Applications Working Group Sessions: May 2023, Bologna, Italy

Apps I
Wednesday, May 10, 11:00--12:30, Plenary Room
Speaker Title Abstract Materials Time
Thomas Boch Recent HiPS activity at CDS I will discuss new HiPS datasets generated or updated (DeCAPS DR2, DES DR2, DESI Legacy Survey DR10, HST, JWST) and experimentation (WebP, cuts by region) we developed. pptx 15+3
Deborah Baines, Henrik Norman TAP Registry Access and ADQL in ESASky ESASky's latest version provides access to all services registered in the TAP Registry, including VizieR (CDS). TAP table metadata, sources and footprints can be loaded in ESASky with just a few clicks, and for the first time in ESASky, ADQL can be used to query TAP tables. pdf 15+3
Markus Demleitner How to deal with different major versions of a standard in pyVO and beyond? In pyVO, we are currently overhauling the discovery of image services, and the questions we ask ourselves are probably relevant to similar consumers of VO services, too, first and foremost: what does "do an all-VO query of image services" mean when, for the forseeable future, there will be SIA1 and SIA2 services coexisting? notes slides 15+3
Matthieu Baumann Aladin Lite v3 "Aladin Lite v3" which was released in January 2023. Many features have been implemented such as the support of all sky projections visualization, a better MOC support as well as the support of FITS image rendering of up to a few gigabytes. This talk will also give instructions for people wanting to embed Aladin Lite v3 into their own web sites. pdf 15+3
Pierre Fernique F-MOC - Towards a frequency MOC ? Study of the possible extension of MOC to the electromagnetic axis. pdf 15+3

Operations/Applications Joint Session I: Wednesday 10 May, 16:00-17:30 (Session #12), Plenary Room
Speaker Title Materials Abstract Time
Alberto Micol VO Polygon Tool pdf A talk about VO Polygons: Interoperability issues, definition issues, and demoing a tool that you can use to check your polygons 12+3
Mark Taylor TOPCAT/STILTS Updates pdf Summary of changes in the recent release of TOPCAT and STILTS, especially support for ADQL 2.1 and DataLink 1.1. 12+3
J.M. Glorian Last developments on the CASSIS spectra software pdf with in particular a prototype of a client's implementation for the protocol currently being defined LineTAP and an implementation using the library of mark taylor for the services authentication. 12+3
Sara Nieto Status of ESDC VO services exposed by ESA pdf Status of ESDC VO services exposed by ESA, like Gaia, Euclid, Helio and Planetary missions 12+3
Mark Taylor + All Operations discussion topics pdf Authentication and Ops, HTTPS, more? 30

Apps II
Thursday, May 11, 11:00--12:30, Room 216
Speaker Title Abstract Materials Time
Jutta Schnabel Very-high-energy Open Data Format In very-high-energy (VHE) gamma-ray astronomy, the community has converged to use a common open data format (GADF) for the high-level data products. With the arrival of open observatories like CTA or KM3NeT and the increasing number of multi-wavelength and multi-messenger studies, a new initiative has been created to specify formats of high-level data from very and ultra high energy gamma-ray facilities and from VHE neutrino ones. This contribution will present the Very-high-energy Open Data Format (VODF) project that has been settled by 11 VHE astroparticle facilities and how it aims to better respect the FAIR principles and the IVOA recommendations. pdf 12+3
Tom Donaldson Towards VOTable1.5 Going one step further in the evolution of VOTable, the different issues   12+3
Pierre Le Sidaner Discovery portal on vespa using Elastic Search Other approach on data discovery with large amount of data collections in TAP queries pdf 12+3
Francois-Xavier Pineau News from MOC Lib Rust, MOCPy and other derivatives Reminder, evolutions and new features in MOC Lib Rust, MOCPy, MOCCli, MOCWasm, MOCGui. pdf 12+3
Francois-Xavier Pineau A VOTable parsing library in Rust A new VOTable parser in Rust able to transform back and forth VOTables in JSON/TOML/YAML, supporting
TABLEDATA, BINARY, BINARY2 and supporting both in memory and streaming mode
pdf 12+3
Brigitta Sipőcz PyVO Refresher What's new in PyVO plus a refresher on how to make contributions. pdf 12+3

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf ESASky_IVOA_May2023.pdf r1 manage 4583.5 K 2023-05-09 - 14:16 DeborahBaines  
PDFpdf ESDC_VO_Services_Status_Interop_10May2023.pdf r2 r1 manage 3005.4 K 2023-05-10 - 10:41 SaraNieto ESDC_VO_Services_Status
PDFpdf FMOC_IVOA_Bologne_Fernique.pdf r1 manage 1339.3 K 2023-05-07 - 11:38 PierreFernique  
PDFpdf IVOABologna2023-TBoch-Apps1.pdf r2 r1 manage 32824.9 K 2023-05-10 - 07:47 ThomasBoch  
Unknown file formatpptx IVOABologna2023-TBoch-Apps1.pptx r3 r2 r1 manage 44348.1 K 2023-05-10 - 08:14 ThomasBoch  
PDFpdf Interop2023_MOCLibRust_FXPineau.pdf r1 manage 4483.8 K 2023-05-11 - 07:00 FrancoisXavierPineau  
PDFpdf Interop2023_VOTLibRust_FXPineau.pdf r1 manage 1233.8 K 2023-05-11 - 07:01 FrancoisXavierPineau  
PDFpdf PyVO_IVOA_2023.05.pdf r1 manage 4716.9 K 2023-05-11 - 07:02 AdrianDamian  
PDFpdf VODFIVOA.pptx.pdf r1 manage 1395.2 K 2023-05-11 - 06:59 PierreLeSidaner vodf
PDFpdf presentation_elastic.pdf r1 manage 828.3 K 2023-05-11 - 05:01 PierreLeSidaner presentation_elastic
PDFpdf sia-notes.pdf r1 manage 114.6 K 2023-05-08 - 08:54 MarkusDemleitner  
PDFpdf sia-slides.pdf r1 manage 135.0 K 2023-05-08 - 08:55 MarkusDemleitner  
PDFpdf slides.pdf r1 manage 29712.3 K 2023-05-09 - 23:28 MatthieuBaumann Aladin Lite v3 major new features (ObsCore and FITS file visualization)

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Topic revision: r34 - 2023-05-11 - PierreLeSidaner
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