Agenda for GWS-WG sessions at Baltimore Interop meeting

This is the agenda for the GWS sessions at the Baltimore Interop.

Session 1: Current Standards

WGPS 2: Mon 27 Oct 15:30 - 17:00 ST-Aud

We will review the status of the current standards: VOSpace, UWS, Credential Delegation, VOSI, WS Basic Profile

15:30 MatthewGraham Current status PDF
15:45 GuyRixon UWS 0.5 PDF
16:00 AndreSchaaff WS Basic Profile PDF
16:15 AniThakar Logging  
16:30 AndreSchaaff VOSpace with iRODS PDF
16:45 KirkBorne P2P Data Mining PPT


Session 2: REST and beyond

WGPS 3: Tues 28 Oct 08:30 - 10:00 ST-Aud

We will discuss development of the REST Profile document, VOSpace 2.0 (REST i/f) and other REST matters

08:30 AndreSchaaff REST Profile PDF
08:45 MatthewGraham XMPP Services PDF
09:00 MatthewGraham VOSpace 2.0 PDF


Session 3: Web Services

WGPS 6: Wed 29 Oct 08:30 - 10:00 B462

We will discuss whether GWS should defining versions of IVOA data representation standards (VOTable, STC) that work with SOAP toolkits? Should we be advocating a set of toolkits that we know to work? Should we be pressurizing for a particular approach to web services that does not require anything more that the specification of an XML document as being passed between the client and the service?

08:30 AndyPtak XAssist PDF
08:45 TamasBudavari VOPipe for Data Flows PDF

Session 4: Authorisation

WGPS 7: Wed 29 Oct 10:30 - 12:00 B462

We will discuss how the IVOA should tackle authorization - granting permission to someone to do something to a resource. Should we have project-level authorization services or is a service-level approach a better idea? What about IVOA user profiles and communities?

10:30 GuyRixon AG Security facade PDF
10:45 RayPlante Experiences with OpenID PDF
11:00 MatthewGraham Local is best PDF
11:15 GuyRixon Centralize, centralize, centralize PDF
11.30 NormanGray AGAST: decentralise! pdf


Session 5: Joint with DAL and Registry WGs

WGPS 10: Thurs 30 Oct 13:30 - 15:00 ST-Aud

We will be reviewing areas of common concern with the DAL and Registry WGs: VOSI, VOSpace, etc.


Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf Baltimore-ACI.pdf r1 manage 805.5 K 2008-10-30 - 13:16 MatthewGraham Presentation on Access Control
PDFpdf Baltimore-GWSCurrentStatus.pdf r1 manage 752.7 K 2008-10-30 - 13:17 MatthewGraham Presentation on Current Status of GWS standards
PDFpdf Baltimore-VOSpace2.0.pdf r1 manage 763.7 K 2008-10-30 - 13:18 MatthewGraham Presentation on Restful VOSpace
PDFpdf Baltimore-XMPPServices.pdf r1 manage 756.6 K 2008-10-30 - 13:19 MatthewGraham  
PDFpdf GWS-BasicProfile-28October08.pdf r1 manage 111.0 K 2008-10-27 - 22:24 AndreSchaaff  
PDFpdf GWS-REST-28October08.pdf r1 manage 114.7 K 2008-10-28 - 13:01 AndreSchaaff  
PDFpdf GWS-VOSpace-iRODS-27October08.pdf r1 manage 554.7 K 2008-10-27 - 22:25 AndreSchaaff  
PDFpdf GWSOpenID.pdf r1 manage 323.8 K 2008-10-29 - 14:34 RayPlante  
PDFpdf IVOA-2008-ptak.pdf r1 manage 698.0 K 2008-10-29 - 14:47 UnknownUser  
PDFpdf VOPipe.pdf r1 manage 428.8 K 2008-10-29 - 14:27 TamasBudavari  
PDFpdf VOREST-Oct2008-v0.22.pdf r1 manage 52.9 K 2008-10-28 - 04:21 AndreSchaaff  
PDFpdf VOSI-1.01.pdf r1 manage 284.1 K 2008-10-30 - 01:31 GuyRixon VOSI with tables support: draft of VOSI 1.01
PDFpdf affiliation-baltimore-2008.pdf r1 manage 2359.7 K 2008-10-27 - 14:24 GuyRixon Presentation about affiliation registries
PDFpdf gws3-authn.pdf r2 r1 manage 250.9 K 2008-10-29 - 16:51 NormanGray Norman AGAST (fixed)
PowerPointppt kborne-interop2008.ppt r3 r2 r1 manage 1317.5 K 2008-10-27 - 23:33 KirkBorne P2P Data Mining
PDFpdf security-facade-baltimore-2008.pdf r1 manage 231.0 K 2008-10-27 - 14:00 GuyRixon Presentation on AstroGrid security-facade library
PDFpdf uws-baltimore-2008.pdf r1 manage 119.4 K 2008-10-27 - 13:34 GuyRixon Report on UWS 0.5

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Topic revision: r25 - 2008-10-30 - MatthewGraham
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