Protocol Transitioning Tiger Team (P3T)

The Protocol Transitioning Tiger Team was formed in Tucson at the Interop meeting in Nov 2023. The aim is to address the question of compatibility of the DAL protocols (and by implication protocols such as UWS) with modern web development tools. A number of people volunteered to form a tiger team to work on this.

The recommendations being examined would mostly be in DAL and GWS (e.g., TAP, SIA2, SODA, UWS) so will need to be a cross WG effort. A question to answer is : How do we adapt the protocol interactions to be compatible with tools such as OpenAPI.

Membership - email alias "P3T"

Initial Plan forward

  • Setup a wiki & mail list
  • Meet over 4 months ... Jan - April (once a month)
  • Plan to meet in Sydney 2 days (Thu/Fri, May 16/17) prior to IVOA that starts on Sunday (discussed with Simon/he can do it)
  • May Interop : May 20-24; TCG mtg: May 19

Standards Involved (1st up!)

  • CS
  • UWS
  • TAP
  • VOSpace

OpenAPI Project Links (add yours)

Related GitHub issues (add yours)


  1. 22 Jan 2024 at 20:00 UTC - yopad shared notes - IVOA_22Jan_PTTT.pdf
  2. 26 Feb 2024 at 20:00 UTC - yopad shared notes (will expire April 2024) - IVOA_26Feb_PTTT.pdf
  3. Mon 25 Mar 2024 20:00 UTC - yopad shared notes (will expire May 2024) - IVOA_26Mar_PTTT.pdf


From Tucson DAL session YoPAD

  • Modernisation of protocols - improve compatability with modern web dev tools
    GDF: Still very interested in modern definition of protocols/APIs (e..g JSON/ OpenAPI) to assist service implementors to use modern tools. High priority for Rubin
    FB: How would that look like
    GDF: Way more services than clients - clients have resources to stay up to date - would need to update clients to support new services while supporting old services. New services would be json based
    GDF: Suggest a tiger team as no one service can do this alone
    GM: Have used microsservices with json to send votable in the new SIMBAD's ConeSearch service
    GDF: About service interaction not votable format change - so how UWS works. Really hard to implement UWS in contemporary
    JD: Is OpenAPI a useful step?
    Tim: Is there support for json? Yes, then presumably some would be intersted in volunteering.
    RE: NED already has json behind the scenes and easier to convert json
    DM: Suggest updating standards as defining the data model and then have an examples of the json implementation as well as XML. Don't want to be talking in 10 years about how to convert away from json!
    Joshua Fraustro: MAST has a model of the UWS interactions - need management approval to make them open source and share.
    Tim: Use Pydantic and FastAPI too - very happy with them

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf IVOA_22Jan_PTTT.pdf r1 manage 39.3 K 2024-02-15 - 00:00 JamesDempsey  
PDFpdf IVOA_26Feb_PTTT.pdf r1 manage 50.3 K 2024-03-07 - 20:33 JamesDempsey  
PDFpdf IVOA_26Mar_PTTT.pdf r1 manage 48.7 K 2024-04-02 - 11:31 JamesDempsey  

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Topic revision: r23 - 2024-04-02 - JamesDempsey
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