Data Model Work Group Sessions Oct 14/15, 2003 at InterOpOct2003

Attendees at Oct 14 DM WG session

1. Introduction: JonathanMcDowell (JM)

Aim for the creation of a White Paper describing the 'IVOA' Data Model

A number of data models have been considered so far, and these show areas of similarities.

  • cfa data model from JM
  • starlink one from dave giaretta
  • one from readon of egso
  • one from cds - mireille louys

Frank Valdes: Will send in the NOAO data model described in UML with supprting text description

JM: All encouraged to submit links to their Data Models (preferablly also in UML with text description).

2. DM Use Cases: Alberto Michol

Alberto's slides in ppt format

There is a requirement for Science Cases to help in the scoping of the Data Models. Initially could look at the Science Cases from e.g. AstroGrid (AstroGrid top ten science cases) and NVO etc.

Issue of science use cases required for this.

NicholasWalton: Meeting needs to identify responsible person/people to lead the requirements capture and analysis process.

AGREED: Alberto Michol, Brian Thomas, David Giaretta, agreed to supervise this process of collation and first cut review of science requirements for Data Models. All are encouraged to send their science use cases for input into this activity.

Discussion points

Q. ??: Inclusion of plate data from smaller institutes A. JM: will be considered as a lower priority case.

Q. Javier Solano: scope to include say Planetary Data. A. JM: not first priority but will be included. Thus RA,Dec is not seen as the key identifier of objects as this isn't the case for say planetary data!

Q. Lyndsay Fletcher: assessment of quality A. Doug Tody: data characterisation is a key component of this activity, thus user assesment of 'quality' when assessing data for their use will be possible.

3. Road Map

Requiments needed by the DAL group. Doug Tody noted upcoming input required from the data model needed by the DAL group in their v1.0 SSA and v1.1 SIA standards.

Short term goals:

  • Observational data model

Other issues:

  • Packaging
  • Data Collecitions - e.g. from an IFU - maybe just
  • Updating of data infomation - maybe a registry problem (e.g. handle update of photmetric calibration data)

Brian Thomas: would like to see a more developed framework for the development of the Data Model

On the whiteboard:

  • slow> top level: obs, spectra etc
  • intermediate> mid level: components
  • fast> low level: qualntities, units

Move with idea of local namespaces.

JonathanMcDowell: Names against Milestone Tasks

  • White Paper at Observation and Component Level - end Dec 2003
    • Take a Use Case to implement and pass to the DAL group for consideration

  • UML Level Feb 2003.

Francois Bonnarel - common rules - ensure compatability with DAL.

-- NicholasWalton - 16 Oct 2003

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Topic revision: r1 - 2003-10-16 - NicholasWalton
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