---+ STC2:Coords Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments %TOC{depth="2"}% ---++ Summary Version 1 of STC was developed in 2007, prior to the development and adoption of vo-dml modeling practices. As we progress to the development of vo-dml compliant component models, it is necessary to revisit those models which define core content. Additionally, the scope of the STC-1.0 model is very broad, making a complete implementation and development of validators, very difficult. As such it may be prudent to break the content of STC-1.0 into component models itself, which as a group, cover the scope of the original. This effort will start from first principles with respect to defining a specific project use-case, from which requirements will be drawn, satisfied by the model, and implemented in the use-case. We will make use of the original model to ensure that the coverage of concepts is complete and that the models will be compatible. However, the form and structure may be quite different. This model will use vo-dml modeling practices, and model elements may be structured differently to more efficiently represent the concepts. This model describes the Coordinates model and covers the following concepts. * Description of single and multi-dimensional coordinate space, and coordinates within that space. * Coordinate Frames, providing metadata describing the origin and orientation of the coordinate space. * Definition of simple domain-specific coordinate types for the most common use cases. * Coordinate Systems, a collection of coordinate frames. ---++ Reference Interoperable Implementations ---++ Implementations Validators ---++ Links with Meas [[https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/STC2][STC2 page]] ---++ Comments from the IVOA Community during RFC/TCG review period: 2019-XX-XX - 2019-XX-XX ---++ Comments from TCG member during the RFC/TCG Review Period: 2019-XX-XX - 2019-XX-XX ---+++ TCG Chair & Vice Chair ---+++ [[IvoaApplications][Applications Working Group]] ---+++ [[IvoaDAL][Data Access Layer Working Group]] ---+++ [[IvoaDataModel][Data Model Working Group]] ---+++ [[IvoaGridAndWebServices][Grid & Web Services Working Group]] ---+++ [[IvoaResReg][Registry Working Group]] ---+++ [[IvoaSemantics][Semantics Working Group]] ---+++ [[IvoaDCP][Data Curation & Preservation Interest Group]] ---+++ [[IvoaTheory][Education Interest Group]] ---+++ [[IvoaKDD][Knowledge Discovery Interest Group]] ---+++ [[IvoaSS][Solar System Interest Group]] ---+++ [[IvoaTheory][Theory Interest Group]] ---+++ [[IvoaVOEvent][Time Domain Interest Group]] ---+++ [[IvoaOps][Operations]] ---+++ [[IvoaStdsDocsProc][Standards and Processes Committee]] ---++ TCG Vote: If you have minor comments (typos) on the last version of the document please indicate it in the Comments column of the table and post them in the TCG comments section above with the date. | Group | Yes | No | Abstain | Comments | | TCG | | | | | | Apps | | | | | | DAL | | | | | | DM | | | | | | GWS | | | | | | Registry | | | | | | Semantics | | | | | | DCP | | | | | | KDIG | | | | | | SSIG | | | | | | Theory | | | | | | TD | | | | | | Ops | | | | | | <nop>StdProc | | | | | ---
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r1 - 2019-09-06 - LaurentMichel
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