Education Interest Group Sessions Schedule - IVOA May 2021 Interoperability Meeting
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Schedule Summary |
Session |
DateTime UTC |
UTC-08:00 |
UTC-05:00 |
UTC+02:00 |
UTC+08:00 |
UTC+11:00 |
Victoria BC/Pasadena |
Washington DC |
Strasbourg |
Perth/Beijing |
Canberra |
EduIG |
May 26 06:30 |
May 25 23:30 |
May 26 02:30 |
May 26 08:30 |
May 26 14:30 |
May 26 17:30 |
Speaker |
Title |
Time |
Material |
Chairs |
Welcome and Introduction |
5' |
Vanessa McBride |
Collaboration between IAU OAD and IVOA |
8'+2' |
pdf |
Priya Hasan |
Education, Virtual Observatory and Astronomical Data |
8'+2' |
pdf |
Shanshan Li |
International Worldwide Telescope Guided Tour Contest |
8'+2' |
André Schaaff |
Accessibility to astronomical data and services for all |
8'+2' |
pdf |
Open discussion |
15' |
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Topic revision: r4 - 2021-05-26 - ChenzhouCui