P3T meeting with Clients - Oct 16, 2024
- Actions:
- Janet draft invite to Clients via Apps group after discussing at TCG -- DONE
- Dave prepare ~2 slide for clients mtg with P3T prioriites as a reminder -- DONE
- JE with P3T help: Prepare mtg page for Client mtg early with links to docs and perhaps a prototype(?!) -- DONE
- ALL: Review the draft docs so we present them to the Clients after internal review
- ALL: Look at each others prototypes to know we're on the right track here too before Client mtg
Meeting Agenda/Notes
- Overview/Reminder of what we're setting out to do - From Dave
- Pointer to Docs/Prototypes
- Draft docs: (Russ)
- Prototypes in GitHub
- UWS Implementation (Josh)
- TAP-.2 (1.1 + user table extension) - Pat
- Execution Broker (Dave)
- Apps/P3T group feedback to Docs/Prototype work - Discussion
- Status from P3T
- Looking ahead to the Nov Interop
- Schedule topic to organize program of session at Next meeting
- Next meeting:
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Topic revision: r1 - 2024-10-16 - JanetEvans