VOSpace-1.0 WSDL and schema

This is a discussion page for the WSDL and schema for the VOSpace-1.0 service.

This is somewhere where we can post proposals for schema and WSDL to enable interested parties to discuss the different versions.

Once we have finalised the WSDL and schema, the final versions will be posted on the main Grid & Web Services page.


  • Schema discussion page created.

Core schema

This is the main section for schema and WSDL files.

When posting a new version, please tweak the filename and namespace version number to make it distinct from previous versions.

Once we have finalised the schema, we can change the filename and namespace version number to 01.00 when we publish it on the main Grid & Web Services page.


Paul, can you post latest version here.


This section is for experiments and examples. Schema posted here are examples of techniques and styles that may me useful in the main schema.


An experimental schema, looking at how SOAP overriding works, and if it would be useful for adding VOSpace-2.0 functionality to a VOSpace-1.0 service.



An experimental schema, splitting things up into small schema files.

Using separate namespaces for each schema file maps well to Java packages. Using separate schema files for the base node type and derived types makes it much easier to add new extension types later.



An experimental schema, using compleType for all of the elements, and moving as much as possible out of the main WSDL file.

Defining everything as complexType maps well to Java classes - it forces code generators to create full Java classes for all of the elements.

Defining the messages types outside the main WSDL file may make it easier to to create JUnit tests, and possibly experiment with different transport mechnisms.


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Topic revision: r1 - 2006-06-12 - DaveMorris
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