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Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule
Speaker |
Title |
Time |
Location |
Apps 1 |
SAMP and Standalone Applications |
Monday 16:00-17:30 |
Aud |
Yohann Granet |
Wrapping Legacy Applications in SAMP |
Mark Taylor |
New and Improved Features in TOPCAT |
Mark Taylor |
JSAMP Bridge |
Jonathan Fay |
Web-SAMP (and WWT?) |
Renaud Savalle and Jerome Bertier |
A simple SAMP applet |
Sebastien Derriere |
SAMP from the Web |
Yohann Granet |
An Easy way to SAMPify any program |
Apps 2 |
Web based Applications |
Wednesday 10:30-12:00 |
Aud |
Matthew Graham |
CrowdSourcing |
Alessandro Costa |
VisIVOWeb: a web solution for large-scale astrophysical visualization |
Jonathan McDowell |
The Google Sky interface to the Chandra catalog archive |
Panagoula Zografou |
A User Interface for Catalog Queries using ADQL |
Ivan Zolotukhin |
Mid-size catalog publishing solution in Django |
Tomas Boch |
All-sky data and the VO |
Joint Apps/DAL |
Building and using TAP Services |
Wednesday 16:00-17:30 |
Aud |
Guy Rixon |
TAP in AstroGrid |
Pat Dowler |
TAP at the CADC |
Tom McGlynn |
TAP at the HEASARC |
Discussion |
Using PgSphere |
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Topic revision: r9 - 2009-11-05 - TomMcGlynn