Astro-RG IG Session
Weds 17 May 2006: 11.00-12.30
There will be a meeting of this group to assess IVOA standards interaction with those from the GGF.
Of particular interest will be feedback fromt he joint IVOA/GGF astro-RG workshop to be held in Tokyo, earlier in May 2006 - see
GgfIvoaMay06WorkShop for details.
- Opening Remarks (NicholasWalton)
- Comments on the IVOA/GGF workshop (IVOA.Masatoshi.Ohishi)
- Key Areas of IVOA/GGF Interface (NicholasWalton)
- Audit of VO Project Grid work (IVOA,NicholasWalton)
- Next GGF: planning for IVOA/GGF Workshop 2
- Reagan Moore analysis talk of IVOA services: [.ppt]
- GGF17 Astro-RG update session presentations: Moore Walton
NicholasWalton - 16 May 2006