---+ P3T meeting with Clients - Oct 16, 2024 ---++ Attendees * Attendees: * Pat D, Gregory DF, Adrian D, Brian Major, Brian McLean, Dave M, Frossie E, Grgory M, Jesus S, Jose O, Joshua F, Marco M, Mark A, Markus D, Pierre F, Pierre L, Renaud S, Russ A, Sara B, Tamara C, Janet E * _Regrets_ : ---++ <a name="Zoom"></a>Zoom https://smithsonian.zoom.us/j/97478328416?pwd=ZEpmMnI4RGhrS01pazF5dXBLbEsyZz09 ---++ <a name="Highlights"></a>Highlights * Great group attendence at 22 * P3T team presented Documents and prototype work completed so far * Discussion with Apps and P3T was constructive and supportive with some concerns * Concerns centered on ... * backward compatibility with client code * major version changes to standards in the VO in general (somewhat tangential) * It was noted that there is code in the VO with different versions of the standards deployed * Actions: * Janet draft invite to Clients via Apps group after discussing at TCG -- DONE * Dave prepare ~2 slide for clients mtg with <a href="https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/edit/IVOA/P3T?topicparent=IVOA.23_Sep_Mtg_Notes;nowysiwyg=0" rel="nofollow" title="P3T (this topic does not yet exist; you can create it)">P3T</a> prioriites as a reminder -- DONE * JE with <a href="https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/edit/IVOA/P3T?topicparent=IVOA.23_Sep_Mtg_Notes;nowysiwyg=0" rel="nofollow" title="P3T (this topic does not yet exist; you can create it)">P3T</a> help: Prepare mtg page for Client mtg early with links to docs and perhaps a prototype(?!) -- DONE * ALL: Review the draft docs so we present them to the Clients after internal review * ALL: Look at each others prototypes to know we're on the right track here too before Client mtg ---++ <a name="Meeting Agenda/Notes"></a>Meeting Agenda/Notes * Overview/Reminder of what we're setting out to do - From Dave * <a data-sk="tooltip_parent" data-stringify-link="https://github.com/Zarquan/jordanita/blob/main/presentations/20241016-IVOA-P3T/20241016-IVOA-P3T.pdf" href="https://github.com/Zarquan/jordanita/blob/main/presentations/20241016-IVOA-P3T/20241016-IVOA-P3T.pdf" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">https://github.com/Zarquan/jordanita/blob/main/presentations/20241016-IVOA-P3T/20241016-IVOA-P3T.pdf</a> * Pointer to Docs/Prototypes * Draft docs: (Russ) * Draft IVOA web service standards framework - <a href="https://sqr-091.lsst.io/" target="_blank">https://sqr-091.lsst.io/</a> * Draft IVOA [[SODA]] web service specification - <a href="https://sqr-093.lsst.io/" target="_blank">https://sqr-093.lsst.io/</a> * Draft IVOA JSON encoding - <font color="#58438b"> https://sqr-092.lsst.io/ </font> * Prototypes in GitHub * UWS Implementation (Josh) * OPENAPI Doc: [[https://www.google.com/url?q=https://github.com/ivoa/PTTT/pull/1&source=gmail-imap&ust=1728413194000000&usg=AOvVaw2K_7ldyYOvZ63YIfoeuDMT][https://github.com/ivoa/PTTT/pull/1]]. * Example implementation: [[https://www.google.com/url?q=https://github.com/spacetelescope/fastapi-uws&source=gmail-imap&ust=1728413194000000&usg=AOvVaw1Roe0HFRc6QugDbUE_V5uC][https://github.com/spacetelescope/fastapi-uws]] * *UWS spec direct link:* https://github.com/jwfraustro/PTTT/blob/UWS-MAST/uws/openapi.yml * TAP-.2 (1.1 + user table extension) - Pat * OpenAPI spec: [[https://www.google.com/url?q=https://github.com/pdowler/PTTT/tree/main/tap&source=gmail-imap&ust=1728407562000000&usg=AOvVaw3-th0f2IEbycEG-r_xR36I][https://github.com/pdowler/PTTT/tree/main/tap]] * Execution Broker (Dave) * OpenAPI component: <a data-sk="tooltip_parent" data-stringify-link="https://github.com/Zarquan/Calycopis-broker/blob/main/openapi/ivoa/openapi-0.8.yaml" href="https://github.com/Zarquan/Calycopis-broker/blob/main/openapi/ivoa/openapi-0.8.yaml" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">https://github.com/Zarquan/Calycopis-broker/blob/main/openapi/ivoa/openapi-0.8.yaml</a> * Apps/P3T group feedback to Docs/Prototype work - Discussion * Status from P3T * Looking ahead to the Nov Interop * Schedule topic to organize program of session at Next meeting * Next meeting: * XXX xx <a href="https://twitter.com/20" target="_blank">@20</a>:00 UTC <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r4 - 2024-10-17 - JanetEvans
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