This document will act as RFC center for the Simple
Cone Search V1.0 Proposed Recommendation.
The specification can be found at (revised based on RFC comments).
In order to add a comment to the document, please edit this page and add your comment to the list below in the format used for the example (include your WikiName so authors can contact you for further information). When the author(s) of the document have considered the comment, they will provide a response after the comment. The deadline for comments is 21 April 2007.
Discussion about any of the comments or responses should be conducted on the Data Access Layer mailing list,
-- DougTody - 2007-03-21
It is the intention of this document that all existing services compliant with the original NVO document will be compliant with this specification. Similarly, all future service implementations that are based on this specification are expected to be compliant with the spirit of the original NVO document and practices in the VO current at the time of this writing; thus, existing client applications should work with the new implementations without change.
Comments on this spec are likely to fall into one of three categories:
Category 1 should certainly be accommodated. Changes in Category 4 should be saved for the next version. Category 2 changes are possible, but we have opted to save these for the next version so that they can be afforded sufficient discussion. Category 3 is a gray area that we can discuss (which will slow the process). However, we hope to minimize such items as we do plan a version 1.1 very soon. This will likely mean accepting some imperfections in order to provide an endorsed document for this defacto standard.
-- RayPlante - 20 April 2007
-- RichardMcMahon - 28 Mar 2007
RayPlante responds:
This is a good suggestion; however, unfortunately, I think it falls into Cat. 4 above as it would require changes to existing implemenations and applications to support a new required input keyword. (See John's comment about J2000 below.)
RayPlante responds: Both good; thanks.
RayPlante responds: I'll fix this. CS can support both versions and implementations using each exist today. I can clarify this.
RayPlante responds: thanks
RayPlante responds: The clinging to UCD1 is indeed unfortunate. Note, however, that we expect the emerging TAP standard will have a simple cone search capability; thus, I expect that once TAP is in place we will encourage new implementations of TAP over Cone Search. I recommend that we live with this one.
RayPlante responds: I would say that the "Otherwise" part of your comment is appropriate.
-- ThomasBoch - 28 Mar 2007
RayPlante responds: OK
RayPlante responds: You are correct; let's go with ICRS.
AnitaRichards comments: I agree with Ray but, just to make sure that misunderstandings don't propagate, here is my understanding: J2000 is an Equinox, defining the origin of a coordinate system. It is supposed to be epoch-independent (to within a few decades and the level of precision common at the time). The year 2000 is an Epoch. B1950 is also an Equinox but it defines a system which was epoch dependent, hence, every ageing radio astronomer has nightmares about the positions of VLA calibration sources given in B1950, epoch 1979.9, which can be a significant number of resolution elements apart from the epoch 1950 positions.....
RayPlante responds: thanks
RayPlante responds: This probably falls in the middle ground of category 3 (above). I invite other comments on this, particularly on the question of how big an impact would this on applications using services that make this modification or not.
RayPlante responds: good
RayPlante responds: good, thanks.
RayPlante responds: see response to ThomasBoch above
-- MarkTaylor - 28 Mar 2007
RayPlante responds: This is a good idea, but I think it falls into Category 2. As a backward compatible change, it would be appropriate for a version 1.1.
-- JeromeBerthier - 19 Avr 2007
RayPlante responds: thanks.
RayPlante responds: Yes, I think you are correct that the INFO would be simpler for encoding errors. Unfortunately, switching exclusively to using an INFO element would qualify as a Category 4 change. If alternatively we offered the INFO element as an alternate (but recommended) location to place error messages, however, this could break cone search clients that are already looking for errors. Perhaps since there is already ambiguity in this regard currently, adding a little more wouldn't make much practical difference. I invite discussion.
Nevertheless, we can add the examples.
RayPlante responds: this reflects the transcription from the original document. Now that the document is in the standarization process, we should go ahead and change it to come in line with current practices using VOResource. thanks.
RayPlante responds: I think it would be good to save this for v1.1. Those clients that do look for the required UCDs would be stuck if the service used UCD1+.
RayPlante responds: good idea--thanks.
-- FrancoisOchsenbein - 29 Avr 2007
-- DougTody - 29 May 2007
This document gives a description of the first protocol implemented in the IVOA and as such has to cope with the evolution of the user needs and how the community understands it. The question of backward compatibility is raised here : when do we have to switch to a new standard version and declare the previous one obsolete. I understand that rewriting existing services is very cumbersome and not very gratifiying.
There are 11 keywords defined in Cone search that have conterparts in the VOresource schema. It seems to me that encouraging new services to support VOresource schema is really preferable . It would help to reduce keywords redundancy and avoid keywords translation.
Another question to discuss could be: do we let Cone search evolve independantly for an autonomous search function in the VO or do we want it to be a first step in more sophisticated search protocols?
Sorry , I'm new in this topic, may be I missed something.
-- MireilleLouys - 2007-07-08
RayPlante responds: As stated in the preface under Status (perhaps a bit hidden amongst the boiler-plate), this version has been written to ensure that services compliant with the previous spec is compliant with this one; thus, no update is needed.
With regard to VOResource, another aim of this document was to minimize the changes to the substance of the spec; thus the old resource keywords remain. The next version will certainly replace these keywords for VOResource versions, and appendix B will go away.
The main idea is to cement what is already in place.
TCG members should add their comments under their name.
On the whole this is a good document and we approve it. However there are a number of points which the authors should attend to.
RayPlante responds: will fix--thanks.
rather than application/x-votable+xml
or possibly text/x-votable+xml
. However, this was raised on the RFC page and if the authors consider this the best option to maintain compatibility with existing services, I will accept it. I would recommend (but not insist on) at least a mention of the standard MIME type. I suggest adding one of the following alternative sentences: application/x-votable+xml
, but the other forms here are allowed for backwards compatibility."
, is disallowed/discouraged here for reasons of backward compatibility.
-- MarkTaylor (apps vice chair -- comments agreed by MarkAllen) - 05 Jul 2007
I approve this document.
I approve this document.
I approve this document.
I feel uncomfortable that Old UCD format is part of the document as many other upcoming standards use UCD 1+ strings. Is it planned to update UCD format for the next version? Recipes for data and tool providers to insert translation services could be provided (even in between Cone search calls and data, for example) so that both can be supported, albeit with some loss of precision - with probably not much ambiguity for the obligatory parameters of cone search, i.e. RA and Dec...
There are situations where data are published incorrectly: there are cases where a cone search can appear to work but give wrong results - i.e., with data in the wrong coordinate system or with a wrong assumption about the units of the search radius.
About section 3. The Resource Profile ... * SpaceRefFrame RefSystem: this should always be ICRS for the positinal columns to be searched in a Cone Search - this would remind the data provider to check, and make it easier for future services to be extended.
Galactic and other coordinates are not at present supported. Is it planned as part of ADQL or TAP or whatever? This is of huge importance to Galactic astronomers.
We approve the document and look forward for the next version.
I approve this document.
I could agree with a a document describing a de facto standard but I would better see a proposed recommendation which would not be in contradiction with the other standards! For instance, propose that the resulting VOTable contains fields having as content of the ucd attributes:
For the positional error, the OBS_ANG-SIZE UCD has not this meaning! Are there ConeSearch services which return this ?? Here the UCD1+ stat.error;pos is obviously much more appropriate.
Having said this, I approve the document.
Minor comments:
1. The introduction says "[...]This specification describes how a provider of an astronomical source catalog[...]". The "astronomical source catalog" is a controversial concept, as we have already seen in the DM group on the Source Catalogue Data Model, still under discussion. I would remove reference to that, and simply say: "[...]This specification describes how a provider of astronomical data[...]"
2. In the same introduction, two paragraphs below, it explains the assumption that the data provider has already selected a catalog of astronomical sources, that can be represented as a single table, that has several columns. This is too restrictive, and has the flavour of implementation issues, so I would remove the whole paragraph.
3. In point 3. "[...]A Cone Search service MUST be described with a Resource Profile[...]" I understand that it MUST do so in the Registry (no mention is made to possible verbs in the HTTP query to retrieve those data). If my assumption is correct (which is hinted later after the last "BaseURL" parameter explanation) it should be clearly said. Something like: "[...]A Cone Search service MUST be described in an IVOA compliant Registry with a Resource Profile[...]"
RayPlante responds: These are all good points that I would normally agree should be dealt with, but the statements discussed reflect the understanding of the VO at the time, and I'm not inclined to try to correct this in this version. W.R.T 1 and 2, it intent of the original authors is that the spec has been designed on the assumption that the data can be represented as a single flat table and that each record represents a source--an emitter of radiation. Some implementations have stepped out of this assumption for effective purposes (e.g. each row is an image overlapping the cone); this is not disallowed.
That's all. Nice simple but powerful piece of work.
As the editor of this document, I approve it.
I approve the document, with the condition that the EXEC explicitly invite the authors to immediately open a discussion on a new WD version 1.1 of the protocol.
I approve the document.