---++ Further details for DAL Exec Report, [[IvoaExecMeetingFM36][FM36]] ---+++ SSA ---++++ SSAP minor version * As part of the activities of the AIDA project, a review of the consistence between SSA and SED Data model was done by ESO (Bruno Rino) During the last AIDA Technology forum, this was discussed with DAL (KN) and DM (ML) chair persons, Alberto M., Igor C. and Jesus S. (DAL vice-chair). * It was decided that a SSAP minor version will be created to include these changes (and others already known) on it. * Parallel discussion among the authors and document editors (JMD and DT), on this. SSA Draft version is being prepared including changes by the time of the interop. * A collaborative page has been created to keep track of all the changes to be done in this version. ---++++ SSAP services for photometry * Within AIDA project, it has been discussed if SSAP is or not the correct protocol to address photometric data in magnitudes from catalogs. Although the access to catalogs look more related to TAP access, a SSAP view could be created and easily included in SSAP clients. After some discussion, it was agreed that CDS will create SSAP services on the main-best known catalogs, as this is an old and recurrent requirement from the community. ---+++ SIAPv2 * Limited progress since late last year. Resources focused on Obs/TAP effort. * WD low version at Garching and discussed after last Interop. * Most of the effort since last fall has gone into analysis of the requirements for access to radio data cubes (AR and DT). This remains a high priority for the radio community, e.g., EVLA will be routinely producing large cubes by late this year and at present we have no adequate way to access this data within VO. * FB will present a prototype based on this next week and make it public for tests after the meeting. ---+++ Footprints * Not too much work since last summer. Discussions about the VOTABLE serialization and , on another side, linkage between Preliminary XML Observation serialization and footprints. * Some changes expected with the new version of The "STC in VOTABLE" note (Demleinter rewriting of Ochsenbein et al) * FB is revisiting the old VOTABLE footprint note to make it compatible with Demleinter et al. Site meeting discussion expected for Victoria ---+++ SLAP * Updated version was created long ago including all the comments from Request From Comments period. However, the protocol needed to be approved in line with the Simple Spectral Line Data Model, that needed a deeper review. New version has been produced of the DM. The protocol has been already uploaded to the IVOA pages and ready to start TCG review this week. * Recent efforts to put SLAP in front of Splatalogue for ALMA (Tony Remijan, Ray, Doug, Brian Kent). JPL and Cologne were also involved. ---+++ Obs/TAP * Data linking (in order to access, e.g., complex structures of products from a flat initial response), that was already discussed within the Generic Data Set context between DT, FB and JS, it has been also discussed within the Obs/TAP effort. Although, most probably, the final solution out of the context of the Obs/TAP, a practical solution will be adopted and the need of a more complex definition has been agreed as necessary inside DAL architecture. ---+++ DAL2 architecture document * We plan to make minor updates to this ASAP and put it up as a Note, with the intention of developing this further as GDS and SIAV2 etc evolve. <br/> --- -- IVOA.JesusSalgado (IVOA.KeithNoddle) - 12 May 2010 <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r1 - 2010-05-12 - KeithNoddle
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