Ops Session at the May 2024 Interop, Sydney, Australia

Thursday May 23 2024 14:00-15:30, Room: C122

See InterOpNov2024 for the complete programme.

Speaker Title Time Material
Henrik Norman Euro-VO Registry weather report and VOSI improvements

The usual Euro-VO Registry "weather report" will be presented, detailing the compliance with the IVOA standards for VOResources (SCS, SIAP, SSAP and TAP, the progression over time, and the main reasons of non-compliances. The Euro-VO Registry is now using the VOSI interface, and we will show how this facilitates the VOResources registration and validation processes.
12' + 5'  
Anastasia Galkin Site report for the IVOA compliant services at AIP

At Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP) we host several astrophysical archives that use IVOA protocols to deliver the data to scientists. In the first part, we'll present the implementation of DOIs within the Datalink protocol using APPLAUSE archive as example. In the second part, we'll briefly discuss the operations of the archive instances using Daiquiri Framework and dockerized setup. We hope for a lively discussion about operations and ideas exchange for Datalink use cases.
15' + 5'  
Youfen Wang Archiving for different source astronomical data: experiences and lessons learned

12' + 5'  
Anastasia Laity NAVO Archives: Adventures in ObsTAP and DataLink

NAVO member archives will discuss the issues we've encountered while trying to design ObsTAP and DataLink services that present a consistent user experience. We'll present the current status of our designs, some of the problems we've solved so far, and the areas where we're still looking for answers; hopefully it can spur some detailed discussions with other entities implementing these services. Topics include: Datalink ID values; how we define "observations" and "collections"; how to communicate which geometrical queries are supported to clients; and managing query performance.
12' + 5'  
  Open discussion 19'  
Moderators: Steve Groom, Tamara Civera

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