IVOA Interoperability Meeting

6-7 Oct 2005: ESAC, Madrid, Spain

Theory Session Thurs 16:45-18:30 LAEFF


The goal of the meeting is to review the use cases that have been submitted since the Kyoto meeting and to start the process of extracting requirements for the WGs.

The use cases that have been posted (see list) will be introduced by the writers or representatives:

  • Enrique Solano: Synthesis models in VO
  • Nic Walton (for Laurie Shaw): Tools for cosmological simulations: simulated S-Z maps
  • Franck Le Petit: Determination of physical conditions in interstellar clouds & Multi wavelength analysis of interstellar clouds
  • Dave De Young
  • Gerard Lemson: Theory SkyNode & Virtual telescope configuration

We will then discuss how to proceed and start extracting requirements. The following issues (and likely more) must be addressed:

  • Extraction of requirements and matching to working groups and available standards (investigation of available standards and support)
  • Prioritization (on what timescale do we need and can we expect support ?
  • Communication to WGs (how/who ? documents ? IVOA exec ?)
  • Allocation of tasks to define the required standards (expected response form WG: do it !)
  • Implementation/adaptation of services according to standards
  • Communication to community

Proposed cosmology theory-IG workshop [.pdf]

This topic: IVOA > InterOpOct2005Theory
Topic revision: r6 - 2006-05-24 - BrunoRino
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