<H2>Charter</H2> <H2>History</H2> * started after Cambridge Interop 2003 * technical meetings in Garching, Strasbourg, Villa Franca * First draft by 2005 * IVOA submission by spring 2007 * RFC for 3 documents : * The Model description: http://www.ivoa.net/Documents/latest/CharacterisationDM.html * Utype list : http://www.ivoa.net/Documents/latest/UtypeListCharacterisationDM.html * Implementations: http://www.ivoa.net/Documents/latest/ImplementationCharacterisation.html <br/> The comments given during the discussion period are available at the RFC page :<br/> IVOA.CharacterisationDataModelRFC <H2>Results and Feedback </H2> <br/> ---++ Data Model serialisation ---+++Xml schema * Characterisation XML schema version 1.11 [[http://www.ivoa.net/xml/Characterisation/Characterisation-v1.11.xsd][Characterisation-v1.11.xsd]] ---+++ XML instance documents following the schema * Xml documents for Characterisation draft version 1.0 [[http://alinda.u-strasbg.fr/Model/Characterisation/examples/]] ---++ Implementations * Aspid-SR * Aladin * Camea <br/> ---++ Working Documents * Characterisation data model current draft v1.0 ([[http://www.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/IvoaDataModel/CharacterisationWDversion1.0.pdf][.pdf]]) * Mireille Louys has produced a new version of the [[%ATTACHURL%/CharacterisationIvoadraft-v1.1.pdf][update of CharacterisationIvoadraft-v1.1.pdf]], following on from discussion at the Astrospectroscopy and the VO meeting in Madrid (march 2007). * Alberto Micol has produced a tutorial in order to help users to publish their data to the VO using Utypes from the Characterisation Model [[%ATTACHURL%/ivoa_char_2d_image_tutorial_1.0.pdf][Characterisation Tutorial for publishing 2D images to the VO ]]. * 2005 [[%ATTACHURL%/Characterisation_Note_20051129.pdf][Characterisation_Note_20051129.pdf]]: Characterization DM draft Note * [[%ATTACHURL%/CharacterisationDraft-06May15.pdf][CharacterisationDraft-06May15.pdf]]: Characterisation Working Draft * [[%ATTACHURL%/CharMandates.pdf][CharMandates.pdf]]: Mandatory keywords while using Characterisation DM * [[%ATTACHURL%/CharacterisationIvoadraft-v1.1.pdf][update of CharacterisationIvoadraft-v1.1.pdf]]: Characterisation Model Working draft version 1.1 * [[%ATTACHURL%/ivoa_char_2d_image_tutorial_1.0.pdf][ivoa_char_2d_image_tutorial_1.0.pdf]]: User's guide for Characterisation DM by Alberto Micol * [[%ATTACHURL%/CharacterisationWDversion1.0.pdf][CharacterisationWDversion1.0.pdf]]: Characterisation Data Model * [[%ATTACHURL%/CharacterisationImplementationv1.1.pdf][CharacterisationImplementationv1.1.pdf]]: Implementations of the Characterisation DM v1.1 ---++ More documentation * NotesOnPolarization <H2>Interactions with other efforts</H2> * [[IvoaDAL][IVOA Data Access Layer]] Access Protocols : SSA , SIA2, etc.. <br/> * [[IVOA.STC][Space Time Coordinates ]]STC Coordinates representation * [[IVOA.IVOATheorySimDBDM][Simulation Data Model]] --- <br><br><br> <br/> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = %MAINWEB%.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r1 - 2010-02-05 - FrancoisBonnarel
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