• DAL/DM 1-2 Joint Session - Tuesday afternoon
    • Doug Tody - SSA Overview (25m)
    • Jonathan McDowell - Spectrum DM (45m)
    • Francois Bonnarel - Discussion on UTYPEs (20m)
    • (break)
    • Doug Tody - SSA Protocol (45m)
    • Markus Dolensky - Ranking algorithm (20m)
    • All - Discussion of SSA and Spectrum DM (25m)
  • DM 3-4 - Thursday afternoon
    • Mireille Louys - Characterization progress and status 15m
    • Francois Bonnarel - Characterization - implementation and schema 25m
    • Igor Chilingarian - Discovery mechanism using Characterization 15m
    • all - discussion and work on Characterization PR 20m
    • Arnold Rots - Space Time Coordinates 30m
    • all - discussion of STC for adoption as PR 30m
    • M-L Dubernet? Spectral Line Model? (TBD)
  • DM5 - Friday morning
    • Aurelien Stebe - Source data model 30m
    • Francois Bonnarel : data views and access 20m
    • Mireille Louys: provenance (short discussion) 5m
    • Mireille Louys (on behalf of Frederic Boone): Description of numerical codes - 20m

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size DateSorted descending Who Comment
PowerPointppt STC2006-05.ppt r1 manage 602.0 K 2006-05-18 - 22:23 ArnoldRots STC Status
PowerPointppt char_discovery.ppt r1 manage 126.0 K 2006-05-18 - 21:33 IgorChilingarian Data Discovery using Characterisation DM
Texttxt daldm1.txt r1 manage 6.0 K 2006-05-18 - 01:01 JonathanMcDowell Notes from DAL/DM joint session
PowerPointppt vic1.ppt r1 manage 41.5 K 2006-05-16 - 21:24 JonathanMcDowell  
PowerPointppt victoria.ppt r1 manage 63.5 K 2006-05-16 - 21:25 JonathanMcDowell Spectrum DM presentation

This topic: IVOA > WebHome > IvoaEvents > InterOpMay2006 > InterOpMay2006DataModel
Topic revision: r7 - 2006-05-18 - ArnoldRots
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