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Data Access Layer mail archive
Tuesday May 25, 2004
- Simple Spectral Access
- SSA overview
- SSA data model (J McDowell)
- Data representation (VOTable, FITS, XML, text)
- Query interface
- Demo of AVO SSA prototype (M Dolensky)
- SIA V1.1
- General dataset metadata (identification, characterization)
- UCD normalization
- Logical dataset identifer proposal (R Williams)
- Ranking proposal (A Rots)
Wednesday May 26, 2004
- Catalog Access
- Sky Node (W O'Mullane)
- Use of ADQL in DAL interfaces
- Future Topics
- Proposed extension to SIA (F Bonnarel)
- Proposed extension to SIA (P Osuna)
- Other issues
- UCDs for DAL Interfaces (Joint with UCD WG)
- Usage of UCD and UTYPE in DAL interfaces (D Tody)
- UCDs for SIA (R Williams)
- UCDs for SSA (J McDowell)
Reading Materials
- Simple Spectral Access
- SIA V1.1
- Catalog Access
- Proposals
Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions
DougTody - 21 May 2004
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Topic revision: r4 - 2004-05-22 - DougTody