Difference: WorkingDocs (11 vs. 12)

Revision 122005-05-18 - AndyLawrence

META TOPICPARENT name="VoscienceIAUPrague"

Working Documents for the Scientific Organising Committee

The top-level page for our proposed VO Science IAU Symposium is here. This page collects useful information and documents concerning proposal preparation.

Proposal Timeline

Here is the proposal timeline, following the instructions on the IAU web page.

2004 Sept 01 Letter of Intent DONE
2004 Sep 15 send draft to CP presidents DONE
  copied to coord-DP  
2004 Oct 15 CP to send support letter to proposer DONE a little late
2004 Nov 15 send draft proposal with CP support letter DONE a little late
  to desired coordinating DP  
  requesting a support letter  
2004 Dec 15 coord DP to send support letter to proposer DONE
  copied to AGS  
2005 Jan 03 final prop to the IAU proposal server DONE
  with draft prog and tentative speakers list  
  all support letters from DP and CPs  
2005 Feb 01 DP reviewing ranking and comments  
2005 Feb 15 AGS makes DP evaluation summary available  
  to DPs for comments  
2005 Mar 01 AGS sends final DP evaluation report to IAU-EC  
2005 Apr 18 final selection by IAU-EC and DPs  
2005 May 01 results known

Current Status

Note of progress 03/01/2005 :
  • January 3rd : proposal submitted.
  • A close to final draft (version-3) is now ready and must be submitted by January 3rd.
  • Trimble has agreed that Div XII will act as co-ordinating Division. She sent some useful comments.
  • Most letters of support have now been received.
  • A draft proposal was prepared in mid-September and circulated to various commission officials.
  • Letter of intent was sent September 01 2004. This was received and acknowledged.

Supporting commissions

Proposed co-ordinating Division : D12 President Virginia Trimble

Proposing Commission : C5 President Genova, VP Ray Norris RECEIVED

Supporting commissions / working groups :

C40 Radio Astronomy (Rodriguez) RECEIVED

WG on solar data access Bob Bentley RECEIVED

WG of the Executive on Large Scale Facilities RECEIVED

WG on Surveys (Quentin Parker) RECEIVED

C44 Space and High Energy Astrophysics RECEIVED

C47 Cosmology Rachel Webster STILL WAITING

C9 Instrumentation and Techniques NO NEWS YET

S.O.C. Membership

Andy Lawrence (chair SOC) UK al@roe.ac.uk
Masatoshi Ohishi Japan masatoshi.ohishi.nao.ac.jp
Francoise Genova France genova@cluster.u-strasbg.fr
Ray Norris Australia Ray.Norris@csiro.au
Attila Meszaros Czech Republic meszaros.cesnet.cz
Robert Hanisch USA hanisch@stsci.edu
Peter Quinn Germany pjq@eso.org
Alexander Szalay USA szalay@pha.jhu.edu
Nicholas Walton UK naw@ast.cam.ac.uk
Oleg Malkov Russia malkov@inasan.ru
Ajit Khembhavi India akk@iucaa.ernet.in
Roy Williams USA roy@cacr.caltech.edu
Giuseppina Fabbiano USA pepi@head-cfa.harvard.edu
Yongheng Zhao China yzhao@lamost.bao.ac.cn
Isabelle Scholl France scholl@isu.isunet.edu
Enrique Solano Spain Enrique.Solano@esa.int

Current proposal version

Here is the current draft plus some supporting documents.

Useful Links

IAU Home page

Prague 2006 Home Page

IAU Science Meetings

and within this page

Deadlines and Procedures for proposal submission

Guidelines for submitting proposals

IAU proposal server



META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1101836880" name="prague-vo-proposal-v1.doc" path="prague-vo-proposal-v1.doc" size="65536" user="AndyLawrence" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1101836924" name="C40-support-letter.txt" path="C40-support-letter.txt" size="1575" user="AndyLawrence" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1101836971" name="WG-FLSF-support-letter.txt" path="WG-FLSF-support-letter.txt" size="1482" user="AndyLawrence" version="1.1"
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META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="van der Huct message 2005-05-04" date="1116386207" name="AGS-message-050504.txt" path="AGS-message-050504.txt" size="4419" user="AndyLawrence" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="van der Hucht message 2005-05-10" date="1116386293" name="AGS-message-050510.txt" path="AGS-message-050510.txt" size="7347" user="AndyLawrence" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="formal acceptance letter V1" date="1116386382" name="formal-letter.pdf" path="formal-letter.pdf" size="125049" user="AndyLawrence" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="formal acceptance letter V2" date="1116386447" name="revised-formal-letter.pdf" path="revised-formal-letter.pdf" size="124317" user="AndyLawrence" version="1.1"
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