<H1>IVOA Interoperability Meeting</H1> <H2>Victoria, Canada, 14-19 May 2006</H2> <H2>Data Access Layer Sessions</H2> <br/> --- %TOC% --- <br/> ---++ DAL/DM 1-2 (Joint Session) - Tuesday afternoon * Spectral Access * Doug Tody - SSA Overview (25m) * Jonathan <nop>McDowell - Spectrum DM (45m) * Francois Bonnarel - Discussion on UTYPEs (20m) * Doug Tody - SSA Protocol (45m) * Markus Dolensky - [[%PUBURL%/%WEB%/IvoaDAL/ranking-v01.pdf][Ranking algorithm]] (20m) * All - Discussion of SSA and Spectrum DM (25m) ---++ DAL 3-4 - Wednesday morning * Spectral Line Access * Jesus Salgado, Pedro Osuna - SLAP specification (20m) * SIA Upgrade Topics * Pat Dowler - Image indexing and searching (20m) * Silvia Dalia - Time-oriented Queries (20m) * Francois Bonnarel - CGPS radio data cube use case (15m) * Markus Dolensky - SINFONI IFU data cube use case (15m) * Doug Tody - Complex data, generic dataset, data cube access (30m) * All - Discussion of SIA upgrade and related topics (30m) <br>(this session may finish early) ---++ DAL 5 - Thursday morning * Current and Future Implementations * John Taylor - SIAP client experiences in Astrogrid * F. Bonnarel, F. Pierfederici - Footprints * Doug Tody - VO-client/dalclient * Kelly <nop>McCusker - Spectrum data model Java implementation * John Taylor (for Noel Winstanley) - Astro Runtime * Conclusion <br/> --- <br/> Anyone giving a presentation or discussing a specification should upload these documents here. <br/> ---++ Documents |*title*|*version*|*doc*| |Ranking Query Result Sets | 0.10 | ([[%PUBURL%/%WEB%/IvoaDAL/ranking-v01.pdf][.pdf]]) | <br/> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = %MAINWEB%.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r5 - 2006-05-12 - MarkusDolensky
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