Simulation data model

NOTE: pages on SNAP data model are being re-organised SNAP is oing to separate in 2 relatively independent parts: SimDB (Simulation Database) and SimDAP( Simulation Data Access Protocol). The products of these efforts, while in development, can be followed on a Google code SVN repository, originally set up by Norman ray for the Semantics WG. We use the following sub-set of this: Until further notice the current Wiki pages will be updated only very occasionally.

This page shows the progress in the creation of an IVOA data model for simulations. It contains links to pages with UML models, XML Schema serialisations, and documentation them. On this page one also finds links to relevant references.

Relevant links

Existing data models in simulation domain

Drafts for IVOA simulation data model (continuously updated)

UML2 diagrams have been created by (and can be read) using MagicDraw community edition v 12.1.
  • Analysis model of the simulation domain. This model is not part of the specification and is only added here as background material. It is bascially an alternative, still wordy version of the Domain model for astronomy.
  • Logical model for Simple Numerical Access Protocol
    • UML2
    • doc (in progress)
    • images below

This topic: IVOA > IvoaTheory > IVOATheorySimulationDatamodel
Topic revision: r32 - 2008-04-27 - GerardLemson
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