Virtual Meeting September 10th 14hUTC

Participants : MCD ML JS TD LM MCD MM

ObsLocTAP status ( (this topic does not yet exist; you can create it)">
JS (PPT shared)
- chandra/Integral work on Dockers
- dedicated clients including ESASky
- All PRequests applied
- Proposed for IAU as EN
- Handson sessions by ESA on sept 18 and 28 12UTC. Contact JS
- PR : pdf generation.
TD: workshop attendee for JWST and Hubble.

VODML serialization of PhotDM
- Gerard worked on VODMLization
- Small differences in the model
- Pushed on github
- Does it require a 1.1?

ML: Have to say what is Source box
ML: Doc in VODML/HTML: I volunteer to prepare the correspondance table for descriptions and share it with Gerard. he will take this to insert the missing desc in the photdm.html via an XSLT script .

MCT status ( (this topic does not yet exist; you can create it)">
data sample

- Sea Mail DM 4/09
- Coords tested against AStropy .we all still have to ahev a look it
should we ask CDS Python developpers to check too? Mathieu Baumann for instance ? Great idea

- main difference : AStropy has a space centric point, coord does not
- Meas: ready by Markus does not agree a pb in what a model should do : diff points of view ?
- Transf: WD remarks on the list taken into account

TD: is there a testplatform to try with astropy objects ?
as a jupyter note book
see RFC page
FB wants to discuss the place of EPOCH: mismatch with Equinox may be

Transform : asdf format? conversion to xml serialisation of T dm

MANGO (Source DM ) ( (
Model guideline
Model status
Annotation proposal
Main effort done by Laurent during the lockdown:
interacts with Meas DM:
how to bind it the best way ? a superclass in Mango ? other means?

a rewamp on annotation for Mango to VOTABle
Test tools provided also by Laurent

MCD: requirements included in Meas
is Flag a measurement? ok as a modeler , but in the meaning?
Laurent implemented in some XMM catalogs tests ( check?)


Provenance : news from last European ESCAPE meeting this week, 7-8 Sept
gathering from various EU projects on their needs.
access , visualistion needs
demo on provSAP for Opus ( Mathieu) linked the recent voprov library to visualise graphs .
discussion on CWL and Yaml to serialise ActivityDescriptions

next on line DM meeting : to be planned

IVOA documents publication of DM related docs :
packaged files alongside the model's document: where to explode them on

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Topic revision: r1 - 2020-09-10 - LaurentMichel
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