 Change the specification document first
GuyRixon -1 Change spec first

Refactor use of DataObjectReference

This construct was there principally to get round difficulties in specifying the use-case "create a file with a server generated name" before the vos: URI scheme was approved. Not needed any more.

-- PaulHarrison - 16 Jun 2006

Needs to be much clearer what this represents.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006

Consider use of Status responses for some operations

Changing the method signatures to return status codes should be defined in the specification first, not the WSDL. Move this to the specification change page.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006


name vote comment
DaveMorris -1 Change the specification document first
GuyRixon -1 Don't see the need: we have faults for errors conditions

Include WSDL for VO Standard Interfaces

Is the VOSI WSDL finalized?


name vote comment
PaulHarrison +1 proposer

Version 1.0rc1

This is the first 'official' release candidate of the VOSpace interface definition, and is based on version 0.21 of the specification document, though is known not to follow this document exactly, as there are areas still to be finalized for which the WSDL is the best 'source'.

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" date="1150212841" name="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" path="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" size="7450" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="1.0rc2 interface" date="1150814386" name="vospace-interface-1.0rc2.zip" path="vospace-interface-1.0rc2.zip" size="6232" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Matches v0.22 of the specification document" date="1153215532" name="vospace-1.0-rc3.zip" path="vospace-1.0-rc3.zip" size="6248" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Updated to rc4" date="1153402371" name="VOSpace-v1.0rc4.zip" path="VOSpace-v1.0rc4.zip" size="7350" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpace registry schema 1.0rc4" date="1153478231" name="VOSpaceResource-v1.0rc4.xsd" path="VOSpaceResource-v1.0rc4.xsd" size="11243" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="registry instance document 1.0rc4" date="1153478294" name="vospace-1.0rc4.xml" path="vospace-1.0rc4.xml" size="9424" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Service WSDL V1.0rc5" date="1154123906" name="VOSpaceContract-v1.0rc5.wsdl" path="VOSpaceContract-v1.0rc5.wsdl" size="46055" user="DaveMorris" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="XML Schema V1.0rc5" date="1154123941" name="VOSpaceTypes-v1.0rc5.xsd" path="VOSpaceTypes-v1.0rc5.xsd" size="39252" user="DaveMorris" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Service WSDL V1.0rc6" date="1154608711" name="VOSpaceContract-v1.0rc6.wsdl" path="VOSpaceContract-v1.0rc6.wsdl" size="46050" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="XML Schema V1.0rc6" date="1154608762" name="VOSpaceTypes-v1.0rc6.xsd" path="VOSpaceTypes-v1.0rc6.xsd" size="39307" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Final 1.0 version" date="1178023021" name="VOSpaceContract-v1.0.wsdl" path="VOSpaceContract-v1.0.wsdl" size="45987" user="DaveMorris" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Final 1.0 version" date="1178023088" name="VOSpaceTypes-v1.0.xsd" path="VOSpaceTypes-v1.0.xsd" size="39300" user="DaveMorris" version="1.1"

Revision 242007-05-17 - DaveMorris

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

VOSpace-1.0 WSDL and schema

VOSpace home page

VOSpace-1.0 WSDL and schema

  The VOSpace-1.0 schema has been completed, the release versions are available here :

This is a discussion page for the WSDL and schema for the VOSpace-1.0 service.

This is somewhere where we can post proposals for schema and WSDL to enable interested parties to discuss the different versions.

For each version there is a Change request section - please add to this and vote on other suggestions

  • +1 if you agree
  • -1 if you disagree
  • 0 if you have no particular preference

Once we have finalised the WSDL and schema, the final versions will be posted on the main Grid & Web Services page.

The experiments that were on this page have been moved

Core schema

This is the main section for schema and WSDL files.

Version 1.0rc6

Changes from V1.0rc5

  • ensured that Axis 1.3 WSDL2Java would produce code
    • corrected fault declarations
    • redefined PropertyReferenceType so that it was not derived by restriction.

-- PaulHarrison - 03 Aug 2006


  • why is View optional in TransferType - what view should be assumed if is missing? -- PaulHarrison - 11 Sep 2006
  • the extra metadata that is added with exceptions still needs review -e.g. NodeNotFoundFaultType includes uri for the node (sensible), but ProtocolNotSupportedFault need a full Protocol object -- PaulHarrison - 11 Sep 2006
  • not sure that parameters for protocols are really useable, will need specialized client to deal with them if the protocol does not already allow parameters in the URL format c.f. http. -- PaulHarrison - 11 Sep 2006
  • in general this is too much reuse of types in several places where it would aid understanding to have two separate types - TransferType is one of the best examples of this - on an operation where this type is used to specify a request to transfer data - only parts of the subtypes are relevant - e.g. endpoint of the protocol is not meaningful - this leads to
    • elements being made optional in the schema, when in some uses of the type they are actually mandatory
    • and, as a consequence, the explanatory documentation having to be more complicated.

Version 1.0rc5

Changes from V1.0rc4

  • Added elementFormDefault="qualified" to WSDL and schema
  • Restored ParamType for view and protocols params (changed back from PropertyType used in rc4).
  • Removed commented xsd:annotation elemets that broke Axis code generator.
  • Removed ViewErrorType, not required and reports that it caused some problems.
  • Added nillable="true" to fault details.
  • Changed TypeNotSupportedFault to use xsd:QName (let me know if this causes problems).

Question : Should we add a text message to the base class for our faults. Currently we rely on using the message in the standard SOAP fault.

Version 1.0rc4

There is a known problem with the rc4 schema.

In rc3 we changed Protocol and View params from

    <xsd:element name="param" xsi:type="vos:ParamType">
to use the same type as Node properties
    <xsd:element name="param" xsi:type="vos:PropertyType">

This meant that params were identified by uri rather than a string name.

The original intention was that we would use the fragment symbol '#' to reference the param description within the resource document for the protocol or view.

    <protocol uri="ivo://net.ivoa.vospace/protocols/ftp-get">
        <param uri="#name">
In this example, the param uri refers to the definition of the name param within the ftp-get protocol resource. The full uri of the param would be ivo://net.ivoa.vospace/protocols/ftp-get#name

However, the latest metadata schema allows more than one protocol or view to be defined in a single resource document.

    <vor:Resource xsi:type="vsp:VOSpaceProtocol">
        <protocol id="http-get">
        <protocol id="ftp-get">
            <param id="name">
This uses one resource document to register all of the vospace protocols as a set, and using the '#' fragment identifier to resolve one protocol within the set.

For example, the full uri for the ftp-get protocol would be ivo://net.ivoa.vospace/protocols#ftp-get

However, this means that we can't use the '#' fragment identifier to refer to a specific parameter within a protocol without overloading its meaning and using it twice. e.g. ivo://net.ivoa.vospace/protocols#ftp-get#name.

I can't see a strong use case for registering params as separate entities outside protocols and views, so we probably don't need a full uri to identifiy a param. In which case, to solve the above problems we might as well change back to using a string key to identify params within protocols and views.

So, next version of the schema will revert to using ParamType for protocol and view params, identified by a string key rather than a uri.

    <xsd:element name="param" xsi:type="vos:ParamType">

Note also that allowing more than one protocol description within one resource document means that we can end up with more than one element with the same id attribute.

    <vor:Resource xsi:type="vsp:VOSpaceProtocol">
        <protocol id="ftp-get">
            <param id="name">
            <param id="pass">
        <protocol id="ftp-put">
            <param id="name">
            <param id="pass">
In this example, we have two param elements with id="name" and two param elements with id="pass".

Ideally, the id attributes should be unique within an XML document, so the identifying attribute on param elements should probably be changed to key, matching the way they are used in the main schema.

Version 1.0rc3


This matches v0.22 of the specification document.

Version 1.0rc2

This release attempts to follow the interface described in version 0.21 of the specification document as closely as possible.

Changes from previous version

  • Use namespaces in release candidates that include release number
  • Make sure that the naming of operations/parameters more closely matches the written specification
  • Remove enumerations for security related types
  • Remove enumerations of transport keys
  • Remove enumerations of parameter key values
  • Remove any idea of callbacks
  • Remove the use of ChangeOwner operation

Change Requests

Keep Transports/Formats as separate opertation

-- PaulHarrison - 13 Jun 2006

I agree with adding the new methods. However, this should be changed in the specification first, not the WSDL. Move this to the specification change page.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006


name vote comment
DaveMorris -1 Change the specification document first
GuyRixon -1 Change spec first

Refactor use of DataObjectReference

This construct was there principally to get round difficulties in specifying the use-case "create a file with a server generated name" before the vos: URI scheme was approved. Not needed any more.

-- PaulHarrison - 16 Jun 2006

Needs to be much clearer what this represents.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006

Consider use of Status responses for some operations

Changing the method signatures to return status codes should be defined in the specification first, not the WSDL. Move this to the specification change page.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006


name vote comment
DaveMorris -1 Change the specification document first
GuyRixon -1 Don't see the need: we have faults for errors conditions

Include WSDL for VO Standard Interfaces

Is the VOSI WSDL finalized?


name vote comment
PaulHarrison +1 proposer

Version 1.0rc1

This is the first 'official' release candidate of the VOSpace interface definition, and is based on version 0.21 of the specification document, though is known not to follow this document exactly, as there are areas still to be finalized for which the WSDL is the best 'source'.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" date="1150212841" name="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" path="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" size="7450" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="1.0rc2 interface" date="1150814386" name="vospace-interface-1.0rc2.zip" path="vospace-interface-1.0rc2.zip" size="6232" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Matches v0.22 of the specification document" date="1153215532" name="vospace-1.0-rc3.zip" path="vospace-1.0-rc3.zip" size="6248" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Updated to rc4" date="1153402371" name="VOSpace-v1.0rc4.zip" path="VOSpace-v1.0rc4.zip" size="7350" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpace registry schema 1.0rc4" date="1153478231" name="VOSpaceResource-v1.0rc4.xsd" path="VOSpaceResource-v1.0rc4.xsd" size="11243" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="registry instance document 1.0rc4" date="1153478294" name="vospace-1.0rc4.xml" path="vospace-1.0rc4.xml" size="9424" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Service WSDL V1.0rc5" date="1154123906" name="VOSpaceContract-v1.0rc5.wsdl" path="VOSpaceContract-v1.0rc5.wsdl" size="46055" user="DaveMorris" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="XML Schema V1.0rc5" date="1154123941" name="VOSpaceTypes-v1.0rc5.xsd" path="VOSpaceTypes-v1.0rc5.xsd" size="39252" user="DaveMorris" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Service WSDL V1.0rc6" date="1154608711" name="VOSpaceContract-v1.0rc6.wsdl" path="VOSpaceContract-v1.0rc6.wsdl" size="46050" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="XML Schema V1.0rc6" date="1154608762" name="VOSpaceTypes-v1.0rc6.xsd" path="VOSpaceTypes-v1.0rc6.xsd" size="39307" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Final 1.0 version" date="1178023021" name="VOSpaceContract-v1.0.wsdl" path="VOSpaceContract-v1.0.wsdl" size="45987" user="DaveMorris" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Final 1.0 version" date="1178023088" name="VOSpaceTypes-v1.0.xsd" path="VOSpaceTypes-v1.0.xsd" size="39300" user="DaveMorris" version="1.1"

Revision 232007-05-01 - DaveMorris

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

VOSpace-1.0 WSDL and schema

The VOSpace-1.0 schema has been completed, the release versions are available here :

 This is a discussion page for the WSDL and schema for the VOSpace-1.0 service.

This is somewhere where we can post proposals for schema and WSDL to enable interested parties to discuss the different versions.

For each version there is a Change request section - please add to this and vote on other suggestions

  • +1 if you agree
  • -1 if you disagree
  • 0 if you have no particular preference

Once we have finalised the WSDL and schema, the final versions will be posted on the main Grid & Web Services page.

The experiments that were on this page have been moved



  • Schema discussion page created.

Core schema

This is the main section for schema and WSDL files.

Version 1.0rc6

Changes from V1.0rc5

  • ensured that Axis 1.3 WSDL2Java would produce code
    • corrected fault declarations
    • redefined PropertyReferenceType so that it was not derived by restriction.

-- PaulHarrison - 03 Aug 2006


  • why is View optional in TransferType - what view should be assumed if is missing? -- PaulHarrison - 11 Sep 2006
  • the extra metadata that is added with exceptions still needs review -e.g. NodeNotFoundFaultType includes uri for the node (sensible), but ProtocolNotSupportedFault need a full Protocol object -- PaulHarrison - 11 Sep 2006
  • not sure that parameters for protocols are really useable, will need specialized client to deal with them if the protocol does not already allow parameters in the URL format c.f. http. -- PaulHarrison - 11 Sep 2006
  • in general this is too much reuse of types in several places where it would aid understanding to have two separate types - TransferType is one of the best examples of this - on an operation where this type is used to specify a request to transfer data - only parts of the subtypes are relevant - e.g. endpoint of the protocol is not meaningful - this leads to
    • elements being made optional in the schema, when in some uses of the type they are actually mandatory
    • and, as a consequence, the explanatory documentation having to be more complicated.

Version 1.0rc5

Changes from V1.0rc4

  • Added elementFormDefault="qualified" to WSDL and schema
  • Restored ParamType for view and protocols params (changed back from PropertyType used in rc4).
  • Removed commented xsd:annotation elemets that broke Axis code generator.
  • Removed ViewErrorType, not required and reports that it caused some problems.
  • Added nillable="true" to fault details.
  • Changed TypeNotSupportedFault to use xsd:QName (let me know if this causes problems).

Question : Should we add a text message to the base class for our faults. Currently we rely on using the message in the standard SOAP fault.

Version 1.0rc4

There is a known problem with the rc4 schema.

In rc3 we changed Protocol and View params from

    <xsd:element name="param" xsi:type="vos:ParamType">
to use the same type as Node properties
    <xsd:element name="param" xsi:type="vos:PropertyType">

This meant that params were identified by uri rather than a string name.

The original intention was that we would use the fragment symbol '#' to reference the param description within the resource document for the protocol or view.

    <protocol uri="ivo://net.ivoa.vospace/protocols/ftp-get">
        <param uri="#name">
In this example, the param uri refers to the definition of the name param within the ftp-get protocol resource. The full uri of the param would be ivo://net.ivoa.vospace/protocols/ftp-get#name

However, the latest metadata schema allows more than one protocol or view to be defined in a single resource document.

    <vor:Resource xsi:type="vsp:VOSpaceProtocol">
        <protocol id="http-get">
        <protocol id="ftp-get">
            <param id="name">
This uses one resource document to register all of the vospace protocols as a set, and using the '#' fragment identifier to resolve one protocol within the set.

For example, the full uri for the ftp-get protocol would be ivo://net.ivoa.vospace/protocols#ftp-get

However, this means that we can't use the '#' fragment identifier to refer to a specific parameter within a protocol without overloading its meaning and using it twice. e.g. ivo://net.ivoa.vospace/protocols#ftp-get#name.

I can't see a strong use case for registering params as separate entities outside protocols and views, so we probably don't need a full uri to identifiy a param. In which case, to solve the above problems we might as well change back to using a string key to identify params within protocols and views.

So, next version of the schema will revert to using ParamType for protocol and view params, identified by a string key rather than a uri.

    <xsd:element name="param" xsi:type="vos:ParamType">

Note also that allowing more than one protocol description within one resource document means that we can end up with more than one element with the same id attribute.

    <vor:Resource xsi:type="vsp:VOSpaceProtocol">
        <protocol id="ftp-get">
            <param id="name">
            <param id="pass">
        <protocol id="ftp-put">
            <param id="name">
            <param id="pass">
In this example, we have two param elements with id="name" and two param elements with id="pass".

Ideally, the id attributes should be unique within an XML document, so the identifying attribute on param elements should probably be changed to key, matching the way they are used in the main schema.

Version 1.0rc3


This matches v0.22 of the specification document.

Version 1.0rc2

This release attempts to follow the interface described in version 0.21 of the specification document as closely as possible.

Changes from previous version

  • Use namespaces in release candidates that include release number
  • Make sure that the naming of operations/parameters more closely matches the written specification
  • Remove enumerations for security related types
  • Remove enumerations of transport keys
  • Remove enumerations of parameter key values
  • Remove any idea of callbacks
  • Remove the use of ChangeOwner operation

Change Requests

Keep Transports/Formats as separate opertation

-- PaulHarrison - 13 Jun 2006

I agree with adding the new methods. However, this should be changed in the specification first, not the WSDL. Move this to the specification change page.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006


name vote comment
DaveMorris -1 Change the specification document first
GuyRixon -1 Change spec first

Refactor use of DataObjectReference

This construct was there principally to get round difficulties in specifying the use-case "create a file with a server generated name" before the vos: URI scheme was approved. Not needed any more.

-- PaulHarrison - 16 Jun 2006

Needs to be much clearer what this represents.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006

Consider use of Status responses for some operations

Changing the method signatures to return status codes should be defined in the specification first, not the WSDL. Move this to the specification change page.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006


name vote comment
DaveMorris -1 Change the specification document first
GuyRixon -1 Don't see the need: we have faults for errors conditions

Include WSDL for VO Standard Interfaces

Is the VOSI WSDL finalized?


name vote comment
PaulHarrison +1 proposer

Version 1.0rc1

This is the first 'official' release candidate of the VOSpace interface definition, and is based on version 0.21 of the specification document, though is known not to follow this document exactly, as there are areas still to be finalized for which the WSDL is the best 'source'.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" date="1150212841" name="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" path="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" size="7450" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="1.0rc2 interface" date="1150814386" name="vospace-interface-1.0rc2.zip" path="vospace-interface-1.0rc2.zip" size="6232" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Matches v0.22 of the specification document" date="1153215532" name="vospace-1.0-rc3.zip" path="vospace-1.0-rc3.zip" size="6248" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Updated to rc4" date="1153402371" name="VOSpace-v1.0rc4.zip" path="VOSpace-v1.0rc4.zip" size="7350" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpace registry schema 1.0rc4" date="1153478231" name="VOSpaceResource-v1.0rc4.xsd" path="VOSpaceResource-v1.0rc4.xsd" size="11243" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="registry instance document 1.0rc4" date="1153478294" name="vospace-1.0rc4.xml" path="vospace-1.0rc4.xml" size="9424" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Service WSDL V1.0rc5" date="1154123906" name="VOSpaceContract-v1.0rc5.wsdl" path="VOSpaceContract-v1.0rc5.wsdl" size="46055" user="DaveMorris" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="XML Schema V1.0rc5" date="1154123941" name="VOSpaceTypes-v1.0rc5.xsd" path="VOSpaceTypes-v1.0rc5.xsd" size="39252" user="DaveMorris" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Service WSDL V1.0rc6" date="1154608711" name="VOSpaceContract-v1.0rc6.wsdl" path="VOSpaceContract-v1.0rc6.wsdl" size="46050" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="XML Schema V1.0rc6" date="1154608762" name="VOSpaceTypes-v1.0rc6.xsd" path="VOSpaceTypes-v1.0rc6.xsd" size="39307" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Final 1.0 version" date="1178023021" name="VOSpaceContract-v1.0.wsdl" path="VOSpaceContract-v1.0.wsdl" size="45987" user="DaveMorris" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Final 1.0 version" date="1178023088" name="VOSpaceTypes-v1.0.xsd" path="VOSpaceTypes-v1.0.xsd" size="39300" user="DaveMorris" version="1.1"

Revision 222006-09-11 - PaulHarrison

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

VOSpace-1.0 WSDL and schema

This is a discussion page for the WSDL and schema for the VOSpace-1.0 service.

This is somewhere where we can post proposals for schema and WSDL to enable interested parties to discuss the different versions.

For each version there is a Change request section - please add to this and vote on other suggestions

  • +1 if you agree
  • -1 if you disagree
  • 0 if you have no particular preference

Once we have finalised the WSDL and schema, the final versions will be posted on the main Grid & Web Services page.

The experiments that were on this page have been moved


  • Schema discussion page created.

Core schema

This is the main section for schema and WSDL files.

Version 1.0rc6

Changes from V1.0rc5

  • ensured that Axis 1.3 WSDL2Java would produce code
    • corrected fault declarations
    • redefined PropertyReferenceType so that it was not derived by restriction.

-- PaulHarrison - 03 Aug 2006



  • why is View optional in TransferType - what view should be assumed if is missing? -- PaulHarrison - 11 Sep 2006
  • the extra metadata that is added with exceptions still needs review -e.g. NodeNotFoundFaultType includes uri for the node (sensible), but ProtocolNotSupportedFault need a full Protocol object -- PaulHarrison - 11 Sep 2006
  • not sure that parameters for protocols are really useable, will need specialized client to deal with them if the protocol does not already allow parameters in the URL format c.f. http. -- PaulHarrison - 11 Sep 2006
  • in general this is too much reuse of types in several places where it would aid understanding to have two separate types - TransferType is one of the best examples of this - on an operation where this type is used to specify a request to transfer data - only parts of the subtypes are relevant - e.g. endpoint of the protocol is not meaningful - this leads to
    • elements being made optional in the schema, when in some uses of the type they are actually mandatory
    • and, as a consequence, the explanatory documentation having to be more complicated.

Version 1.0rc5

Changes from V1.0rc4

  • Added elementFormDefault="qualified" to WSDL and schema
  • Restored ParamType for view and protocols params (changed back from PropertyType used in rc4).
  • Removed commented xsd:annotation elemets that broke Axis code generator.
  • Removed ViewErrorType, not required and reports that it caused some problems.
  • Added nillable="true" to fault details.
  • Changed TypeNotSupportedFault to use xsd:QName (let me know if this causes problems).

Question : Should we add a text message to the base class for our faults. Currently we rely on using the message in the standard SOAP fault.

Version 1.0rc4

There is a known problem with the rc4 schema.

In rc3 we changed Protocol and View params from

    <xsd:element name="param" xsi:type="vos:ParamType">
to use the same type as Node properties
    <xsd:element name="param" xsi:type="vos:PropertyType">

This meant that params were identified by uri rather than a string name.

The original intention was that we would use the fragment symbol '#' to reference the param description within the resource document for the protocol or view.

    <protocol uri="ivo://net.ivoa.vospace/protocols/ftp-get">
        <param uri="#name">
In this example, the param uri refers to the definition of the name param within the ftp-get protocol resource. The full uri of the param would be ivo://net.ivoa.vospace/protocols/ftp-get#name

However, the latest metadata schema allows more than one protocol or view to be defined in a single resource document.

    <vor:Resource xsi:type="vsp:VOSpaceProtocol">
        <protocol id="http-get">
        <protocol id="ftp-get">
            <param id="name">
This uses one resource document to register all of the vospace protocols as a set, and using the '#' fragment identifier to resolve one protocol within the set.

For example, the full uri for the ftp-get protocol would be ivo://net.ivoa.vospace/protocols#ftp-get

However, this means that we can't use the '#' fragment identifier to refer to a specific parameter within a protocol without overloading its meaning and using it twice. e.g. ivo://net.ivoa.vospace/protocols#ftp-get#name.

I can't see a strong use case for registering params as separate entities outside protocols and views, so we probably don't need a full uri to identifiy a param. In which case, to solve the above problems we might as well change back to using a string key to identify params within protocols and views.

So, next version of the schema will revert to using ParamType for protocol and view params, identified by a string key rather than a uri.

    <xsd:element name="param" xsi:type="vos:ParamType">

Note also that allowing more than one protocol description within one resource document means that we can end up with more than one element with the same id attribute.

    <vor:Resource xsi:type="vsp:VOSpaceProtocol">
        <protocol id="ftp-get">
            <param id="name">
            <param id="pass">
        <protocol id="ftp-put">
            <param id="name">
            <param id="pass">
In this example, we have two param elements with id="name" and two param elements with id="pass".

Ideally, the id attributes should be unique within an XML document, so the identifying attribute on param elements should probably be changed to key, matching the way they are used in the main schema.

Version 1.0rc3


This matches v0.22 of the specification document.

Version 1.0rc2

This release attempts to follow the interface described in version 0.21 of the specification document as closely as possible.

Changes from previous version

  • Use namespaces in release candidates that include release number
  • Make sure that the naming of operations/parameters more closely matches the written specification
  • Remove enumerations for security related types
  • Remove enumerations of transport keys
  • Remove enumerations of parameter key values
  • Remove any idea of callbacks
  • Remove the use of ChangeOwner operation

Change Requests

Keep Transports/Formats as separate opertation

-- PaulHarrison - 13 Jun 2006

I agree with adding the new methods. However, this should be changed in the specification first, not the WSDL. Move this to the specification change page.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006


name vote comment
DaveMorris -1 Change the specification document first
GuyRixon -1 Change spec first

Refactor use of DataObjectReference

This construct was there principally to get round difficulties in specifying the use-case "create a file with a server generated name" before the vos: URI scheme was approved. Not needed any more.

-- PaulHarrison - 16 Jun 2006

Needs to be much clearer what this represents.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006

Consider use of Status responses for some operations

Changing the method signatures to return status codes should be defined in the specification first, not the WSDL. Move this to the specification change page.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006


name vote comment
DaveMorris -1 Change the specification document first
GuyRixon -1 Don't see the need: we have faults for errors conditions

Include WSDL for VO Standard Interfaces

Is the VOSI WSDL finalized?


name vote comment
PaulHarrison +1 proposer

Version 1.0rc1

This is the first 'official' release candidate of the VOSpace interface definition, and is based on version 0.21 of the specification document, though is known not to follow this document exactly, as there are areas still to be finalized for which the WSDL is the best 'source'.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" date="1150212841" name="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" path="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" size="7450" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="1.0rc2 interface" date="1150814386" name="vospace-interface-1.0rc2.zip" path="vospace-interface-1.0rc2.zip" size="6232" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Matches v0.22 of the specification document" date="1153215532" name="vospace-1.0-rc3.zip" path="vospace-1.0-rc3.zip" size="6248" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Updated to rc4" date="1153402371" name="VOSpace-v1.0rc4.zip" path="VOSpace-v1.0rc4.zip" size="7350" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpace registry schema 1.0rc4" date="1153478231" name="VOSpaceResource-v1.0rc4.xsd" path="VOSpaceResource-v1.0rc4.xsd" size="11243" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="registry instance document 1.0rc4" date="1153478294" name="vospace-1.0rc4.xml" path="vospace-1.0rc4.xml" size="9424" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Service WSDL V1.0rc5" date="1154123906" name="VOSpaceContract-v1.0rc5.wsdl" path="VOSpaceContract-v1.0rc5.wsdl" size="46055" user="DaveMorris" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="XML Schema V1.0rc5" date="1154123941" name="VOSpaceTypes-v1.0rc5.xsd" path="VOSpaceTypes-v1.0rc5.xsd" size="39252" user="DaveMorris" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Service WSDL V1.0rc6" date="1154608711" name="VOSpaceContract-v1.0rc6.wsdl" path="VOSpaceContract-v1.0rc6.wsdl" size="46050" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="XML Schema V1.0rc6" date="1154608762" name="VOSpaceTypes-v1.0rc6.xsd" path="VOSpaceTypes-v1.0rc6.xsd" size="39307" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"

Revision 212006-08-03 - PaulHarrison

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

VOSpace-1.0 WSDL and schema

This is a discussion page for the WSDL and schema for the VOSpace-1.0 service.

This is somewhere where we can post proposals for schema and WSDL to enable interested parties to discuss the different versions.

For each version there is a Change request section - please add to this and vote on other suggestions

  • +1 if you agree
  • -1 if you disagree
  • 0 if you have no particular preference

Once we have finalised the WSDL and schema, the final versions will be posted on the main Grid & Web Services page.

The experiments that were on this page have been moved


  • Schema discussion page created.

Core schema

This is the main section for schema and WSDL files.

Version 1.0rc6

Changes from V1.0rc5

  • ensured that Axis 1.3 WSDL2Java would produce code
    • corrected fault declarations
    • redefined PropertyReferenceType so that it was not derived by restriction.

-- PaulHarrison - 03 Aug 2006


Version 1.0rc5

Changes from V1.0rc4

  • Added elementFormDefault="qualified" to WSDL and schema
  • Restored ParamType for view and protocols params (changed back from PropertyType used in rc4).
  • Removed commented xsd:annotation elemets that broke Axis code generator.
  • Removed ViewErrorType, not required and reports that it caused some problems.
  • Added nillable="true" to fault details.
  • Changed TypeNotSupportedFault to use xsd:QName (let me know if this causes problems).

Question : Should we add a text message to the base class for our faults. Currently we rely on using the message in the standard SOAP fault.

Version 1.0rc4

There is a known problem with the rc4 schema.

In rc3 we changed Protocol and View params from

    <xsd:element name="param" xsi:type="vos:ParamType">
to use the same type as Node properties
    <xsd:element name="param" xsi:type="vos:PropertyType">

This meant that params were identified by uri rather than a string name.

The original intention was that we would use the fragment symbol '#' to reference the param description within the resource document for the protocol or view.

    <protocol uri="ivo://net.ivoa.vospace/protocols/ftp-get">
        <param uri="#name">
In this example, the param uri refers to the definition of the name param within the ftp-get protocol resource. The full uri of the param would be ivo://net.ivoa.vospace/protocols/ftp-get#name

However, the latest metadata schema allows more than one protocol or view to be defined in a single resource document.

    <vor:Resource xsi:type="vsp:VOSpaceProtocol">
        <protocol id="http-get">
        <protocol id="ftp-get">
            <param id="name">
This uses one resource document to register all of the vospace protocols as a set, and using the '#' fragment identifier to resolve one protocol within the set.

For example, the full uri for the ftp-get protocol would be ivo://net.ivoa.vospace/protocols#ftp-get

However, this means that we can't use the '#' fragment identifier to refer to a specific parameter within a protocol without overloading its meaning and using it twice. e.g. ivo://net.ivoa.vospace/protocols#ftp-get#name.

I can't see a strong use case for registering params as separate entities outside protocols and views, so we probably don't need a full uri to identifiy a param. In which case, to solve the above problems we might as well change back to using a string key to identify params within protocols and views.

So, next version of the schema will revert to using ParamType for protocol and view params, identified by a string key rather than a uri.

    <xsd:element name="param" xsi:type="vos:ParamType">

Note also that allowing more than one protocol description within one resource document means that we can end up with more than one element with the same id attribute.

    <vor:Resource xsi:type="vsp:VOSpaceProtocol">
        <protocol id="ftp-get">
            <param id="name">
            <param id="pass">
        <protocol id="ftp-put">
            <param id="name">
            <param id="pass">
In this example, we have two param elements with id="name" and two param elements with id="pass".

Ideally, the id attributes should be unique within an XML document, so the identifying attribute on param elements should probably be changed to key, matching the way they are used in the main schema.

Version 1.0rc3


This matches v0.22 of the specification document.

Version 1.0rc2

This release attempts to follow the interface described in version 0.21 of the specification document as closely as possible.

Changes from previous version

  • Use namespaces in release candidates that include release number
  • Make sure that the naming of operations/parameters more closely matches the written specification
  • Remove enumerations for security related types
  • Remove enumerations of transport keys
  • Remove enumerations of parameter key values
  • Remove any idea of callbacks
  • Remove the use of ChangeOwner operation

Change Requests

Keep Transports/Formats as separate opertation

-- PaulHarrison - 13 Jun 2006

I agree with adding the new methods. However, this should be changed in the specification first, not the WSDL. Move this to the specification change page.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006


name vote comment
DaveMorris -1 Change the specification document first
GuyRixon -1 Change spec first

Refactor use of DataObjectReference

This construct was there principally to get round difficulties in specifying the use-case "create a file with a server generated name" before the vos: URI scheme was approved. Not needed any more.

-- PaulHarrison - 16 Jun 2006

Needs to be much clearer what this represents.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006

Consider use of Status responses for some operations

Changing the method signatures to return status codes should be defined in the specification first, not the WSDL. Move this to the specification change page.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006


name vote comment
DaveMorris -1 Change the specification document first
GuyRixon -1 Don't see the need: we have faults for errors conditions

Include WSDL for VO Standard Interfaces

Is the VOSI WSDL finalized?


name vote comment
PaulHarrison +1 proposer

Version 1.0rc1

This is the first 'official' release candidate of the VOSpace interface definition, and is based on version 0.21 of the specification document, though is known not to follow this document exactly, as there are areas still to be finalized for which the WSDL is the best 'source'.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" date="1150212841" name="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" path="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" size="7450" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="1.0rc2 interface" date="1150814386" name="vospace-interface-1.0rc2.zip" path="vospace-interface-1.0rc2.zip" size="6232" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Matches v0.22 of the specification document" date="1153215532" name="vospace-1.0-rc3.zip" path="vospace-1.0-rc3.zip" size="6248" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Updated to rc4" date="1153402371" name="VOSpace-v1.0rc4.zip" path="VOSpace-v1.0rc4.zip" size="7350" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpace registry schema 1.0rc4" date="1153478231" name="VOSpaceResource-v1.0rc4.xsd" path="VOSpaceResource-v1.0rc4.xsd" size="11243" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="registry instance document 1.0rc4" date="1153478294" name="vospace-1.0rc4.xml" path="vospace-1.0rc4.xml" size="9424" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Service WSDL V1.0rc5" date="1154123906" name="VOSpaceContract-v1.0rc5.wsdl" path="VOSpaceContract-v1.0rc5.wsdl" size="46055" user="DaveMorris" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="XML Schema V1.0rc5" date="1154123941" name="VOSpaceTypes-v1.0rc5.xsd" path="VOSpaceTypes-v1.0rc5.xsd" size="39252" user="DaveMorris" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Service WSDL V1.0rc6" date="1154608711" name="VOSpaceContract-v1.0rc6.wsdl" path="VOSpaceContract-v1.0rc6.wsdl" size="46050" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="XML Schema V1.0rc6" date="1154608762" name="VOSpaceTypes-v1.0rc6.xsd" path="VOSpaceTypes-v1.0rc6.xsd" size="39307" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"

Revision 202006-07-28 - DaveMorris

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

VOSpace-1.0 WSDL and schema

This is a discussion page for the WSDL and schema for the VOSpace-1.0 service.

This is somewhere where we can post proposals for schema and WSDL to enable interested parties to discuss the different versions.

For each version there is a Change request section - please add to this and vote on other suggestions

  • +1 if you agree
  • -1 if you disagree
  • 0 if you have no particular preference

Once we have finalised the WSDL and schema, the final versions will be posted on the main Grid & Web Services page.

The experiments that were on this page have been moved


  • Schema discussion page created.

Core schema

This is the main section for schema and WSDL files.
The files for the 1.0 VOSpace release are

Version 1.0rc5

  • VOSpaceContract-v1.0rc4.wsdl the service WSDL contract
  • VOSpaceTypes-v1.0rc4.xsd the XSD schema file containing the XML type definitions.

Changes from V1.0rc4

  • Added elementFormDefault="qualified" to WSDL and schema
  • Restored ParamType for view and protocols params (changed back from PropertyType used in rc4).
  • Removed commented xsd:annotation elemets that broke Axis code generator.
  • Removed ViewErrorType, not required and reports that it caused some problems.
  • Added nillable="true" to fault details.
  • Changed TypeNotSupportedFault to use xsd:QName (let me know if this causes problems).

Question : Should we add a text message to the base class for our faults. Currently we rely on using the message in the standard SOAP fault.


Version 1.0rc4

 There is a known problem with the rc4 schema.

In rc3 we changed Protocol and View params from

    <xsd:element name="param" xsi:type="vos:ParamType">
to use the same type as Node properties
    <xsd:element name="param" xsi:type="vos:PropertyType">

This meant that params were identified by uri rather than a string name.

The original intention was that we would use the fragment symbol '#' to reference the param description within the resource document for the protocol or view.

    <protocol uri="ivo://net.ivoa.vospace/protocols/ftp-get">
        <param uri="#name">
In this example, the param uri refers to the definition of the name param within the ftp-get protocol resource. The full uri of the param would be ivo://net.ivoa.vospace/protocols/ftp-get#name

However, the latest metadata schema allows more than one protocol or view to be defined in a single resource document.

    <vor:Resource xsi:type="vsp:VOSpaceProtocol">
        <protocol id="http-get">
        <protocol id="ftp-get">
            <param id="name">
This uses one resource document to register all of the vospace protocols as a set, and using the '#' fragment identifier to resolve one protocol within the set.

For example, the full uri for the ftp-get protocol would be ivo://net.ivoa.vospace/protocols#ftp-get

However, this means that we can't use the '#' fragment identifier to refer to a specific parameter within a protocol without overloading its meaning and using it twice. e.g. ivo://net.ivoa.vospace/protocols#ftp-get#name.

I can't see a strong use case for registering params as separate entities outside protocols and views, so we probably don't need a full uri to identifiy a param. In which case, to solve the above problems we might as well change back to using a string key to identify params within protocols and views.

So, next version of the schema will revert to using ParamType for protocol and view params, identified by a string key rather than a uri.

    <xsd:element name="param" xsi:type="vos:ParamType">

Note also that allowing more than one protocol description within one resource document means that we can end up with more than one element with the same id attribute.

    <vor:Resource xsi:type="vsp:VOSpaceProtocol">
        <protocol id="ftp-get">
            <param id="name">
            <param id="pass">
        <protocol id="ftp-put">
            <param id="name">
            <param id="pass">
In this example, we have two param elements with id="name" and two param elements with id="pass".

Ideally, the id attributes should be unique within an XML document, so the identifying attribute on param elements should probably be changed to key, matching the way they are used in the main schema.

Version 1.0rc3


This matches v0.22 of the specification document.

Version 1.0rc2

This release attempts to follow the interface described in version 0.21 of the specification document as closely as possible.

Changes from previous version

  • Use namespaces in release candidates that include release number
  • Make sure that the naming of operations/parameters more closely matches the written specification
  • Remove enumerations for security related types
  • Remove enumerations of transport keys
  • Remove enumerations of parameter key values
  • Remove any idea of callbacks
  • Remove the use of ChangeOwner operation

Change Requests

Keep Transports/Formats as separate opertation

-- PaulHarrison - 13 Jun 2006

I agree with adding the new methods. However, this should be changed in the specification first, not the WSDL. Move this to the specification change page.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006


name vote comment
DaveMorris -1 Change the specification document first
GuyRixon -1 Change spec first

Refactor use of DataObjectReference

This construct was there principally to get round difficulties in specifying the use-case "create a file with a server generated name" before the vos: URI scheme was approved. Not needed any more.

-- PaulHarrison - 16 Jun 2006

Needs to be much clearer what this represents.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006

Consider use of Status responses for some operations

Changing the method signatures to return status codes should be defined in the specification first, not the WSDL. Move this to the specification change page.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006


name vote comment
DaveMorris -1 Change the specification document first
GuyRixon -1 Don't see the need: we have faults for errors conditions

Include WSDL for VO Standard Interfaces

Is the VOSI WSDL finalized?


name vote comment
PaulHarrison +1 proposer

Version 1.0rc1

This is the first 'official' release candidate of the VOSpace interface definition, and is based on version 0.21 of the specification document, though is known not to follow this document exactly, as there are areas still to be finalized for which the WSDL is the best 'source'.



META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" date="1150212841" name="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" path="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" size="7450" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="1.0rc2 interface" date="1150814386" name="vospace-interface-1.0rc2.zip" path="vospace-interface-1.0rc2.zip" size="6232" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Matches v0.22 of the specification document" date="1153215532" name="vospace-1.0-rc3.zip" path="vospace-1.0-rc3.zip" size="6248" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Updated to rc4" date="1153402371" name="VOSpace-v1.0rc4.zip" path="VOSpace-v1.0rc4.zip" size="7350" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpace registry schema 1.0rc4" date="1153478231" name="VOSpaceResource-v1.0rc4.xsd" path="VOSpaceResource-v1.0rc4.xsd" size="11243" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="registry instance document 1.0rc4" date="1153478294" name="vospace-1.0rc4.xml" path="vospace-1.0rc4.xml" size="9424" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Service WSDL V1.0rc5" date="1154123906" name="VOSpaceContract-v1.0rc5.wsdl" path="VOSpaceContract-v1.0rc5.wsdl" size="46055" user="DaveMorris" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="XML Schema V1.0rc5" date="1154123941" name="VOSpaceTypes-v1.0rc5.xsd" path="VOSpaceTypes-v1.0rc5.xsd" size="39252" user="DaveMorris" version="1.1"

Revision 192006-07-28 - DaveMorris

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

VOSpace-1.0 WSDL and schema

This is a discussion page for the WSDL and schema for the VOSpace-1.0 service.

This is somewhere where we can post proposals for schema and WSDL to enable interested parties to discuss the different versions.

For each version there is a Change request section - please add to this and vote on other suggestions

  • +1 if you agree
  • -1 if you disagree
  • 0 if you have no particular preference

Once we have finalised the WSDL and schema, the final versions will be posted on the main Grid & Web Services page.

The experiments that were on this page have been moved


  • Schema discussion page created.

Core schema

This is the main section for schema and WSDL files.

The files for the 1.0 VOSpace release are

  • VOSpaceContract-v1.0rc4.wsdl the service WSDL contract
  • VOSpaceTypes-v1.0rc4.xsd the XSD schema file containing the XML type definitions.

Version 1.0rc4

There is a known problem with the rc4 schema.

In rc3 we changed Protocol and View params from

    <xsd:element name="param" xsi:type="vos:ParamType">
to use the same type as Node properties
    <xsd:element name="param" xsi:type="vos:PropertyType">

This meant that params were identified by uri rather than a string name.

The original intention was that we would use the fragment symbol '#' to reference the param description within the resource document for the protocol or view.

    <protocol uri="ivo://net.ivoa.vospace/protocols/ftp-get">
        <param uri="#name">
In this example, the param uri refers to the definition of the name param within the ftp-get protocol resource. The full uri of the param would be ivo://net.ivoa.vospace/protocols/ftp-get#name

However, the latest metadata schema allows more than one protocol or view to be defined in a single resource document.

    <vor:Resource xsi:type="vsp:VOSpaceProtocol">
        <protocol id="http-get">
        <protocol id="ftp-get">
            <param id="name">
This uses one resource document to register all of the vospace protocols as a set, and using the '#' fragment identifier to resolve one protocol within the set.

For example, the full uri for the ftp-get protocol would be ivo://net.ivoa.vospace/protocols#ftp-get

However, this means that we can't use the '#' fragment identifier to refer to a specific parameter within a protocol without overloading its meaning and using it twice. e.g. ivo://net.ivoa.vospace/protocols#ftp-get#name.

I can't see a strong use case for registering params as separate entities outside protocols and views, so we probably don't need a full uri to identifiy a param. In which case, to solve the above problems we might as well change back to using a string key to identify params within protocols and views.

So, next version of the schema will revert to using ParamType for protocol and view params, identified by a string key rather than a uri.

    <xsd:element name="param" xsi:type="vos:ParamType">

Note also that allowing more than one protocol description within one resource document means that we can end up with more than one element with the same id attribute.

    <vor:Resource xsi:type="vsp:VOSpaceProtocol">
        <protocol id="ftp-get">
            <param id="name">
            <param id="pass">
        <protocol id="ftp-put">
            <param id="name">
            <param id="pass">
In this example, we have two param elements with id="name" and two param elements with id="pass".

Ideally, the id attributes should be unique within an XML document, so the identifying attribute on param elements should probably be changed to key, matching the way they are used in the main schema.

Version 1.0rc3


This matches v0.22 of the specification document.

Version 1.0rc2

This release attempts to follow the interface described in version 0.21 of the specification document as closely as possible.

Changes from previous version

  • Use namespaces in release candidates that include release number
  • Make sure that the naming of operations/parameters more closely matches the written specification
  • Remove enumerations for security related types
  • Remove enumerations of transport keys
  • Remove enumerations of parameter key values
  • Remove any idea of callbacks
  • Remove the use of ChangeOwner operation

Change Requests

Keep Transports/Formats as separate opertation

-- PaulHarrison - 13 Jun 2006

I agree with adding the new methods. However, this should be changed in the specification first, not the WSDL. Move this to the specification change page.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006


name vote comment
DaveMorris -1 Change the specification document first
GuyRixon -1 Change spec first

Refactor use of DataObjectReference

This construct was there principally to get round difficulties in specifying the use-case "create a file with a server generated name" before the vos: URI scheme was approved. Not needed any more.

-- PaulHarrison - 16 Jun 2006

Needs to be much clearer what this represents.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006

Consider use of Status responses for some operations

Changing the method signatures to return status codes should be defined in the specification first, not the WSDL. Move this to the specification change page.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006


name vote comment
DaveMorris -1 Change the specification document first
GuyRixon -1 Don't see the need: we have faults for errors conditions

Include WSDL for VO Standard Interfaces

Is the VOSI WSDL finalized?


name vote comment
PaulHarrison +1 proposer

Version 1.0rc1

This is the first 'official' release candidate of the VOSpace interface definition, and is based on version 0.21 of the specification document, though is known not to follow this document exactly, as there are areas still to be finalized for which the WSDL is the best 'source'.



META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" date="1150212841" name="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" path="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" size="7450" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="1.0rc2 interface" date="1150814386" name="vospace-interface-1.0rc2.zip" path="vospace-interface-1.0rc2.zip" size="6232" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Matches v0.22 of the specification document" date="1153215532" name="vospace-1.0-rc3.zip" path="vospace-1.0-rc3.zip" size="6248" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Updated to rc4" date="1153402371" name="VOSpace-v1.0rc4.zip" path="VOSpace-v1.0rc4.zip" size="7350" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpace registry schema 1.0rc4" date="1153478231" name="VOSpaceResource-v1.0rc4.xsd" path="VOSpaceResource-v1.0rc4.xsd" size="11243" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="registry instance document 1.0rc4" date="1153478294" name="vospace-1.0rc4.xml" path="vospace-1.0rc4.xml" size="9424" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Service WSDL V1.0rc5" date="1154123906" name="VOSpaceContract-v1.0rc5.wsdl" path="VOSpaceContract-v1.0rc5.wsdl" size="46055" user="DaveMorris" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="XML Schema V1.0rc5" date="1154123941" name="VOSpaceTypes-v1.0rc5.xsd" path="VOSpaceTypes-v1.0rc5.xsd" size="39252" user="DaveMorris" version="1.1"

Revision 182006-07-25 - DaveMorris

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

VOSpace-1.0 WSDL and schema

This is a discussion page for the WSDL and schema for the VOSpace-1.0 service.

This is somewhere where we can post proposals for schema and WSDL to enable interested parties to discuss the different versions.

For each version there is a Change request section - please add to this and vote on other suggestions

  • +1 if you agree
  • -1 if you disagree
  • 0 if you have no particular preference

Once we have finalised the WSDL and schema, the final versions will be posted on the main Grid & Web Services page.

The experiments that were on this page have been moved


  • Schema discussion page created.

Core schema

This is the main section for schema and WSDL files.

The files for the 1.0 VOSpace release are

  • VOSpaceContract-v1.0rc4.wsdl the service WSDL contract
  • VOSpaceTypes-v1.0rc4.xsd the XSD schema file containing the XML type definitions.

Version 1.0rc4

There is a know problem with this version.

There is a known problem with the rc4 schema.

 In rc3 we changed Protocol and View params from
    <xsd:element name="param" xsi:type="vos:ParamType">
to use the same type as Node properties
    <xsd:element name="param" xsi:type="vos:PropertyType">

This meant that params were identified by uri rather than a string name.

The original intention was that we would use the fragment symbol '#' to reference the param description within the resource document for the protocol or view.

    <protocol uri="ivo://net.ivoa.vospace/protocols/ftp-get">
        <param uri="#name">
In this example, the param uri refers to the definition of the name param within the ftp-get protocol resource. The full uri of the param would be ivo://net.ivoa.vospace/protocols/ftp-get#name

However, the latest metadata schema allows more than one protocol or view to be defined in a single resource document.

    <vor:Resource xsi:type="vsp:VOSpaceProtocol">
        <protocol id="http-get">
        <protocol id="ftp-get">
            <param id="name">
This uses one resource document to register all of the vospace protocols as a set, and using the '#' fragment identifier to resolve one protocol within the set.

For example, the full uri for the ftp-get protocol would be ivo://net.ivoa.vospace/protocols#ftp-get

However, this means that we can't use the '#' fragment identifier to refer to a specific parameter within a protocol without overloading its meaning and using it twice. e.g. ivo://net.ivoa.vospace/protocols#ftp-get#name.

I can't see a strong use case for registering params as separate entities outside protocols and views, so we probably don't need a full uri to identifiy a param. In which case, to solve the above problems we might as well change back to using a string key to identify params within protocols and views.

So, next version of the schema will revert to using ParamType for protocol and view params, identified by a string key rather than a uri.

    <xsd:element name="param" xsi:type="vos:ParamType">

Note also that allowing more than one protocol description within one resource document means that we can end up with more than one element with the same id attribute.

    <vor:Resource xsi:type="vsp:VOSpaceProtocol">
        <protocol id="ftp-get">
            <param id="name">
            <param id="pass">
        <protocol id="ftp-put">
            <param id="name">
            <param id="pass">
In this example, we have two param elements with id="name" and two param elements with id="pass".

Ideally, the id attributes should be unique within an XML document, so the identifying attribute on param elements should probably be changed to key, matching the way they are used in the main schema.

Version 1.0rc3


This matches v0.22 of the specification document.

Version 1.0rc2

This release attempts to follow the interface described in version 0.21 of the specification document as closely as possible.

Changes from previous version

  • Use namespaces in release candidates that include release number
  • Make sure that the naming of operations/parameters more closely matches the written specification
  • Remove enumerations for security related types
  • Remove enumerations of transport keys
  • Remove enumerations of parameter key values
  • Remove any idea of callbacks
  • Remove the use of ChangeOwner operation

Change Requests

Keep Transports/Formats as separate opertation

-- PaulHarrison - 13 Jun 2006

I agree with adding the new methods. However, this should be changed in the specification first, not the WSDL. Move this to the specification change page.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006


name vote comment
DaveMorris -1 Change the specification document first
GuyRixon -1 Change spec first

Refactor use of DataObjectReference

This construct was there principally to get round difficulties in specifying the use-case "create a file with a server generated name" before the vos: URI scheme was approved. Not needed any more.

-- PaulHarrison - 16 Jun 2006

Needs to be much clearer what this represents.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006

Consider use of Status responses for some operations

Changing the method signatures to return status codes should be defined in the specification first, not the WSDL. Move this to the specification change page.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006


name vote comment
DaveMorris -1 Change the specification document first
GuyRixon -1 Don't see the need: we have faults for errors conditions

Include WSDL for VO Standard Interfaces

Is the VOSI WSDL finalized?


name vote comment
PaulHarrison +1 proposer

Version 1.0rc1

This is the first 'official' release candidate of the VOSpace interface definition, and is based on version 0.21 of the specification document, though is known not to follow this document exactly, as there are areas still to be finalized for which the WSDL is the best 'source'.



META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" date="1150212841" name="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" path="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" size="7450" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="1.0rc2 interface" date="1150814386" name="vospace-interface-1.0rc2.zip" path="vospace-interface-1.0rc2.zip" size="6232" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Matches v0.22 of the specification document" date="1153215532" name="vospace-1.0-rc3.zip" path="vospace-1.0-rc3.zip" size="6248" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Updated to rc4" date="1153402371" name="VOSpace-v1.0rc4.zip" path="VOSpace-v1.0rc4.zip" size="7350" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpace registry schema 1.0rc4" date="1153478231" name="VOSpaceResource-v1.0rc4.xsd" path="VOSpaceResource-v1.0rc4.xsd" size="11243" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="registry instance document 1.0rc4" date="1153478294" name="vospace-1.0rc4.xml" path="vospace-1.0rc4.xml" size="9424" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"

Revision 172006-07-21 - PaulHarrison

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

VOSpace-1.0 WSDL and schema

This is a discussion page for the WSDL and schema for the VOSpace-1.0 service.

This is somewhere where we can post proposals for schema and WSDL to enable interested parties to discuss the different versions.

For each version there is a Change request section - please add to this and vote on other suggestions

  • +1 if you agree
  • -1 if you disagree
  • 0 if you have no particular preference

Once we have finalised the WSDL and schema, the final versions will be posted on the main Grid & Web Services page.

The experiments that were on this page have been moved


  • Schema discussion page created.

Core schema

This is the main section for schema and WSDL files.

The files for the 1.0 VOSpace release are

  • VOSpaceContract-v1.0rc4.wsdl the service WSDL contract
  • VOSpaceTypes-v1.0rc4.xsd the XSD schema file containing the XML type definitions.

Version 1.0rc4

There is a know problem with this version.

In rc3 we changed Protocol and View params from

    <xsd:element name="param" xsi:type="vos:ParamType">
to use the same type as Node properties
    <xsd:element name="param" xsi:type="vos:PropertyType">

This meant that params were identified by uri rather than a string name.

The original intention was that we would use the fragment symbol '#' to reference the param description within the resource document for the protocol or view.

    <protocol uri="ivo://net.ivoa.vospace/protocols/ftp-get">
        <param uri="#name">
In this example, the param uri refers to the definition of the name param within the ftp-get protocol resource. The full uri of the param would be ivo://net.ivoa.vospace/protocols/ftp-get#name

However, the latest metadata schema allows more than one protocol or view to be defined in a single resource document.

    <vor:Resource xsi:type="vsp:VOSpaceProtocol">
        <protocol id="http-get">
        <protocol id="ftp-get">
            <param id="name">
This uses one resource document to register all of the vospace protocols as a set, and using the '#' fragment identifier to resolve one protocol within the set.

For example, the full uri for the ftp-get protocol would be ivo://net.ivoa.vospace/protocols#ftp-get

However, this means that we can't use the '#' fragment identifier to refer to a specific parameter within a protocol without overloading its meaning and using it twice. e.g. ivo://net.ivoa.vospace/protocols#ftp-get#name.

I can't see a strong use case for registering params as separate entities outside protocols and views, so we probably don't need a full uri to identifiy a param. In which case, to solve the above problems we might as well change back to using a string key to identify params within protocols and views.

So, next version of the schema will revert to using ParamType for protocol and view params, identified by a string key rather than a uri.

    <xsd:element name="param" xsi:type="vos:ParamType">

Note also that allowing more than one protocol description within one resource document means that we can end up with more than one element with the same id attribute.

    <vor:Resource xsi:type="vsp:VOSpaceProtocol">
        <protocol id="ftp-get">
            <param id="name">
            <param id="pass">
        <protocol id="ftp-put">
            <param id="name">
            <param id="pass">
In this example, we have two param elements with id="name" and two param elements with id="pass".

Ideally, the id attributes should be unique within an XML document, so the identifying attribute on param elements should probably be changed to key, matching the way they are used in the main schema.

Version 1.0rc3


This matches v0.22 of the specification document.

Version 1.0rc2

This release attempts to follow the interface described in version 0.21 of the specification document as closely as possible.

Changes from previous version

  • Use namespaces in release candidates that include release number
  • Make sure that the naming of operations/parameters more closely matches the written specification
  • Remove enumerations for security related types
  • Remove enumerations of transport keys
  • Remove enumerations of parameter key values
  • Remove any idea of callbacks
  • Remove the use of ChangeOwner operation

Change Requests

Keep Transports/Formats as separate opertation

-- PaulHarrison - 13 Jun 2006

I agree with adding the new methods. However, this should be changed in the specification first, not the WSDL. Move this to the specification change page.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006


name vote comment
DaveMorris -1 Change the specification document first
GuyRixon -1 Change spec first

Refactor use of DataObjectReference

This construct was there principally to get round difficulties in specifying the use-case "create a file with a server generated name" before the vos: URI scheme was approved. Not needed any more.

-- PaulHarrison - 16 Jun 2006

Needs to be much clearer what this represents.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006

Consider use of Status responses for some operations

Changing the method signatures to return status codes should be defined in the specification first, not the WSDL. Move this to the specification change page.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006


name vote comment
DaveMorris -1 Change the specification document first
GuyRixon -1 Don't see the need: we have faults for errors conditions

Include WSDL for VO Standard Interfaces

Is the VOSI WSDL finalized?


name vote comment
PaulHarrison +1 proposer

Version 1.0rc1

This is the first 'official' release candidate of the VOSpace interface definition, and is based on version 0.21 of the specification document, though is known not to follow this document exactly, as there are areas still to be finalized for which the WSDL is the best 'source'.



META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" date="1150212841" name="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" path="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" size="7450" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="1.0rc2 interface" date="1150814386" name="vospace-interface-1.0rc2.zip" path="vospace-interface-1.0rc2.zip" size="6232" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Matches v0.22 of the specification document" date="1153215532" name="vospace-1.0-rc3.zip" path="vospace-1.0-rc3.zip" size="6248" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Updated to rc4" date="1153402371" name="VOSpace-v1.0rc4.zip" path="VOSpace-v1.0rc4.zip" size="7350" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpace registry schema 1.0rc4" date="1153478231" name="VOSpaceResource-v1.0rc4.xsd" path="VOSpaceResource-v1.0rc4.xsd" size="11243" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="registry instance document 1.0rc4" date="1153478294" name="vospace-1.0rc4.xml" path="vospace-1.0rc4.xml" size="9424" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"

Revision 162006-07-20 - GuyRixon

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

VOSpace-1.0 WSDL and schema

This is a discussion page for the WSDL and schema for the VOSpace-1.0 service.

This is somewhere where we can post proposals for schema and WSDL to enable interested parties to discuss the different versions.

For each version there is a Change request section - please add to this and vote on other suggestions

  • +1 if you agree
  • -1 if you disagree
  • 0 if you have no particular preference

Once we have finalised the WSDL and schema, the final versions will be posted on the main Grid & Web Services page.

The experiments that were on this page have been moved


  • Schema discussion page created.

Core schema

This is the main section for schema and WSDL files.

The files for the 1.0 VOSpace release are

  • VOSpaceContract-v1.0rc4.wsdl the service WSDL contract
  • VOSpaceTypes-v1.0rc4.xsd the XSD schema file containing the XML type definitions.

Version 1.0rc4

There is a know problem with this version.

In rc3 we changed Protocol and View params from

    <xsd:element name="param" xsi:type="vos:ParamType">
to use the same type as Node properties
    <xsd:element name="param" xsi:type="vos:PropertyType">

This meant that params were identified by uri rather than a string name.

The original intention was that we would use the fragment symbol '#' to reference the param description within the resource document for the protocol or view.

    <protocol uri="ivo://net.ivoa.vospace/protocols/ftp-get">
        <param uri="#name">
In this example, the param uri refers to the definition of the name param within the ftp-get protocol resource. The full uri of the param would be ivo://net.ivoa.vospace/protocols/ftp-get#name

However, the latest metadata schema allows more than one protocol or view to be defined in a single resource document.

    <vor:Resource xsi:type="vsp:VOSpaceProtocol">
        <protocol id="http-get">
        <protocol id="ftp-get">
            <param id="name">
This uses one resource document to register all of the vospace protocols as a set, and using the '#' fragment identifier to resolve one protocol within the set.

For example, the full uri for the ftp-get protocol would be ivo://net.ivoa.vospace/protocols#ftp-get

However, this means that we can't use the '#' fragment identifier to refer to a specific parameter within a protocol without overloading its meaning and using it twice. e.g. ivo://net.ivoa.vospace/protocols#ftp-get#name.

I can't see a strong use case for registering params as separate entities outside protocols and views, so we probably don't need a full uri to identifiy a param. In which case, to solve the above problems we might as well change back to using a string key to identify params within protocols and views.

So, next version of the schema will revert to using ParamType for protocol and view params, identified by a string key rather than a uri.

    <xsd:element name="param" xsi:type="vos:ParamType">

Note also that allowing more than one protocol description within one resource document means that we can end up with more than one element with the same id attribute.

    <vor:Resource xsi:type="vsp:VOSpaceProtocol">
        <protocol id="ftp-get">
            <param id="name">
            <param id="pass">
        <protocol id="ftp-put">
            <param id="name">
            <param id="pass">
In this example, we have two param elements with id="name" and two param elements with id="pass".

Ideally, the id attributes should be unique within an XML document, so the identifying attribute on param elements should probably be changed to key, matching the way they are used in the main schema.


Version 1.0rc3


This matches v0.22 of the specification document.

Version 1.0rc2

This release attempts to follow the interface described in version 0.21 of the specification document as closely as possible.

Changes from previous version

  • Use namespaces in release candidates that include release number
  • Make sure that the naming of operations/parameters more closely matches the written specification
  • Remove enumerations for security related types
  • Remove enumerations of transport keys
  • Remove enumerations of parameter key values
  • Remove any idea of callbacks
  • Remove the use of ChangeOwner operation

Change Requests

Keep Transports/Formats as separate opertation

-- PaulHarrison - 13 Jun 2006

I agree with adding the new methods. However, this should be changed in the specification first, not the WSDL. Move this to the specification change page.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006


name vote comment
DaveMorris -1 Change the specification document first
GuyRixon -1 Change spec first

Refactor use of DataObjectReference

This construct was there principally to get round difficulties in specifying the use-case "create a file with a server generated name" before the vos: URI scheme was approved. Not needed any more.

-- PaulHarrison - 16 Jun 2006

Needs to be much clearer what this represents.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006

Consider use of Status responses for some operations

Changing the method signatures to return status codes should be defined in the specification first, not the WSDL. Move this to the specification change page.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006


name vote comment
DaveMorris -1 Change the specification document first
GuyRixon -1 Don't see the need: we have faults for errors conditions

Include WSDL for VO Standard Interfaces

Is the VOSI WSDL finalized?


name vote comment
PaulHarrison +1 proposer

Version 1.0rc1

This is the first 'official' release candidate of the VOSpace interface definition, and is based on version 0.21 of the specification document, though is known not to follow this document exactly, as there are areas still to be finalized for which the WSDL is the best 'source'.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" date="1150212841" name="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" path="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" size="7450" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="1.0rc2 interface" date="1150814386" name="vospace-interface-1.0rc2.zip" path="vospace-interface-1.0rc2.zip" size="6232" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Matches v0.22 of the specification document" date="1153215532" name="vospace-1.0-rc3.zip" path="vospace-1.0-rc3.zip" size="6248" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Updated to rc4" date="1153402371" name="VOSpace-v1.0rc4.zip" path="VOSpace-v1.0rc4.zip" size="7350" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"

Revision 152006-07-20 - GuyRixon

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

VOSpace-1.0 WSDL and schema

This is a discussion page for the WSDL and schema for the VOSpace-1.0 service.

This is somewhere where we can post proposals for schema and WSDL to enable interested parties to discuss the different versions.

For each version there is a Change request section - please add to this and vote on other suggestions

  • +1 if you agree
  • -1 if you disagree
  • 0 if you have no particular preference

Once we have finalised the WSDL and schema, the final versions will be posted on the main Grid & Web Services page.

The experiments that were on this page have been moved


  • Schema discussion page created.

Core schema

This is the main section for schema and WSDL files.

The files for the 1.0 VOSpace release are

  1. VOSpace-v1.0.wsdl the main WSDL file.
  2. VOSpaceBase-v1.0.xsd a subsidiary schema file that contains core types that might be useful in implementing a VOSpace server cf. the WSDL which contains types that are used only in the web service interface.
  • VOSpaceContract-v1.0rc4.wsdl the service WSDL contract
  • VOSpaceTypes-v1.0rc4.xsd the XSD schema file containing the XML type definitions.
These file are packaged in a zip file which is named with the release candidate number for each sucessive release candidate. The exact release candidate number is also reflected in the files in

Version 1.0rc4

  • the version attribute of the top level xsd:schema element in the schema file
  • the name attribute of the top level wsdl:definitions element in the WSDL file

Version 1.0rc3


This matches v0.22 of the specification document.


Version 1.0rc2

This release attempts to follow the interface described in version 0.21 of the specification document as closely as possible.

Changes from previous version

  • Use namespaces in release candidates that include release number
  • Make sure that the naming of operations/parameters more closely matches the written specification
  • Remove enumerations for security related types
  • Remove enumerations of transport keys
  • Remove enumerations of parameter key values
  • Remove any idea of callbacks
  • Remove the use of ChangeOwner operation

Change Requests

Keep Transports/Formats as separate opertation

-- PaulHarrison - 13 Jun 2006

I agree with adding the new methods. However, this should be changed in the specification first, not the WSDL. Move this to the specification change page.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006


name vote comment
DaveMorris -1 Change the specification document first
GuyRixon -1 Change spec first

Refactor use of DataObjectReference

This construct was there principally to get round difficulties in specifying the use-case "create a file with a server generated name" before the vos: URI scheme was approved. Not needed any more.

-- PaulHarrison - 16 Jun 2006

Needs to be much clearer what this represents.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006

Consider use of Status responses for some operations

Changing the method signatures to return status codes should be defined in the specification first, not the WSDL. Move this to the specification change page.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006


name vote comment
DaveMorris -1 Change the specification document first
GuyRixon -1 Don't see the need: we have faults for errors conditions

Include WSDL for VO Standard Interfaces

Is the VOSI WSDL finalized?


name vote comment
PaulHarrison +1 proposer

Version 1.0rc1

This is the first 'official' release candidate of the VOSpace interface definition, and is based on version 0.21 of the specification document, though is known not to follow this document exactly, as there are areas still to be finalized for which the WSDL is the best 'source'.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" date="1150212841" name="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" path="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" size="7450" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="1.0rc2 interface" date="1150814386" name="vospace-interface-1.0rc2.zip" path="vospace-interface-1.0rc2.zip" size="6232" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Matches v0.22 of the specification document" date="1153215532" name="vospace-1.0-rc3.zip" path="vospace-1.0-rc3.zip" size="6248" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Updated to rc4" date="1153402371" name="VOSpace-v1.0rc4.zip" path="VOSpace-v1.0rc4.zip" size="7350" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"

Revision 142006-07-18 - GuyRixon

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

VOSpace-1.0 WSDL and schema

This is a discussion page for the WSDL and schema for the VOSpace-1.0 service.

This is somewhere where we can post proposals for schema and WSDL to enable interested parties to discuss the different versions.

For each version there is a Change request section - please add to this and vote on other suggestions

  • +1 if you agree
  • -1 if you disagree
  • 0 if you have no particular preference

Once we have finalised the WSDL and schema, the final versions will be posted on the main Grid & Web Services page.

The experiments that were on this page have been moved


  • Schema discussion page created.

Core schema

This is the main section for schema and WSDL files.

The files for the 1.0 VOSpace release are

  1. VOSpace-v1.0.wsdl the main WSDL file.
  2. VOSpaceBase-v1.0.xsd a subsidiary schema file that contains core types that might be useful in implementing a VOSpace server cf. the WSDL which contains types that are used only in the web service interface.

These file are packaged in a zip file which is named with the release candidate number for each sucessive release candidate. The exact release candidate number is also reflected in the files in

  • the version attribute of the top level xsd:schema element in the schema file
  • the name attribute of the top level wsdl:definitions element in the WSDL file

Version 1.0rc3


This matches v0.22 of the specification document.


Version 1.0rc2

This release attempts to follow the interface described in version 0.21 of the specification document as closely as possible.

Changes from previous version

  • Use namespaces in release candidates that include release number
  • Make sure that the naming of operations/parameters more closely matches the written specification
  • Remove enumerations for security related types
  • Remove enumerations of transport keys
  • Remove enumerations of parameter key values
  • Remove any idea of callbacks
  • Remove the use of ChangeOwner operation

Change Requests

Keep Transports/Formats as separate opertation

-- PaulHarrison - 13 Jun 2006

I agree with adding the new methods. However, this should be changed in the specification first, not the WSDL. Move this to the specification change page.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006


name vote comment
DaveMorris -1 Change the specification document first
GuyRixon -1 Change spec first

Refactor use of DataObjectReference

This construct was there principally to get round difficulties in specifying the use-case "create a file with a server generated name" before the vos: URI scheme was approved. Not needed any more.

-- PaulHarrison - 16 Jun 2006

Needs to be much clearer what this represents.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006

Consider use of Status responses for some operations

Changing the method signatures to return status codes should be defined in the specification first, not the WSDL. Move this to the specification change page.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006


name vote comment
DaveMorris -1 Change the specification document first
GuyRixon -1 Don't see the need: we have faults for errors conditions

Include WSDL for VO Standard Interfaces

Is the VOSI WSDL finalized?


name vote comment
PaulHarrison +1 proposer

Version 1.0rc1

This is the first 'official' release candidate of the VOSpace interface definition, and is based on version 0.21 of the specification document, though is known not to follow this document exactly, as there are areas still to be finalized for which the WSDL is the best 'source'.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" date="1150212841" name="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" path="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" size="7450" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="1.0rc2 interface" date="1150814386" name="vospace-interface-1.0rc2.zip" path="vospace-interface-1.0rc2.zip" size="6232" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Matches v0.22 of the specification document" date="1153215532" name="vospace-1.0-rc3.zip" path="vospace-1.0-rc3.zip" size="6248" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"

Revision 132006-06-20 - PaulHarrison

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

VOSpace-1.0 WSDL and schema

This is a discussion page for the WSDL and schema for the VOSpace-1.0 service.

This is somewhere where we can post proposals for schema and WSDL to enable interested parties to discuss the different versions.

For each version there is a Change request section - please add to this and vote on other suggestions

  • +1 if you agree
  • -1 if you disagree
  • 0 if you have no particular preference

Once we have finalised the WSDL and schema, the final versions will be posted on the main Grid & Web Services page.

The experiments that were on this page have been moved


  • Schema discussion page created.

Core schema

This is the main section for schema and WSDL files.

The files for the 1.0 VOSpace release are

  1. VOSpace-v1.0.wsdl the main WSDL file.
  2. VOSpaceBase-v1.0.xsd a subsidiary schema file that contains core types that might be useful in implementing a VOSpace server cf. the WSDL which contains types that are used only in the web service interface.

These file are packaged in a zip file which is named with the release candidate number for each sucessive release candidate. The exact release candidate number is also reflected in the files in

  • the version attribute of the top level xsd:schema element in the schema file
  • the name attribute of the top level wsdl:definitions element in the WSDL file

Version 1.0rc1


Version 1.0rc2

This is the first 'official' release candidate of the VOSpace interface definition, and is based on version 0.21 of the specification document, though is known not to follow this document exactly, as there are areas still to be finalized for which the WSDL is the best 'source'.
This release attempts to follow the interface described in version 0.21 of the specification document as closely as possible.

Changes from previous version

  • Use namespaces in release candidates that include release number
  • Make sure that the naming of operations/parameters more closely matches the written specification
  • Remove enumerations for security related types
  • Remove enumerations of transport keys
  • Remove enumerations of parameter key values
  • Remove any idea of callbacks
  • Remove the use of ChangeOwner operation

Change Requests


Use namespaces in release candidates that include release number


name vote comment
PaulHarrison -1
DaveMorris +1
GuyRixon +1
MatthewGraham +1

Make sure that the naming of operations/parameters more closely matches the written specification


name vote comment
PaulHarrison +1
DaveMorris +1
GuyRixon +1
MatthewGraham +1

Remove enumerations for security related types


name vote comment
GuyRixon +1
PaulHarrison +1
DaveMorris +1 Not in the specification document

Remove enumerations of transport keys


name vote comment
GuyRixon +1
PaulHarrison +1 iff this issue is better specified in the standard document
DaveMorris +1 Open list of known transports defined in the standard document

Remove enumerations of parameter key values


name vote comment
GuyRixon +1
PaulHarrison +1 iff this issue is better specified in the standard document
DaveMorris +1 Open list of vos keys defined in the standard document

Remove any idea of callbacks


name vote comment
PaulHarrison +1 iff this issue is better specified in the standard document
GuyRixon +1
DaveMorris +1 Not in the specification document

Remove the use of ChangeOwner operation


name vote comment
PaulHarrison 0 we do want this concept in 2.0 definitely and 2.0 servers are supposed to be able to talk to 1.0 servers - if we remove it now, we need to have a 1.1 release that does have different WSDL - however if we accept that 1.1 could have different WSDL then it can be dropped from 1.0.
MatthewGraham +1
DaveMorris +1 Not in the specification document
GuyRixon +1  

Keep Transports/Formats as separate opertation

-- PaulHarrison - 13 Jun 2006

I agree with adding the new methods. However, this should be changed in the specification first, not the WSDL. Move this to the specification change page.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006


name vote comment
DaveMorris -1 Change the specification document first
GuyRixon -1 Change spec first

Refactor use of DataObjectReference

This construct was there principally to get round difficulties in specifying the use-case "create a file with a server generated name" before the vos: URI scheme was approved. Not needed any more.

-- PaulHarrison - 16 Jun 2006

Needs to be much clearer what this represents.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006

Consider use of Status responses for some operations

Changing the method signatures to return status codes should be defined in the specification first, not the WSDL. Move this to the specification change page.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006


name vote comment
DaveMorris -1 Change the specification document first
GuyRixon -1 Don't see the need: we have faults for errors conditions


The experiments have been moved to a separate page

Include WSDL for VO Standard Interfaces

Is the VOSI WSDL finalized?


name vote comment
PaulHarrison +1 proposer


Version 1.0rc1

This is the first 'official' release candidate of the VOSpace interface definition, and is based on version 0.21 of the specification document, though is known not to follow this document exactly, as there are areas still to be finalized for which the WSDL is the best 'source'.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" date="1150212841" name="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" path="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" size="7450" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="1.0rc2 interface" date="1150814386" name="vospace-interface-1.0rc2.zip" path="vospace-interface-1.0rc2.zip" size="6232" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"

Revision 122006-06-19 - PaulHarrison

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

VOSpace-1.0 WSDL and schema

This is a discussion page for the WSDL and schema for the VOSpace-1.0 service.

This is somewhere where we can post proposals for schema and WSDL to enable interested parties to discuss the different versions.

For each version there is a Change request section - please add to this and vote on other suggestions

  • +1 if you agree
  • -1 if you disagree
  • 0 if you have no particular preference

Once we have finalised the WSDL and schema, the final versions will be posted on the main Grid & Web Services page.


  • Schema discussion page created.

Core schema

This is the main section for schema and WSDL files.

The files for the 1.0 VOSpace release are

  1. VOSpace-v1.0.wsdl the main WSDL file.
  2. VOSpaceBase-v1.0.xsd a subsidiary schema file that contains core types that might be useful in implementing a VOSpace server cf. the WSDL which contains types that are used only in the web service interface.

These file are packaged in a zip file which is named with the release candidate number for each sucessive release candidate. The exact release candidate number is also reflected in the files in

  • the version attribute of the top level xsd:schema element in the schema file
  • the name attribute of the top level wsdl:definitions element in the WSDL file

Version 1.0rc1

This is the first 'official' release candidate of the VOSpace interface definition, and is based on version 0.21 of the specification document, though is known not to follow this document exactly, as there are areas still to be finalized for which the WSDL is the best 'source'.

Change Requests


Rename bulk data transfer operations

  • I stilll find the data transfer operations confusing- I think that the basic problem is that the push and pull verbs are opposite in meaning and viewed from opposite perspectives. I have a new set of proposals

old name new name"
pushDataToVoSpace importDataClientPush
pullDataToVoSpace importDataServerPull
pushDataFromVoSpace exportDataServerPush
pullDataFromVoSpace exportDataClientPull

which I think are better because

  1. the overall objective of the operation is the first verb
  2. the active party in the transfer is identified
  3. the direction of the transfer is then related to the active party.

-- PaulHarrison - 13 Jun 2006

This is a change to the specification not the WSDL, move this to the specification change page.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006


name vote comment
PaulHarrison +1
MatthewGraham 0
DaveMorris -1 Change the specification document first
GuyRixon -1  

Use namespaces in release candidates that include release number


name vote comment
PaulHarrison -1
DaveMorris +1
GuyRixon +1
MatthewGraham +1

Make sure that the naming of operations/parameters more closely matches the written specification


name vote comment
PaulHarrison +1
DaveMorris +1
GuyRixon +1
MatthewGraham +1

Remove enumerations for security related types


name vote comment
GuyRixon +1
PaulHarrison +1
DaveMorris +1 Not in the specification document

Remove enumerations of transport keys


name vote comment
GuyRixon +1
PaulHarrison +1 iff this issue is better specified in the standard document
DaveMorris +1 Open list of known transports defined in the standard document

Remove enumerations of parameter key values


name vote comment
GuyRixon +1
PaulHarrison +1 iff this issue is better specified in the standard document
DaveMorris +1 Open list of vos keys defined in the standard document

Remove any idea of callbacks


name vote comment
PaulHarrison +1 iff this issue is better specified in the standard document
GuyRixon +1
DaveMorris +1 Not in the specification document

Remove the use of ChangeOwner operation


name vote comment
PaulHarrison 0 we do want this concept in 2.0 definitely and 2.0 servers are supposed to be able to talk to 1.0 servers - if we remove it now, we need to have a 1.1 release that does have different WSDL - however if we accept that 1.1 could have different WSDL then it can be dropped from 1.0.
MatthewGraham +1
DaveMorris +1 Not in the specification document
GuyRixon +1  

Keep Transports/Formats as separate opertation

-- PaulHarrison - 13 Jun 2006

I agree with adding the new methods. However, this should be changed in the specification first, not the WSDL. Move this to the specification change page.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006


name vote comment
DaveMorris -1 Change the specification document first
GuyRixon -1 Change spec first

Keep new GetPropertyKeys operation

not in the spec and an idea that I have had basically because I am still a little worried about interoperability problems with the completely untyped nature of the property-key pairs - particularly as they are expected to carry some fundamental metadata about the data objects in the current implementation. This call would return the complete list of key names that have been used in the VOSpace, which would then allow clients to attempt to be consistent in the use of key names - it is not much but at least it does provide a mechanism to voluntarily avoid complete anarchy.

-- PaulHarrison - 13 Jun 2006

I agree with adding the method. However, this should be changed in the specification first, not the WSDL. Move this to the specification change page.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006


name vote comment
PaulHarrison +1
DaveMorris -1 Change the specification document first
GuyRixon -1 Add to spec document first
MatthewGraham +1

Refactor use of DataObjectReference

This construct was there principally to get round difficulties in specifying the use-case "create a file with a server generated name" before the vos: URI scheme was approved. Not needed any more.

-- PaulHarrison - 16 Jun 2006

Needs to be much clearer what this represents.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006


Add new createTempNode operation

related to refactoring use of DataObjectReference - still need a way to "support server generated name" use case.

-- PaulHarrison - 16 Jun 2006

I agree with adding the method. However, this should be changed in the specification first, not the WSDL. Move this to the specification change page.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006


name vote comment
DaveMorris -1 Change the specification document first
GuyRixon -1 Refactir spec first (especially important in this case

Consider use of Status responses for some operations

Changing the method signatures to return status codes should be defined in the specification first, not the WSDL. Move this to the specification change page.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006


name vote comment
DaveMorris -1 Change the specification document first
GuyRixon -1 Don't see the need: we have faults for errors conditions


The experiments have been moved to a separate page


Include WSDL for VO Standard Interfaces

Is the VOSI WSDL finalized?


name vote comment
PaulHarrison +1 proposer

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" date="1150212841" name="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" path="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" size="7450" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"

Revision 112006-06-16 - GuyRixon

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

VOSpace-1.0 WSDL and schema

This is a discussion page for the WSDL and schema for the VOSpace-1.0 service.

This is somewhere where we can post proposals for schema and WSDL to enable interested parties to discuss the different versions.

For each version there is a Change request section - please add to this and vote on other suggestions

  • +1 if you agree
  • -1 if you disagree
  • 0 if you have no particular preference

Once we have finalised the WSDL and schema, the final versions will be posted on the main Grid & Web Services page.


  • Schema discussion page created.

Core schema

This is the main section for schema and WSDL files.

The files for the 1.0 VOSpace release are

  1. VOSpace-v1.0.wsdl the main WSDL file.
  2. VOSpaceBase-v1.0.xsd a subsidiary schema file that contains core types that might be useful in implementing a VOSpace server cf. the WSDL which contains types that are used only in the web service interface.

These file are packaged in a zip file which is named with the release candidate number for each sucessive release candidate. The exact release candidate number is also reflected in the files in

  • the version attribute of the top level xsd:schema element in the schema file
  • the name attribute of the top level wsdl:definitions element in the WSDL file

Version 1.0rc1

This is the first 'official' release candidate of the VOSpace interface definition, and is based on version 0.21 of the specification document, though is known not to follow this document exactly, as there are areas still to be finalized for which the WSDL is the best 'source'.

Change Requests

Rename bulk data transfer operations

  • I stilll find the data transfer operations confusing- I think that the basic problem is that the push and pull verbs are opposite in meaning and viewed from opposite perspectives. I have a new set of proposals

old name new name"
pushDataToVoSpace importDataClientPush
pullDataToVoSpace importDataServerPull
pushDataFromVoSpace exportDataServerPush
pullDataFromVoSpace exportDataClientPull

which I think are better because

  1. the overall objective of the operation is the first verb
  2. the active party in the transfer is identified
  3. the direction of the transfer is then related to the active party.

-- PaulHarrison - 13 Jun 2006

This is a change to the specification not the WSDL, move this to the specification change page.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006


name vote comment
PaulHarrison +1
MatthewGraham 0
DaveMorris -1 Change the specification document first
GuyRixon -1  

Use namespaces in release candidates that include release number


name vote comment
PaulHarrison -1
DaveMorris +1
GuyRixon +1
MatthewGraham +1

Make sure that the naming of operations/parameters more closely matches the written specification


name vote comment
PaulHarrison +1
DaveMorris +1
GuyRixon +1
MatthewGraham +1

Remove enumerations for security related types


name vote comment
GuyRixon +1
PaulHarrison +1
DaveMorris +1 Not in the specification document

Remove enumerations of transport keys


name vote comment
GuyRixon +1
PaulHarrison +1 iff this issue is better specified in the standard document
DaveMorris +1 Open list of known transports defined in the standard document

Remove enumerations of parameter key values


name vote comment
GuyRixon +1
PaulHarrison +1 iff this issue is better specified in the standard document
DaveMorris +1 Open list of vos keys defined in the standard document

Remove any idea of callbacks


name vote comment
PaulHarrison +1 iff this issue is better specified in the standard document
GuyRixon +1
DaveMorris +1 Not in the specification document

Remove the use of ChangeOwner operation


name vote comment
PaulHarrison 0 we do want this concept in 2.0 definitely and 2.0 servers are supposed to be able to talk to 1.0 servers - if we remove it now, we need to have a 1.1 release that does have different WSDL - however if we accept that 1.1 could have different WSDL then it can be dropped from 1.0.
MatthewGraham +1
DaveMorris +1 Not in the specification document
GuyRixon +1  

Keep Transports/Formats as separate opertation

-- PaulHarrison - 13 Jun 2006

I agree with adding the new methods. However, this should be changed in the specification first, not the WSDL. Move this to the specification change page.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006


name vote comment
DaveMorris -1 Change the specification document first
GuyRixon -1 Change spec first

Keep new GetPropertyKeys operation

not in the spec and an idea that I have had basically because I am still a little worried about interoperability problems with the completely untyped nature of the property-key pairs - particularly as they are expected to carry some fundamental metadata about the data objects in the current implementation. This call would return the complete list of key names that have been used in the VOSpace, which would then allow clients to attempt to be consistent in the use of key names - it is not much but at least it does provide a mechanism to voluntarily avoid complete anarchy.

-- PaulHarrison - 13 Jun 2006

I agree with adding the method. However, this should be changed in the specification first, not the WSDL. Move this to the specification change page.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006


name vote comment
PaulHarrison +1
DaveMorris -1 Change the specification document first
GuyRixon +1
GuyRixon -1 Add to spec document first
MatthewGraham +1

Refactor use of DataObjectReference

This construct was there principally to get round difficulties in specifying the use-case "create a file with a server generated name" before the vos: URI scheme was approved. Not needed any more.

-- PaulHarrison - 16 Jun 2006

Needs to be much clearer what this represents.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006

Add new createTempNode operation

related to refactoring use of DataObjectReference - still need a way to "support server generated name" use case.

-- PaulHarrison - 16 Jun 2006

I agree with adding the method. However, this should be changed in the specification first, not the WSDL. Move this to the specification change page.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006


name vote comment
DaveMorris -1 Change the specification document first
GuyRixon -1 Refactir spec first (especially important in this case

Consider use of Status responses for some operations

Changing the method signatures to return status codes should be defined in the specification first, not the WSDL. Move this to the specification change page.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006


name vote comment
DaveMorris -1 Change the specification document first
GuyRixon -1 Don't see the need: we have faults for errors conditions


The experiments have been moved to a separate page


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" date="1150212841" name="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" path="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" size="7450" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"

Revision 102006-06-16 - DaveMorris

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

VOSpace-1.0 WSDL and schema

This is a discussion page for the WSDL and schema for the VOSpace-1.0 service.

This is somewhere where we can post proposals for schema and WSDL to enable interested parties to discuss the different versions.

For each version there is a Change request section - please add to this and vote on other suggestions

  • +1 if you agree
  • -1 if you disagree
  • 0 if you have no particular preference

Once we have finalised the WSDL and schema, the final versions will be posted on the main Grid & Web Services page.


  • Schema discussion page created.

Core schema

This is the main section for schema and WSDL files.

The files for the 1.0 VOSpace release are

  1. VOSpace-v1.0.wsdl the main WSDL file.
  2. VOSpaceBase-v1.0.xsd a subsidiary schema file that contains core types that might be useful in implementing a VOSpace server cf. the WSDL which contains types that are used only in the web service interface.

These file are packaged in a zip file which is named with the release candidate number for each sucessive release candidate. The exact release candidate number is also reflected in the files in

  • the version attribute of the top level xsd:schema element in the schema file
  • the name attribute of the top level wsdl:definitions element in the WSDL file

Version 1.0rc1

This is the first 'official' release candidate of the VOSpace interface definition, and is based on version 0.21 of the specification document, though is known not to follow this document exactly, as there are areas still to be finalized for which the WSDL is the best 'source'.

Change Requests

Rename bulk data transfer operations

  • I stilll find the data transfer operations confusing- I think that the basic problem is that the push and pull verbs are opposite in meaning and viewed from opposite perspectives. I have a new set of proposals

old name new name"
pushDataToVoSpace importDataClientPush
pullDataToVoSpace importDataServerPull
pushDataFromVoSpace exportDataServerPush
pullDataFromVoSpace exportDataClientPull

which I think are better because

  1. the overall objective of the operation is the first verb
  2. the active party in the transfer is identified
  3. the direction of the transfer is then related to the active party.
 -- PaulHarrison - 13 Jun 2006
This is a change to the specification not the WSDL, move this to the specification change page.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006



name vote comment
PaulHarrison +1
MatthewGraham 0
DaveMorris 0
DaveMorris -1 Change the specification document first

Use namespaces in release candidates that include release number


name vote comment
PaulHarrison -1
DaveMorris +1
GuyRixon +1
MatthewGraham +1

Make sure that the naming of operations/parameters more closely matches the written specification


name vote comment
PaulHarrison +1
DaveMorris +1
GuyRixon +1
MatthewGraham +1

Remove enumerations for security related types


name vote comment
GuyRixon +1
PaulHarrison +1
DaveMorris +1
DaveMorris +1 Not in the specification document

Remove enumerations of transport keys


name vote comment
GuyRixon +1
PaulHarrison +1 iff this issue is better specified in the standard document
DaveMorris +1 Open list of known transports defined in the standard document

Remove enumerations of parameter key values


name vote comment
GuyRixon +1
PaulHarrison +1 iff this issue is better specified in the standard document
DaveMorris +1 Open list of vos keys defined in the standard document

Remove any idea of callbacks


name vote comment
PaulHarrison +1 iff this issue is better specified in the standard document
GuyRixon +1
DaveMorris +1
DaveMorris +1 Not in the specification document

Remove the use of ChangeOwner operation


name vote comment
PaulHarrison 0 we do want this concept in 2.0 definitely and 2.0 servers are supposed to be able to talk to 1.0 servers - if we remove it now, we need to have a 1.1 release that does have different WSDL - however if we accept that 1.1 could have different WSDL then it can be dropped from 1.0.
MatthewGraham +1
DaveMorris +1
DaveMorris +1 Not in the specification document

Keep Transports/Formats as separate opertation

-- PaulHarrison - 13 Jun 2006

I agree with adding the new methods. However, this should be changed in the specification first, not the WSDL. Move this to the specification change page.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006



name vote comment
DaveMorris +1 These return a list of URIs for the transports and formats
DaveMorris -1 Change the specification document first

Keep new GetPropertyKeys operation

not in the spec and an idea that I have had basically because I am still a little worried about interoperability problems with the completely untyped nature of the property-key pairs - particularly as they are expected to carry some fundamental metadata about the data objects in the current implementation. This call would return the complete list of key names that have been used in the VOSpace, which would then allow clients to attempt to be consistent in the use of key names - it is not much but at least it does provide a mechanism to voluntarily avoid complete anarchy.
-- PaulHarrison - 13 Jun 2006

I agree with adding the method. However, this should be changed in the specification first, not the WSDL. Move this to the specification change page.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006



name vote comment
PaulHarrison +1
DaveMorris +1 Yep, useful to have
DaveMorris -1 Change the specification document first
GuyRixon +1
MatthewGraham +1

Refactor use of DataObjectReference

This construct was there principally to get round difficulties in specifying the use-case "create a file with a server generated name" before the vos: URI scheme was approved. Not needed any more.

-- PaulHarrison - 16 Jun 2006

Needs to be much clearer what this represents.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006


Add new createTempNode operation

related to refactoring use of DataObjectReference - still need a way to "support server generated name" use case.
-- PaulHarrison - 16 Jun 2006

I agree with adding the method. However, this should be changed in the specification first, not the WSDL. Move this to the specification change page.

-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006



name vote comment
DaveMorris +1
DaveMorris -1 Change the specification document first

Consider use of Status responses for some operations

Changing the method signatures to return status codes should be defined in the specification first, not the WSDL. Move this to the specification change page.
-- DaveMorris - 16 Jun 2006


name vote comment
DaveMorris -1 Change the specification document first


The experiments have been moved to a separate page


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" date="1150212841" name="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" path="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" size="7450" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"

Revision 92006-06-16 - DaveMorris

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

VOSpace-1.0 WSDL and schema

This is a discussion page for the WSDL and schema for the VOSpace-1.0 service.

This is somewhere where we can post proposals for schema and WSDL to enable interested parties to discuss the different versions.

For each version there is a Change request section - please add to this and vote on other suggestions

  • +1 if you agree
  • -1 if you disagree
  • 0 if you have no particular preference

Once we have finalised the WSDL and schema, the final versions will be posted on the main Grid & Web Services page.


  • Schema discussion page created.

Core schema

This is the main section for schema and WSDL files.

The files for the 1.0 VOSpace release are

  1. VOSpace-v1.0.wsdl the main WSDL file.
  2. VOSpaceBase-v1.0.xsd a subsidiary schema file that contains core types that might be useful in implementing a VOSpace server cf. the WSDL which contains types that are used only in the web service interface.

These file are packaged in a zip file which is named with the release candidate number for each sucessive release candidate. The exact release candidate number is also reflected in the files in

  • the version attribute of the top level xsd:schema element in the schema file
  • the name attribute of the top level wsdl:definitions element in the WSDL file

Version 1.0rc1

This is the first 'official' release candidate of the VOSpace interface definition, and is based on version 0.21 of the specification document, though is known not to follow this document exactly, as there are areas still to be finalized for which the WSDL is the best 'source'.

Change Requests

Rename bulk data transfer operations

  • I stilll find the data transfer operations confusing- I think that the basic problem is that the push and pull verbs are opposite in meaning and viewed from opposite perspectives. I have a new set of proposals

old name new name"
pushDataToVoSpace importDataClientPush
pullDataToVoSpace importDataServerPull
pushDataFromVoSpace exportDataServerPush
pullDataFromVoSpace exportDataClientPull

which I think are better because

  1. the overall objective of the operation is the first verb
  2. the active party in the transfer is identified
  3. the direction of the transfer is then related to the active party.

-- PaulHarrison - 13 Jun 2006


name vote comment
PaulHarrison +1
MatthewGraham 0
DaveMorris 0

Use namespaces in release candidates that include release number


name vote comment
PaulHarrison -1
DaveMorris +1
GuyRixon +1
MatthewGraham +1

Make sure that the naming of operations/parameters more closely matches the written specification


name vote comment
PaulHarrison +1
DaveMorris +1
GuyRixon +1
MatthewGraham +1

Remove enumerations for security related types


name vote comment
GuyRixon +1
PaulHarrison +1
DaveMorris +1

Remove enumerations of transport keys


name vote comment
GuyRixon +1
PaulHarrison +1 iff this issue is better specified in the standard document
DaveMorris +1 Open list of known transports defined in the standard document

Remove enumerations of parameter key values


name vote comment
GuyRixon +1
PaulHarrison +1 iff this issue is better specified in the standard document
DaveMorris +1 Open list of vos keys defined in the standard document

Remove any idea of callbacks


name vote comment
PaulHarrison +1 iff this issue is better specified in the standard document
GuyRixon +1
DaveMorris +1

Remove the use of ChangeOwner operation


name vote comment
PaulHarrison 0 we do want this concept in 2.0 definitely and 2.0 servers are supposed to be able to talk to 1.0 servers - if we remove it now, we need to have a 1.1 release that does have different WSDL - however if we accept that 1.1 could have different WSDL then it can be dropped from 1.0.
MatthewGraham +1
DaveMorris +1

Keep Transports/Formats as separate opertation



name vote comment
DaveMorris +1 These return a list of URIs for the transports and formats

Keep new GetPropertyKeys operation

not in the spec and an idea that I have had basically because I am still a little worried about interoperability problems with the completely untyped nature of the property-key pairs - particularly as they are expected to carry some fundamental metadata about the data objects in the current implementation. This call would return the complete list of key names that have been used in the VOSpace, which would then allow clients to attempt to be consistent in the use of key names - it is not much but at least it does provide a mechanism to voluntarily avoid complete anarchy.


name vote comment
PaulHarrison +1
DaveMorris +1
DaveMorris +1 Yep, useful to have
GuyRixon +1
MatthewGraham +1

Refactor use of DataObjectReference

This construct was there principally to get round difficulties in specifying the use-case "create a file with a server generated name" before the vos: URI scheme was approved. Not needed any more.

Add new createTempNode operation

related to refactoring use of DataObjectReference - still need a way to "support server generated name" use case.


name vote comment
DaveMorris +1

Consider use of Status responses for some operations


The experiments have been moved to a separate page


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" date="1150212841" name="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" path="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" size="7450" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"

Revision 82006-06-16 - PaulHarrison

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

VOSpace-1.0 WSDL and schema

This is a discussion page for the WSDL and schema for the VOSpace-1.0 service.

This is somewhere where we can post proposals for schema and WSDL to enable interested parties to discuss the different versions.

For each version there is a Change request section - please add to this and vote on other suggestions

  • +1 if you agree
  • -1 if you disagree
  • 0 if you have no particular preference

Once we have finalised the WSDL and schema, the final versions will be posted on the main Grid & Web Services page.


  • Schema discussion page created.

Core schema

This is the main section for schema and WSDL files.

The files for the 1.0 VOSpace release are

  1. VOSpace-v1.0.wsdl the main WSDL file.
  2. VOSpaceBase-v1.0.xsd a subsidiary schema file that contains core types that might be useful in implementing a VOSpace server cf. the WSDL which contains types that are used only in the web service interface.

These file are packaged in a zip file which is named with the release candidate number for each sucessive release candidate. The exact release candidate number is also reflected in the files in

  • the version attribute of the top level xsd:schema element in the schema file
  • the name attribute of the top level wsdl:definitions element in the WSDL file

Version 1.0rc1

This is the first 'official' release candidate of the VOSpace interface definition, and is based on version 0.21 of the specification document, though is known not to follow this document exactly, as there are areas still to be finalized for which the WSDL is the best 'source'.

Change Requests

Rename bulk data transfer operations

  • I stilll find the data transfer operations confusing- I think that the basic problem is that the push and pull verbs are opposite in meaning and viewed from opposite perspectives. I have a new set of proposals

old name new name"
pushDataToVoSpace importDataClientPush
pullDataToVoSpace importDataServerPull
pushDataFromVoSpace exportDataServerPush
pullDataFromVoSpace exportDataClientPull

which I think are better because

  1. the overall objective of the operation is the first verb
  2. the active party in the transfer is identified
  3. the direction of the transfer is then related to the active party.

-- PaulHarrison - 13 Jun 2006


name vote comment
PaulHarrison +1
MatthewGraham 0

Use namespaces in release candidates that include release number


name vote comment
PaulHarrison -1
DaveMorris +1
GuyRixon +1
MatthewGraham +1

Make sure that the naming of operations/parameters more closely matches the written specification


name vote comment
PaulHarrison +1
DaveMorris +1
GuyRixon +1
MatthewGraham +1

Remove enumerations for security related types


name vote comment
GuyRixon +1
PaulHarrison +1

Remove enumerations of transport keys


name vote comment
GuyRixon +1
PaulHarrison +1 iff this issue is better specified in the standard document

Remove enumerations of parameter key values


name vote comment
GuyRixon +1
PaulHarrison +1 iff this issue is better specified in the standard document

Remove any idea of callbacks


name vote comment
PaulHarrison +1 iff this issue is better specified in the standard document
GuyRixon +1

Remove the use of ChangeOwner operation


Remove the use of ChangeOwner operation



name vote comment
PaulHarrison 0 we do want this concept in 2.0 definitely and 2.0 servers are supposed to be able to talk to 1.0 servers - if we remove it now, we need to have a 1.1 release that does have different WSDL - however if we accept that 1.1 could have different WSDL then it can be dropped from 1.0.
MatthewGraham +1

Keep Transports/Formats as separate opertation


Keep new GetPropertyKeys operation


Keep new GetPropertyKeys operation

 not in the spec and an idea that I have had basically because I am still a little worried about interoperability problems with the completely untyped nature of the property-key pairs - particularly as they are expected to carry some fundamental metadata about the data objects in the current implementation. This call would return the complete list of key names that have been used in the VOSpace, which would then allow clients to attempt to be consistent in the use of key names - it is not much but at least it does provide a mechanism to voluntarily avoid complete anarchy.


name vote comment
PaulHarrison +1
DaveMorris +1
GuyRixon +1
MatthewGraham +1

Refactor use of DataObjectReference


Refactor use of DataObjectReference

This construct was there principally to get round difficulties in specifying the use-case "create a file with a server generated name" before the vos: URI scheme was approved. Not needed any more
This construct was there principally to get round difficulties in specifying the use-case "create a file with a server generated name" before the vos: URI scheme was approved. Not needed any more.

Add new createTempNode operation

related to refactoring use of DataObjectReference - still need a way to "support server generated name" use case.

Add new createTempNode operation

related to refactoring use of DataObjectReference - still need a way to "support server generated name" use case.

Consider use of Status responses for some operations




The experiments have been moved to a separate page


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" date="1150212841" name="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" path="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" size="7450" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"

Revision 72006-06-16 - PaulHarrison

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

VOSpace-1.0 WSDL and schema

This is a discussion page for the WSDL and schema for the VOSpace-1.0 service.

This is somewhere where we can post proposals for schema and WSDL to enable interested parties to discuss the different versions.

For each version there is a Change request section - please add to this and vote on other suggestions

  • +1 if you agree
  • -1 if you disagree
  • 0 if you have no particular preference

Once we have finalised the WSDL and schema, the final versions will be posted on the main Grid & Web Services page.


  • Schema discussion page created.

Core schema

This is the main section for schema and WSDL files.

The files for the 1.0 VOSpace release are

  1. VOSpace-v1.0.wsdl the main WSDL file.
  2. VOSpaceBase-v1.0.xsd a subsidiary schema file that contains core types that might be useful in implementing a VOSpace server cf. the WSDL which contains types that are used only in the web service interface.

These file are packaged in a zip file which is named with the release candidate number for each sucessive release candidate. The exact release candidate number is also reflected in the files in

  • the version attribute of the top level xsd:schema element in the schema file
  • the name attribute of the top level wsdl:definitions element in the WSDL file

Version 1.0rc1

This is the first 'official' release candidate of the VOSpace interface definition, and is based on version 0.21 of the specification document, though is known not to follow this document exactly, as there are areas still to be finalized for which the WSDL is the best 'source'.

Change Requests

Rename bulk data transfer operations

  • I stilll find the data transfer operations confusing- I think that the basic problem is that the push and pull verbs are opposite in meaning and viewed from opposite perspectives. I have a new set of proposals

old name new name"
pushDataToVoSpace importDataClientPush
pullDataToVoSpace importDataServerPull
pushDataFromVoSpace exportDataServerPush
pullDataFromVoSpace exportDataClientPull

which I think are better because

  1. the overall objective of the operation is the first verb
  2. the active party in the transfer is identified
  3. the direction of the transfer is then related to the active party.

-- PaulHarrison - 13 Jun 2006


name vote comment
PaulHarrison +1
MatthewGraham 0

Use namespaces in release candidates that include release number


name vote comment
PaulHarrison -1
DaveMorris +1
GuyRixon +1
MatthewGraham +1

Make sure that the naming of operations/parameters more closely matches the written specification


name vote comment
PaulHarrison +1
DaveMorris +1
GuyRixon +1
MatthewGraham +1

Remove enumerations for security related types


name vote comment
GuyRixon +1
PaulHarrison +1

Remove enumerations of transport keys


name vote comment
GuyRixon +1
PaulHarrison +1 iff this issue is better specified in the standard document

Remove enumerations of parameter key values


name vote comment
GuyRixon +1
PaulHarrison +1 iff this issue is better specified in the standard document

Remove any idea of callbacks


name vote comment
PaulHarrison +1 iff this issue is better specified in the standard document
GuyRixon +1

Remove the use of ChangeOwner operation



name vote comment
PaulHarrison 0 we do want this concept in 2.0 definitely and 2.0 servers are supposed to be able to talk to 1.0 servers - if we remove it now, we need to have a 1.1 release that does have different WSDL - however if we accept that 1.1 could have different WSDL then it can be dropped from 1.0.
MatthewGraham +1

Keep Transports/Formats as separate opertation

Keep new GetPropertyKeys operation

not in the spec and an idea that I have had basically because I am still a little worried about interoperability problems with the completely untyped nature of the property-key pairs - particularly as they are expected to carry some fundamental metadata about the data objects in the current implementation. This call would return the complete list of key names that have been used in the VOSpace, which would then allow clients to attempt to be consistent in the use of key names - it is not much but at least it does provide a mechanism to voluntarily avoid complete anarchy.


name vote comment
PaulHarrison +1
DaveMorris +1
GuyRixon +1
MatthewGraham +1

Refactor use of DataObjectReference

This construct was there principally to get round difficulties in specifying the use-case "create a file with a server generated name" before the vos: URI scheme was approved. Not needed any more

Add new createTempNode operation

related to refactoring use of DataObjectReference - still need a way to "support server generated name" use case.

Consider use of Status responses for some operations



META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" date="1150212841" name="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" path="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" size="7450" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"

Revision 62006-06-16 - PaulHarrison

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

VOSpace-1.0 WSDL and schema

This is a discussion page for the WSDL and schema for the VOSpace-1.0 service.

This is somewhere where we can post proposals for schema and WSDL to enable interested parties to discuss the different versions.

For each version there is a Change request section - please add to this and vote on other suggestions
  • +1 if you agree
  • -1 if you disagree
  • 0 if you have no particular preference
 Once we have finalised the WSDL and schema, the final versions will be posted on the main Grid & Web Services page.


  • Schema discussion page created.

Core schema


Core schema

 This is the main section for schema and WSDL files.

The files for the 1.0 VOSpace release are

  1. VOSpace-v1.0.wsdl the main WSDL file.
  2. VOSpaceBase-v1.0.xsd a subsidiary schema file that contains core types that might be useful in implementing a VOSpace server cf. the WSDL which contains types that are used only in the web service interface.

These file are packaged in a zip file which is named with the release candidate number for each sucessive release candidate. The exact release candidate number is also reflected in the files in

  • the version attribute of the top level xsd:schema element in the schema file
  • the name attribute of the top level wsdl:definitions element in the WSDL file

Version 1.0rc1


Version 1.0rc1


This is the first 'official' release candidate of the VOSpace interface definition, and is based on version 0.21 of the specification document, though is known not to follow this document exactly, as there are areas still to be finalized for which the WSDL is the best 'source'.


Change Requests

Rename bulk data transfer operations

  • I stilll find the data transfer operations confusing- I think that the basic problem is that the push and pull verbs are opposite in meaning and viewed from opposite perspectives. I have a new set of proposals

old name new name"
pushDataToVoSpace importDataClientPush
pullDataToVoSpace importDataServerPull
pushDataFromVoSpace exportDataServerPush
pullDataFromVoSpace exportDataClientPull

which I think are better because

  1. the overall objective of the operation is the first verb
  2. the active party in the transfer is identified
  3. the direction of the transfer is then related to the active party.

-- PaulHarrison - 13 Jun 2006



name vote comment
PaulHarrison +1


moved to separate page This section is for experiments and examples. Schema posted here are examples of techniques and styles that may me useful in the main schema.

Use namespaces in release candidates that include release number


name vote comment
PaulHarrison -1


An experimental schema, looking at how SOAP overriding works, and if it would be useful for adding VOSpace-2.0 functionality to a VOSpace-1.0 service.

Make sure that the naming of operations/parameters more closely matches the written specification


name vote comment
PaulHarrison +1

Remove enumerations for security related types



name vote comment
PaulHarrison +1


An experimental schema, splitting things up into small schema files.
  • Using separate namespaces for each schema file maps well to Java packages. Using separate schema files for the base node type and derived types makes it much easier to add new extension types later.

Remove enumerations of transport keys


name vote comment
PaulHarrison +1 iff this issue is better specified in the standard document

Remove enumerations of parameter key values



name vote comment
PaulHarrison +1 iff this issue is better specified in the standard document
-- DaveMorris - 12 Jun 2006

Remove any idea of callbacks



name vote comment
PaulHarrison +1 iff this issue is better specified in the standard document


An experimental schema, using compleType for all of the elements, and moving as much as possible out of the main WSDL file.
  • Defining everything as complexType maps well to Java classes - it forces code generators to create full Java classes for all of the elements.
  • Defining the messages types outside the main WSDL file may make it easier to to create JUnit tests, and possibly experiment with different transport mechnisms.

Remove the use of ChangeOwner operation

-- DaveMorris - 12 Jun 2006


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" date="1150212841" name="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" path="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" size="7450" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"

Revision 52006-06-16 - PaulHarrison

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

VOSpace-1.0 WSDL and schema

This is a discussion page for the WSDL and schema for the VOSpace-1.0 service.

This is somewhere where we can post proposals for schema and WSDL to enable interested parties to discuss the different versions.

Once we have finalised the WSDL and schema, the final versions will be posted on the main Grid & Web Services page.


  • Schema discussion page created.

Core schema

This is the main section for schema and WSDL files.

The files for the 1.0 VOSpace release are

  1. VOSpace-v1.0.wsdl the main WSDL file.
  2. VOSpaceBase-v1.0.xsd a subsidiary schema file that contains core types that might be useful in implementing a VOSpace server cf. the WSDL which contains types that are used only in the web service interface.

These file are packaged in a zip file which is named with the release candidate number for each sucessive release candidate. The exact release candidate number is also reflected in the files in

  • the version attribute of the top level xsd:schema element in the schema file
  • the name attribute of the top level wsdl:definitions element in the WSDL file

Version 1.0rc1

This is the first 'official' release candidate of the VOSpace interface definition, and is based on version 0.21 of the specification document, though is known not to follow this document exactly, as there are areas still to be finalized for which the WSDL is the best 'source'.

  • I stilll find the data transfer operations confusing- I think that the basic problem is that the push and pull verbs are opposite in meaning and viewed from opposite perspectives. I have a new set of proposals

old name new name"
pushDataToVoSpace importDataClientPush
pullDataToVoSpace importDataServerPull
pushDataFromVoSpace exportDataServerPush
pullDataFromVoSpace exportDataClientPull

which I think are better because

  1. the overall objective of the operation is the first verb
  2. the active party in the transfer is identified
  3. the direction of the transfer is then related to the active party.

-- PaulHarrison - 13 Jun 2006


moved to separate page
 This section is for experiments and examples. Schema posted here are examples of techniques and styles that may me useful in the main schema.


An experimental schema, looking at how SOAP overriding works, and if it would be useful for adding VOSpace-2.0 functionality to a VOSpace-1.0 service.



An experimental schema, splitting things up into small schema files.
  • Using separate namespaces for each schema file maps well to Java packages. Using separate schema files for the base node type and derived types makes it much easier to add new extension types later.


-- DaveMorris - 12 Jun 2006


An experimental schema, using compleType for all of the elements, and moving as much as possible out of the main WSDL file.
  • Defining everything as complexType maps well to Java classes - it forces code generators to create full Java classes for all of the elements.
  • Defining the messages types outside the main WSDL file may make it easier to to create JUnit tests, and possibly experiment with different transport mechnisms.


-- DaveMorris - 12 Jun 2006


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" date="1150212841" name="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" path="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" size="7450" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"

Revision 42006-06-13 - PaulHarrison

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

VOSpace-1.0 WSDL and schema

This is a discussion page for the WSDL and schema for the VOSpace-1.0 service.

This is somewhere where we can post proposals for schema and WSDL to enable interested parties to discuss the different versions.

Once we have finalised the WSDL and schema, the final versions will be posted on the main Grid & Web Services page.


  • Schema discussion page created.

Core schema

This is the main section for schema and WSDL files.

The files for the 1.0 VOSpace release are

  1. VOSpace-v1.0.wsdl the main WSDL file.
  2. VOSpaceBase-v1.0.xsd a subsidiary schema file that contains core types that might be useful in implementing a VOSpace server cf. the WSDL which contains types that are used only in the web service interface.

These file are packaged in a zip file which is named with the release candidate number for each sucessive release candidate. The exact release candidate number is also reflected in the files in

  • the version attribute of the top level xsd:schema element in the schema file
  • the name attribute of the top level wsdl:definitions element in the WSDL file

Version 1.0rc1


Version 1.0rc1

This is the first 'official' release candidate of the VOSpace interface definition, and is based on version 0.21 of the specification document, though is known not to follow this document exactly.
This is the first 'official' release candidate of the VOSpace interface definition, and is based on version 0.21 of the specification document, though is known not to follow this document exactly, as there are areas still to be finalized for which the WSDL is the best 'source'.
  • I stilll find the data transfer operations confusing- I think that the basic problem is that the push and pull verbs are opposite in meaning and viewed from opposite perspectives. I have a new set of proposals

old name new name"
pushDataToVoSpace importDataClientPush
pullDataToVoSpace importDataServerPull
pushDataFromVoSpace exportDataServerPush
pullDataFromVoSpace exportDataClientPull

which I think are better because

  1. the overall objective of the operation is the first verb
  2. the active party in the transfer is identified
  3. the direction of the transfer is then related to the active party.

-- PaulHarrison - 13 Jun 2006


This section is for experiments and examples. Schema posted here are examples of techniques and styles that may me useful in the main schema.


An experimental schema, looking at how SOAP overriding works, and if it would be useful for adding VOSpace-2.0 functionality to a VOSpace-1.0 service.



An experimental schema, splitting things up into small schema files.
  • Using separate namespaces for each schema file maps well to Java packages. Using separate schema files for the base node type and derived types makes it much easier to add new extension types later.


-- DaveMorris - 12 Jun 2006


An experimental schema, using compleType for all of the elements, and moving as much as possible out of the main WSDL file.
  • Defining everything as complexType maps well to Java classes - it forces code generators to create full Java classes for all of the elements.
  • Defining the messages types outside the main WSDL file may make it easier to to create JUnit tests, and possibly experiment with different transport mechnisms.


-- DaveMorris - 12 Jun 2006

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" date="1150212841" name="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" path="vospace-interface-1.0rc1.zip" size="7450" user="PaulHarrison" version="1.1"

Revision 32006-06-13 - PaulHarrison

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

VOSpace-1.0 WSDL and schema

This is a discussion page for the WSDL and schema for the VOSpace-1.0 service.

This is somewhere where we can post proposals for schema and WSDL to enable interested parties to discuss the different versions.

Once we have finalised the WSDL and schema, the final versions will be posted on the main Grid & Web Services page.


  • Schema discussion page created.

Core schema

This is the main section for schema and WSDL files.
When posting a new version, please tweak the filename and namespace version number to make it distinct from previous versions.
The files for the 1.0 VOSpace release are
Once we have finalised the schema, we can change the filename and namespace version number to 01.00 when we publish it on the main Grid & Web Services page.
  1. VOSpace-v1.0.wsdl the main WSDL file.
  1. VOSpaceBase-v1.0.xsd a subsidiary schema file that contains core types that might be useful in implementing a VOSpace server cf. the WSDL which contains types that are used only in the web service interface.
Note - If you upload schema as attachments to this page, can you set the schemaLocation and import URLs to point to the files on this wiki. This just makes it easier to run code generators on the examples without having to modify the location URLs.
These file are packaged in a zip file which is named with the release candidate number for each sucessive release candidate. The exact release candidate number is also reflected in the files in
  • the version attribute of the top level xsd:schema element in the schema file
  • the name attribute of the top level wsdl:definitions element in the WSDL file



Version 1.0rc1

Paul, can you post latest version here.
This is the first 'official' release candidate of the VOSpace interface definition, and is based on version 0.21 of the specification document, though is known not to follow this document exactly.

  • I stilll find the data transfer operations confusing- I think that the basic problem is that the push and pull verbs are opposite in meaning and viewed from opposite perspectives. I have a new set of proposals

old name new name"
pushDataToVoSpace importDataClientPush
pullDataToVoSpace importDataServerPull
pushDataFromVoSpace exportDataServerPush
pullDataFromVoSpace exportDataClientPull

which I think are better because

  1. the overall objective of the operation is the first verb
  2. the active party in the transfer is identified
  3. the direction of the transfer is then related to the active party.

-- PaulHarrison - 13 Jun 2006



This section is for experiments and examples. Schema posted here are examples of techniques and styles that may me useful in the main schema.


An experimental schema, looking at how SOAP overriding works, and if it would be useful for adding VOSpace-2.0 functionality to a VOSpace-1.0 service.



An experimental schema, splitting things up into small schema files.
  • Using separate namespaces for each schema file maps well to Java packages. Using separate schema files for the base node type and derived types makes it much easier to add new extension types later.


-- DaveMorris - 12 Jun 2006


An experimental schema, using compleType for all of the elements, and moving as much as possible out of the main WSDL file.
  • Defining everything as complexType maps well to Java classes - it forces code generators to create full Java classes for all of the elements.
  • Defining the messages types outside the main WSDL file may make it easier to to create JUnit tests, and possibly experiment with different transport mechnisms.


-- DaveMorris - 12 Jun 2006


Revision 22006-06-12 - DaveMorris

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

VOSpace-1.0 WSDL and schema

This is a discussion page for the WSDL and schema for the VOSpace-1.0 service.

This is somewhere where we can post proposals for schema and WSDL to enable interested parties to discuss the different versions.

Once we have finalised the WSDL and schema, the final versions will be posted on the main Grid & Web Services page.


  • Schema discussion page created.

Core schema

This is the main section for schema and WSDL files.

When posting a new version, please tweak the filename and namespace version number to make it distinct from previous versions.

Once we have finalised the schema, we can change the filename and namespace version number to 01.00 when we publish it on the main Grid & Web Services page.

Note - If you upload schema as attachments to this page, can you set the schemaLocation and import URLs to point to the files on this wiki. This just makes it easier to run code generators on the examples without having to modify the location URLs.


Paul, can you post latest version here.


This section is for experiments and examples. Schema posted here are examples of techniques and styles that may me useful in the main schema.


An experimental schema, looking at how SOAP overriding works, and if it would be useful for adding VOSpace-2.0 functionality to a VOSpace-1.0 service.



An experimental schema, splitting things up into small schema files.
  • Using separate namespaces for each schema file maps well to Java packages. Using separate schema files for the base node type and derived types makes it much easier to add new extension types later.
Using separate namespaces for each schema file maps well to Java packages. Using separate schema files for the base node type and derived types makes it much easier to add new extension types later.
-- DaveMorris - 12 Jun 2006


An experimental schema, using compleType for all of the elements, and moving as much as possible out of the main WSDL file.
  • Defining everything as complexType maps well to Java classes - it forces code generators to create full Java classes for all of the elements.
  • Defining the messages types outside the main WSDL file may make it easier to to create JUnit tests, and possibly experiment with different transport mechnisms.
Defining everything as complexType maps well to Java classes - it forces code generators to create full Java classes for all of the elements.

Defining the messages types outside the main WSDL file may make it easier to to create JUnit tests, and possibly experiment with different transport mechnisms.

-- DaveMorris - 12 Jun 2006

Revision 12006-06-12 - DaveMorris

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

VOSpace-1.0 WSDL and schema

This is a discussion page for the WSDL and schema for the VOSpace-1.0 service.

This is somewhere where we can post proposals for schema and WSDL to enable interested parties to discuss the different versions.

Once we have finalised the WSDL and schema, the final versions will be posted on the main Grid & Web Services page.


  • Schema discussion page created.

Core schema

This is the main section for schema and WSDL files.

When posting a new version, please tweak the filename and namespace version number to make it distinct from previous versions.

Once we have finalised the schema, we can change the filename and namespace version number to 01.00 when we publish it on the main Grid & Web Services page.


Paul, can you post latest version here.


This section is for experiments and examples. Schema posted here are examples of techniques and styles that may me useful in the main schema.


An experimental schema, looking at how SOAP overriding works, and if it would be useful for adding VOSpace-2.0 functionality to a VOSpace-1.0 service.



An experimental schema, splitting things up into small schema files.

Using separate namespaces for each schema file maps well to Java packages. Using separate schema files for the base node type and derived types makes it much easier to add new extension types later.



An experimental schema, using compleType for all of the elements, and moving as much as possible out of the main WSDL file.

Defining everything as complexType maps well to Java classes - it forces code generators to create full Java classes for all of the elements.

Defining the messages types outside the main WSDL file may make it easier to to create JUnit tests, and possibly experiment with different transport mechnisms.


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