Education Interest Group Session, Shanghai, China

Thursday, May 18 11:00 am -- 12:30 pm

Session Chair - Chenzhou Cui

Speaker Title Time Material
Shanshan Li China-VO EPO activities 15 mins pdf
Hendrik Heinl Education material: A hands-on course in ADQL 15 mins  
Jenny Sorce/Ada Nebot ASTERICS VO Schools 15 mins pdf
Markus Demleitner Recent updates to the education matters note 15 mins  
Andre Schaaff Data2Dome 15 mins pdf
Chenzhou Cui Data-driven Astronomy Education and Public Outreach 15 mins


Topic attachments
ISorted ascending Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf China-VO-EPO-activities.pdf r1 manage 7656.0 K 2017-05-18 - 02:17 ChenzhouCui China-VO EPO activeties
PDFpdf DAEPO4IVOA2018.pdf r1 manage 3607.5 K 2017-05-18 - 02:16 ChenzhouCui IAU DAEPO WG
PDFpdf IVOA-Shanghai-Edu-CDS.pdf r1 manage 13111.2 K 2017-05-18 - 02:18 AndreSchaaff  
PDFpdf ivoa_shanghai_shools.pdf r1 manage 52044.9 K 2017-05-18 - 02:15 JennySorce  

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