---+ Astro-RG IG Session *Weds 17 May 2006: 11.00-12.30* There will be a meeting of this group to assess IVOA standards interaction with those from the GGF. Of particular interest will be feedback fromt he joint IVOA/GGF astro-RG workshop to be held in Tokyo, earlier in May 2006 - see [[GgfIvoaMay06WorkShop]] for details. ---++ Presentations * Opening remarks in the [[InterOpMay2006Plenary][plenary session]]: [[%ATTACHURL%/plenary-walton.pdf][[.pdf]]] ---++ Agenda 1 Opening Remarks (IVOA.NicholasWalton) 2 Comments on the IVOA/GGF workshop (IVOA.Masatoshi.Ohishi) 3 Key Areas of IVOA/GGF Interface (IVOA.NicholasWalton) * Authorisation (IVOA.GuyRixon) 4 Audit of VO Project Grid work (IVOA.NicholasWalton) * UK * USA * Japan * Italy * France * others 5 Next GGF: planning for IVOA/GGF Workshop 2 ---++ Documents * Reagan Moore analysis talk of IVOA services: [[%ATTACHURL%/moore-services-ggf17.ppt][[.ppt]]] * GGF17 Astro-RG update session presentations: [[%ATTACHURL%/ggf17-astrorg-moore.pdf][Moore]] [[%ATTACHURL%/ggf17-astrorg-walton.pdf][Walton]] * Giuliano Taffoni proposal for interoperability between Grids and the VO [[%ATTACHURL%/taffoni-ggf17.pdf][[.pdf]]] * INAF proposal for Astro-RG [[%ATTACHURL%/INAF_AstroRG_060517.ppt][[.ppt]]] --- -- IVOA.NicholasWalton - 16 May 2006
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r6 - 2006-05-17 - NicholasWalton
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