Difference: VOTable14WorkingDraftNotes (3 vs. 4)

Revision 42019-03-17 - TomDonaldson

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaApplications"

VOTable 1.4 Working Draft Notes

Active Proposed Changes

This is the list of proposed changes still under discussion for VOTable 1.4. The "Default Disposition" is what we will do with the proposal if there is no more discussion.
The current working draft is WD-VOTable-1.4.20190318
This is the list of proposed changes still under discussion for VOTable 1.4. The "Default Disposition" is what we will do with the proposal if there is no more discussion.
Title Source Default Disposition Disp. Date

Proposals for VOTable 1.5

Work will begin on VOTable 1.5 immediately after 1.4 goes to Recommendation.

Title Source Notes Updated
Port the VOTable source to ivoatex. email    
DataLink recommends using a "content" parameter. Consider mentioning it in sec. 8 (MIME types) to avoid other standards reinventing the same thing with a different name. email Defer to 1.5. There are no responses yet. If consensus is reached that this is a simple change, then it could be in 1.4. 2019-03-17
Add optional "origin" or "refposition" attribute to COOSYS email Defer to 1.5. This change has support, but the details are not yet resolved, so may delay 1.4. 2019-03-17
Remove mention of UType in section 1.4, as it is lacking a standard. email Defer to 1.5. 2019-03-17
Sec. 4.6: Remove paragraph "In order to avoid name collisions..." email Defer to 1.5. 2019-03-17

Change Logs

Between VOTable/20190131 and VOTable/20190218
Between WD-VOTable-1.4.20190218 and WD-VOTable-1.4.20190318:
Description Source Revision(s) Updated
Miscellaneous minor edits. email    
Remove namespace declarations from examples. email    
Make footnotes visible in HTML (already correct in PDF) email    
Require "ref" for uses of TIMESYS email    
Description Source volute Revision(s)
Miscellaneous minor edits. email  
Remove namespace declarations from examples. email  
Make footnotes visible in HTML (already correct in PDF) email  
Require "ref" for uses of TIMESYS email 5334

Section 3.5: reword the sentence:

The TIMESYS element defines such a time system and gives itself the identifies itself with ID="time frame".


In the example, the TIMESYS element describes that time system. The TIMESYS ID value just needs to be unique within the document so that it can be referenced by FIELDs or PARAMs.

  5316 2019-02-17
In the section 3.5 TIMESYS example, remove the ID values from the FIELDs since they are not used.   5317 2019-02-17

Section 3 reworked to clarify namespace and schema versioning.


5319, 5315

2019-02-17, 2019-02-14
Replace the claimed REC status of the document with the appropriate Working Draft disclaimer from the DocStd appendix.   5318 2019-02-17
In sections 4.3 and 4.4, add references to DALI and VOUnits respectively since those standards came about since the writing of VOTable 1.3. Also mention those resources in section 1.4.   5320 2019-02-18

Between WD-VOTable-1.4.20190131 and WD-VOTable-1.4.20190218:

Description Source volute Revision(s)

Section 3.5: reword the sentence:

The TIMESYS element defines such a time system and gives itself the identifies itself with ID="time frame".


In the example, the TIMESYS element describes that time system. The TIMESYS ID value just needs to be unique within the document so that it can be referenced by FIELDs or PARAMs.

In the section 3.5 TIMESYS example, remove the ID values from the FIELDs since they are not used.   5317

Section 3 reworked to clarify namespace and schema versioning.


5319, 5315

Replace the claimed REC status of the document with the appropriate Working Draft disclaimer from the Document Standards appendix.   5318
In sections 4.3 and 4.4, add references to DALI and VOUnits respectively since those standards came about since the writing of VOTable 1.3. Also mention those resources in section 1.4.   5320


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