Astro RG

Astronomical Grid Community Research Group

From The Astronomy Research Group explores issues related to the use of Grid technology in support of astronomical data collections and data analysis pipelines.

Draft Charter (this will be discussed and hopefully approved at the IVOA Trieste meeting.)

AstroRG was established in the Open Grid Forum (OGF) to study issues to the use of Grid technology in support of astronomical data and data analysis environment, and acts as a liaison between the IVOA and the OGF. Since the nature of the AstroRG overlaps with the Grid/Web Service (GWS) Working Group, the AstroRG and the GWS could hold joint sessions during IVOA interoperability meeting.

Topics in the AstroRG include, but not limited to,

  • The latest information on the standardization and interoperability of the Grid middlewares
  • Experiences to implement the Grid middlewares; how easy or tough ?
  • Presentations on Grid Application, including access to remote file systems and databases
  • Workflow or Pipeline system: workflow language, workflow management, workflow builder, etc
  • Collection of requirements to the OGF from the point of view of astronomical application

The Interest Group will from time to time produce white papers and/or bring proposed actions to the attention of the IVOA Technical Coordination Group and IVOA Executive.

Astro-RG Meetings @ GGF/ OGF

* OGF20: 7-11 May 2007, Manchester Central, Manchester, UK

Meetings @ IVOA Interops


  • General working-group discussion archive.

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Topic revision: r14 - 2008-05-18 - MasatoshiOhishi
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