---+ Data Model Working Group Sessions: May 2024, Sydney, Australia [[InterOpMay2024][Back to main program]] *DM Session 1: High Energy focus* | *DM 1 - Tuesday, May 21, 14:00 -- 15:30, C122* |||| | *Speaker* | *Time* | *Title* | *Materials* | | Mathieu Servillat | | Overview based on the Note prepared by the HE group | | | TBD | | Experience building !ObsCore service for HE data <br /><br /> (abstract) | | | Ian Evans | | Chandra Data/Catalog <br /><br /> (abstract) | | | Mark Cressitello-Dittmar | | Data models: compatibility with event data <br /><br /> (abstract) | | | | | Open Discussion | | *DM Session 2: General Session* | *DM 2 - Thursday, May 23, 16:00 -- 17:30, C122* |||| | *Speaker* | *Time* | *Title* | *Materials* | | Paul Harrison | | !VODML enhancement requests and Proposal Model state <br /><br /> (abstract) | | | Laurent Michel | | MANGO, a Model for ANnotating Generic Objects <br /><br />Mango is a DataModel proposal designed to represent open-ended collections of complex properties such as we find in data tables.<br />We consider a property to be complex if it is built with multiple parameters, possibly associated with complex errors, flags or even other properties.<br />The purpose of Mango is to facilitate the processing of data tables property by property rather than column by column, which requires clients to infer the property components.<br />The properties supported by Mango can be modeled by classes imported from other data models (Meas/Coords, photDM ) or by built-in classes. | | | François Bonnarel | | FoV data model : integrating a rendering class<br /><br /> (abstract) | | | Mathieu Servillat | | One-step Provenance updates <br /><br /> (abstract) | | *Joint Session:* | *DM/DAL/APPS - Wednesday, May 22, 11:00--12:30, C122* |||| | *Speaker* | *Time* | *Title* | *Materials* | | Mark Cressitello-Dittmar | | Introduction | | | | | Open Discussion | | <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
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Topic revision: r3 - 2024-05-02 - MathieuServillat
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