---+ P3T Meeting (online) - Mon Jul 15, 2024 @ 20:00 UTC %TOC% ---++ Attendees * Attendees: Pat D, Brian M, Gregory DF, Adrian D, Dave M, Jesus S, Joshua F, Jose L, Marco M, Russ A, Sara B, Janet E * _Regrets_ : Tom D ---++ Highlights * Continue working prototypes - good start * Good that Josh is out front on prototype; Aim for wrapping them up mid by Sept so we can address other parts of Phase I * Consider a BOF at ADASS - signup by Aug 23 ---++ Meeting Agenda/Notes * Status Update - Prototypes / WDs * TAP 1.2 (CADC/MAST) * Pat - tooling up with OPEN_API; will work VOSI tables 1st * Josh - have a draft version of the API spec; framework for new repo * UWS (Rubin/MAST) - * Josh - UWS fine as example but not super usable; Fast API in PyPy - for this sprint; all routine with a few gotchas - for example, parameters are a headache. * Russ - Interested to review integrate Josh's work; slower start with other work duties but will catch up * Brian - asked about clients in the plan - folks mentioed a TAP client; also Josh founf an unmaintained python based validator for UWS that he's been updating * Execution Broker * Dave - Working prototype in Java and Python; Open_API specification. Struggling for code generator for Python; ChapGPT produced code but then you lose everything when the session ends. * Pat made a point that projects can write code so we are not dependent on code generators; writing code is how he plans to approach this work; Beleive Josh is going for auto-gen code. * Schedule discussion - Asked about schedule of projects given our plan and upcoming fall Interop ... * Pat thought he'd have his part on a Mid Sep timeframe (~Sep 20) * Josh plans to have the UWS prototype in ~2 weeks (End of July) * Russ thought a Sept timeframe too; thought there is a PyVO schedule risk * IVOA Note * Folks thought this should come along after prototyping and experience with new direction; we'll discuss again at our next mtg * Email exchanges with some current service providers * Concerns in email; Russ did well to manage feedback;; discussed concerns with changes and also concerns of new projects going their own way because the IVOA was stuck in past. We need to look more closely and define a path once prototypes are more developed. Will consider interaction with services/clients at next mtg. * AOB * We welcomed Jose Osinde Lopez to the group * Marco and Janet exchanged email shortly after the meeting and discussed possibility of BOF at ADASS on P3T; may be good way to involve folks up front and puts less pressure on a 3 day IVOA; Needs consideration from this group - deadline is Aug 23 to sign up for a BOF. We'll exchange email about it in August. * *Next Mtg: Monday, Aug 26 @20:00 UTC* <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r1 - 2024-07-17 - JanetEvans
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