Difference: TWikiFormDotPm (1 vs. 5)

Revision 52008-01-22 - TWikiContributor


Package =TWiki::Form

Object representing a single form definition.

Form definitions are mainly used to control rendering of a form for editing, though there is some application login there that handles transferring values between edits and saves.
A form definition consists of a TWiki::Form object, which has a list of field definitions. Each field definition is an object of a type derived from TWiki::Form::FieldDefinition. These objects are responsible for the actual syntax and semantics of the field type. Form definitions are parsed from TWiki tables, and the types are mapped by name to a class declared in TWiki::Form::* - for example, the text type is mapped to TWiki::Form::Text and the checkbox type to TWiki::Form::Checkbox.

The TWiki::Form::FieldDefinition class declares default behaviours for types that accept a single value in their definitions. The TWiki::Form::ListFieldDefinition extends this for types that have lists of possible values.


ClassMethod new ($session,$web,$form,$def)

Looks up a form in the session object or, if it hasn't been read yet, reads it frm the form definition topic on disc.
  • $web - default web to recover form from, if $form doesn't specify a web
  • $form - topic name to read form definition from
  • $def - optional. a reference to a list of field definitions. if present, these definitions will be used, rather than those in $form.

May throw TWiki::OopsException


ObjectMethod renderForEdit ($web,$topic,$meta) -> $html


ObjectMethod finish ()

Break circular references.
  • $web the web of the topic being rendered
  • $topic the topic being rendered
  • $meta the meta data for the form
Render the form fields for entry during an edit session, using data values from $meta

StaticMethod *fieldTitle2FieldName ($title) -> $name

Chop out all except A-Za-z0-9_. from a field name to create a valid "name" for storing in meta-data

ObjectMethod *renderFieldForEdit ($fieldDef,$web,$topic,$value) -> $html

  • $fieldDef the field being rendered

ObjectMethod renderForEdit ($web,$topic,$meta) -> $html

  • $web the web of the topic being rendered
  • $topic the topic being rendered
  • $value the current value of the field
  • $meta the meta data for the form
Render a single form field for entry during an edit session, using data values from $meta. Plugins can provide a handler that extends the set of supported
Render the form fields for entry during an edit session, using data values from $meta
SMELL: this should be a method on a field class

ObjectMethod renderHidden ($meta) -> $html

Render form fields found in the meta as hidden inputs, so they pass through edits untouched.


ObjectMethod cgiName ($field) -> $string

Generate the 'name' of the CGI parameter used to represent a field.


ObjectMethod *getFieldValuesFromQuery ($query,$metaObject) -> ($seen,\@missing)

Extract new values for form fields from a query.

  • $query - the query
  • $metaObject - the meta object that is storing the form values

For each field, if there is a value in the query, use it. Otherwise if there is already entry for the field in the meta, keep it.

Returns the number of fields which had values provided by the query, and a references to an array of the names of mandatory fields that were
Returns the number of fields which had values provided by the query, and a references to an array of the names of mandatory fields that were
 missing from the query.

ObjectMethod *isTextMergeable ($name) -> $boolean

  • $name - name of a form field (value of the name attribute)

Returns true if the type of the named field allows it to be text-merged.

If the form does not define the field, it is assumed to be mergeable.


ObjectMethod getField ($name) -> \%row


ObjectMethod getField ($name) -> $fieldDefinition

  • $name - name of a form field (value of the name attribute)
Returns the field, or undef if the form does not define the field.
Returns a TWiki::Form::FieldDefinition, or undef if the form does not
define the field.

ObjectMethod getFields () -> \@fields

Return a list containing references to field name/value pairs. Each entry in the list has a {name} field and a {value} field. It may have other fields as well, which caller should ignore. The returned list should be treated as read only (must not be written to).


StaticMethod *renderForDisplay ($templates,$meta)

  • $templates ref to templates singleton
  • $meta - meta object containing the form to be rendered

Static because we want to be able to do this without a form definition.

SMELL: Why? Is reading the form topic such a big burden?


Revision 42007-01-16 - TWikiContributor


Package =TWiki::Form

Object representing a single form definition.


ClassMethod new ($session,$web,$form)


ClassMethod new ($session,$web,$form,$def)

  • $web - default web to recover form from, if $form doesn't specify a web
  • $form - topic name to read form definition from
  • $def - optional. a reference to a list of field definitions. if present, these definitions will be used, rather than those in $form.
  May throw TWiki::OopsException

ObjectMethod renderForEdit ($web,$topic,$meta) -> $html

  • $web the web of the topic being rendered
  • $topic the topic being rendered
  • $meta the meta data for the form

Render the form fields for entry during an edit session, using data values from $meta

ObjectMethod *renderFieldForEdit ($fieldDef,$web,$topic,$value) -> $html

  • $fieldDef the field being rendered
  • $web the web of the topic being rendered
  • $topic the topic being rendered
  • $value the current value of the field

Render a single form field for entry during an edit session, using data values from $meta. Plugins can provide a handler that extends the set of supported types

SMELL: this should be a method on a field class

SMELL: JSCalendarContrib ought to provide a 'date' handler.

ObjectMethod renderHidden ($meta) -> $html

 Render form fields found in the meta as hidden inputs, so they pass through edits untouched.

ObjectMethod cgiName ($field) -> $string

 Generate the 'name' of the CGI parameter used to represent a field.

ObjectMethod *getFieldValuesFromQuery ($query,$metaObject) -> ($seen,\@missing)

 Extract new values for form fields from a query.
  • $query - the query
  • $metaObject - the meta object that is storing the form values

For each field, if there is a value in the query, use it. Otherwise if there is already entry for the field in the meta, keep it.

Returns the number of fields which had values provided by the query, and a references to an array of the names of mandatory fields that were missing from the query.
Returns the number of fields which had values provided by the query,
and a references to an array of the names of mandatory fields that were missing from the query.

ObjectMethod *isTextMergeable ($name) -> $boolean

  • $name - name of a form field (value of the name attribute)
 Returns true if the type of the named field allows it to be text-merged.

If the form does not define the field, it is assumed to be mergeable.

ObjectMethod getField ($name) -> \%row

  • $name - name of a form field (value of the name attribute)
 Returns the field, or undef if the form does not define the field.

ObjectMethod getFields () -> \@fields

 Return a list containing references to field name/value pairs. Each entry in the list has a {name} field and a {value} field. It may have other fields as well, which caller should ignore. The returned list should be treated as read only (must not be written to).

StaticMethod *renderForDisplay ($templates,$meta)

  • $templates ref to templates singleton
  • $meta - meta object containing the form to be rendered
 Static because we want to be able to do this without a form definition.

SMELL: Why? Is reading the form topic such a big burden?

Revision 32006-06-25 - TWikiContributor


Package =TWiki::Form

Object representing a single form definition.

ClassMethod new ($session,$web,$form)

  • $web - default web to recover form from, if $form doesn't specify a web
  • $form - topic name to read form definition from

May throw TWiki::OopsException


ObjectMethod renderForEdit ($web,$topic,$meta,$useDefaults) -> $html


ObjectMethod renderForEdit ($web,$topic,$meta) -> $html

  • $web the web of the topic being rendered
  • $topic the topic being rendered
  • $meta the meta data for the form
  • $useDefaults if true, will use default values from the form definition if no other value is given
  Render the form fields for entry during an edit session, using data values from $meta

ObjectMethod *renderFieldForEdit ($fieldDef,$web,$topic,$value) -> $html

  • $fieldDef the field being rendered
  • $web the web of the topic being rendered
  • $topic the topic being rendered
  • $value the current value of the field

Render a single form field for entry during an edit session, using data values from $meta. Plugins can provide a handler that extends the set of supported types

SMELL: this should be a method on a field class SMELL: JSCalendarContrib ought to provide a 'date' handler.


ObjectMethod renderHidden ($meta,$useDefaults) -> $html


ObjectMethod renderHidden ($meta) -> $html

  • $useDefaults if true, will use default values from the form definition if no other value is given
 Render form fields found in the meta as hidden inputs, so they pass through edits untouched.

ObjectMethod cgiName ($field) -> $string

Generate the 'name' of the CGI parameter used to represent a field.


ObjectMethod *getFieldValuesFromQuery ($query,$metaObject,$initialiseMissing) -> ($seen,\@missing)


ObjectMethod *getFieldValuesFromQuery ($query,$metaObject) -> ($seen,\@missing)

 Extract new values for form fields from a query.
  • $query - the query
  • $metaObject - the meta object that is storing the form values
  • $initialiseMissing - if true, will cause fields that are in the form but have no value in the query or in the meta to be initialised to ''.
  For each field, if there is a value in the query, use it. Otherwise if there is already entry for the field in the meta, keep it.

Returns the number of fields which had values provided by the query, and a references to an array of the names of mandatory fields that were missing from the query.

ObjectMethod *isTextMergeable ($name) -> $boolean

  • $name - name of a form field (value of the name attribute)
Returns true if the type of the named field allows it to be text-merged.

If the form does not define the field, it is assumed to be mergeable.

ObjectMethod getField ($name) -> \%row

  • $name - name of a form field (value of the name attribute)
Returns the field, or undef if the form does not define the field.

ObjectMethod getFields () -> \@fields

Return a list containing references to field name/value pairs. Each entry in the list has a {name} field and a {value} field. It may have other fields as well, which caller should ignore. The returned list should be treated as read only (must not be written to).

StaticMethod *renderForDisplay ($templates,$meta)

  • $templates ref to templates singleton
  • $meta - meta object containing the form to be rendered
Static because we want to be able to do this without a form definition.

SMELL: Why? Is reading the form topic such a big burden?

Revision 22006-04-01 - TWikiContributor


Package =TWiki::Form

Object representing a single form definition.

ClassMethod new ($session,$web,$form)

  • $web - default web to recover form from, if $form doesn't specify a web
  • $form - topic name to read form definition from

May throw TWiki::OopsException

ObjectMethod renderForEdit ($web,$topic,$meta,$useDefaults) -> $html

  • $web the web of the topic being rendered
  • $topic the topic being rendered
  • $meta the meta data for the form
  • $useDefaults if true, will use default values from the form definition if no other value is given

Render the form fields for entry during an edit session, using data values from $meta

ObjectMethod *renderFieldForEdit ($fieldDef,$web,$topic,$value) -> $html

  • $fieldDef the field being rendered
  • $web the web of the topic being rendered
  • $topic the topic being rendered
  • $value the current value of the field

Render a single form field for entry during an edit session, using data values from $meta. Plugins can provide a handler that extends the set of supported types

SMELL: this should be a method on a field class SMELL: JSCalendarContrib ought to provide a 'date' handler.

ObjectMethod renderHidden ($meta,$useDefaults) -> $html

  • $useDefaults if true, will use default values from the form definition if no other value is given

Render form fields found in the meta as hidden inputs, so they pass through edits untouched.

ObjectMethod cgiName ($field) -> $string

Generate the 'name' of the CGI parameter used to represent a field.


ObjectMethod *getFieldValuesFromQuery ($query,$metaObject,$handleMandatory) -> $metaObject


ObjectMethod *getFieldValuesFromQuery ($query,$metaObject,$initialiseMissing) -> ($seen,\@missing)

 Extract new values for form fields from a query.
  • $query - the query
  • $metaObject - the meta object that is storing the form values
  • $handleMandatory - if set, will throw an OopsException if any mandatory fields are absent from the query.
  • $initialiseMissing - if true, will cause fields that are in the form but have no value in the query or in the meta to be initialised to ''.
  For each field, if there is a value in the query, use it. Otherwise if there is already entry for the field in the meta, keep it.
Otherwise, if $handleMandatory, initialise the field to '' and set it in the meta.
Returns the number of fields which had values provided by the query, and a references to an array of the names of mandatory fields that were missing from the query.

ObjectMethod *isTextMergeable ($name) -> $boolean

  • $name - name of a form field (value of the name attribute)
Returns true if the type of the named field allows it to be text-merged.

If the form does not define the field, it is assumed to be mergeable.

ObjectMethod getField ($name) -> \%row

  • $name - name of a form field (value of the name attribute)
Returns the field, or undef if the form does not define the field.

StaticMethod *renderForDisplay ($templates,$meta)

  • $templates ref to templates singleton
  • $meta - meta object containing the form to be rendered
Static because we want to be able to do this without a form definition.

SMELL: Why? Is reading the form topic such a big burden?

Revision 12006-02-01 - TWikiContributor


Package =TWiki::Form

Object representing a single form definition.

ClassMethod new ($session,$web,$form)

  • $web - default web to recover form from, if $form doesn't specify a web
  • $form - topic name to read form definition from

May throw TWiki::OopsException

ObjectMethod renderForEdit ($web,$topic,$meta,$useDefaults) -> $html

  • $web the web of the topic being rendered
  • $topic the topic being rendered
  • $meta the meta data for the form
  • $useDefaults if true, will use default values from the form definition if no other value is given

Render the form fields for entry during an edit session, using data values from $meta

ObjectMethod *renderFieldForEdit ($fieldDef,$web,$topic,$value) -> $html

  • $fieldDef the field being rendered
  • $web the web of the topic being rendered
  • $topic the topic being rendered
  • $value the current value of the field

Render a single form field for entry during an edit session, using data values from $meta. Plugins can provide a handler that extends the set of supported types

SMELL: this should be a method on a field class SMELL: JSCalendarContrib ought to provide a 'date' handler.

ObjectMethod renderHidden ($meta,$useDefaults) -> $html

  • $useDefaults if true, will use default values from the form definition if no other value is given

Render form fields found in the meta as hidden inputs, so they pass through edits untouched.

ObjectMethod cgiName ($field) -> $string

Generate the 'name' of the CGI parameter used to represent a field.

ObjectMethod *getFieldValuesFromQuery ($query,$metaObject,$handleMandatory) -> $metaObject

Extract new values for form fields from a query.
  • $query - the query
  • $metaObject - the meta object that is storing the form values
  • $handleMandatory - if set, will throw an OopsException if any mandatory fields are absent from the query.

For each field, if there is a value in the query, use it. Otherwise if there is already entry for the field in the meta, keep it. Otherwise, if $handleMandatory, initialise the field to '' and set it in the meta.

ObjectMethod *isTextMergeable ($name) -> $boolean

  • $name - name of a form field (value of the name attribute)
Returns true if the type of the named field allows it to be text-merged.

If the form does not define the field, it is assumed to be mergeable.

ObjectMethod getField ($name) -> \%row

  • $name - name of a form field (value of the name attribute)
Returns the field, or undef if the form does not define the field.

StaticMethod *renderForDisplay ($templates,$meta)

  • $templates ref to templates singleton
  • $meta - meta object containing the form to be rendered
Static because we want to be able to do this without a form definition.

SMELL: Why? Is reading the form topic such a big burden?

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