Difference: VoDmlWGComments (1 vs. 6)

Revision 62014-05-11 - OmarLaurino


Comments on VO-DML specification documents

This page aims to keep track of comments made about the VO-DML spec on this page in the WG discussion phase. Link to first entry in email list that starts the discussion. It also lists some open issues for which a particular choice was made, but where other choices could be preferrable.

Comments from DM mailing list and private communications

  • private communication from Kristin Riebe: why is there no counterpart to UMLs aggregation relation?
  • ...

Open issues identified by editors/authors

  • Should VO-DMLs Model extend Package?
    Omar notes that this, together with XML schema usage of <sequence>, complicates hand-writing of models.
    ALso, it gives Model a vodml-id element, which can cause problems with the interpretation of that concept and its uniqueness requirements in a model.
  • Should VO-DMLs Model extend Package?
    Omar notes that this, together with XML schema usage of <sequence>, complicates hand-writing of models.
    ALso, it gives Model a vodml-id element, which can cause problems with the interpretation of that concept and its uniqueness requirements in a model. [Omar: It's more like the other way around. Needing vodml-id for Model is the issue. Also, the fact that the xmls now have imports as their latest element is an annoying consequence, and not only for those "hand-writing" models. I made a couple of suggestions on how to fix this, but I believe that in the end the best approach is to go back to the previous state]

Revision 52014-05-11 - GerardLemson


Comments on VO-DML specification documents

This page aims to keep track of comments made about the VO-DML spec on this page in the WG discussion phase. Link to first entry in email list that starts the discussion. It also lists some open issues for which a particular choice was made, but where other choices could be preferrable.


Comments from DM mailing list


Comments from DM mailing list and private communications

    • Add TimeValue to ivoa model.
    • Add ivoa:URL as sub-type of ivoa:anyURI.

Open issues identified by editors/authors

  • Francois Bonnarel, 2014-05-07
    Comments about references to uytpes mappng document.
  • private communication from Kristin Riebe: why is there no counterpart to UMLs aggregation relation?
  • ...

Open issues identified by editors/authors

  • Should VO-DMLs Model extend Package?
    Omar notes that this, together with XML schema usage of <sequence>, complicates hand-writing of models.
    ALso, it gives Model a vodml-id element, which can cause problems with the interpretation of that concept and its uniqueness requirements in a model.

Revision 42014-05-03 - GerardLemson


Comments on VO-DML specification documents

This page aims to keep track of comments made about the VO-DML spec on this page in the WG discussion phase. Link to first entry in email list that starts the discussion. It also lists some open issues for which a particular choice was made, but where other choices could be preferrable.

Comments from DM mailing list

Open issues identified by editors/authors

  • Model inherits from Package. This, with use of <sequence> in XSD causes some model specific features such as authors, version etc to end up at the end of a Model definition. Is this cumbersome? Reasons we did this is to inherit common elements like vodml-id, name,d escription and all the type collections. Also, UML has the same patterns, i.e. Model is-a special kind of Package there.
  • vodml-id-s should be unique in document for all elements not a <model>. Should we extend this rule to <model> as well? Note that when generating vodml-id using generaiton rules a package with the same name as the vodml-id of the model would end up with same vodml-id, hence no uniqueness. Ofcourse one need not use such rules, or can give package a vodml-id different from its name to resolve this. Alternatively we could insist on using model's vodml-id as prefix for vodml-ids as well. Currently only utypes must have a prefix.
  • When referreing to a vodml-id using a utype element one always MUST use as prefix the vodml-id of the model, whether an imported model or the model itself. It was a decision of the tiger team to make such prefixes "globally unique", i.e. every usage within the IVOA MUST use the same prefix, which MUST be the vodml-id of the model. This in contrast e.g. to XSD namespace/xmlns where prefixes can be freely declared. Sould we revisit this?
  • ModelProxy has an element named prefix, which currently MUST be the same as the vodml-id of the imported model it represents. Is this name, prefix, ok?
  • ...

Revision 32014-05-03 - GerardLemson


Comments on VO-DML specification documents

This page aims to keep track of comments made about the VO-DML spec on this page in the WG discussion phase. Link to first entry in email list that starts the discussion.
This page aims to keep track of comments made about the VO-DML spec on this page in the WG discussion phase. Link to first entry in email list that starts the discussion. It also lists some open issues for which a particular choice was made, but where other choices could be preferrable.

Comments from DM mailing list

    • Add TimeValue to ivoa model.
    • Add ivoa:URL as sub-type of ivoa:anyURI.

Open issues identified by editors/authors

  • Model inherits from Package. This, with use of <sequence> in XSD causes some model specific features such as authors, version etc to end up at the end of a Model definition. Is this cumbersome? Reasons we did this is to inherit common elements like vodml-id, name,d escription and all the type collections. Also, UML has the same patterns, i.e. Model is-a special kind of Package there.
  • vodml-id-s should be unique in document for all elements not a <model>. Should we extend this rule to <model> as well? Note that when generating vodml-id using generaiton rules a package with the same name as the vodml-id of the model would end up with same vodml-id, hence no uniqueness. Ofcourse one need not use such rules, or can give package a vodml-id different from its name to resolve this. Alternatively we could insist on using model's vodml-id as prefix for vodml-ids as well. Currently only utypes must have a prefix.
  • When referreing to a vodml-id using a utype element one always MUST use as prefix the vodml-id of the model, whether an imported model or the model itself. It was a decision of the tiger team to make such prefixes "globally unique", i.e. every usage within the IVOA MUST use the same prefix, which MUST be the vodml-id of the model. This in contrast e.g. to XSD namespace/xmlns where prefixes can be freely declared. Sould we revisit this?
  • ModelProxy has an element named prefix, which currently MUST be the same as the vodml-id of the imported model it represents. Is this name, prefix, ok?
  • ...

Revision 22014-04-29 - GerardLemson


Comments on VO-DML specification documents

This page aims to keep track of comments made about the VO-DML spec on this page in the WG discussion phase. Link to first entry in email list that starts the discussion.


Revision 12014-04-25 - GerardLemson


Comments on VO-DML specification documents

This page aims to keep track of comments made about the VO-DML spec on this page in the WG discussion phase. Link to first entry in email list that starts the discussion.

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