Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf AppsClosingRemarks.pdf r1 manage 5081.2 K 2015-11-01 - 02:20 TomDonaldson AppsClosingRemarks
PDFpdf AppsWG-preview.pdf r1 manage 108.0 K 2015-10-29 - 20:27 PierreFernique  
PDFpdf Characterisation_2Sydney.pdf r1 manage 674.3 K 2015-11-01 - 02:30 FrancoisBonnarel  
PDFpdf DALIntroSydney.pdf r1 manage 83.0 K 2015-10-29 - 22:26 FrancoisBonnarel DAL Intro Sydney 0ct 2015
PDFpdf DM-Plenary1.pdf r1 manage 532.2 K 2015-10-29 - 12:51 MarkCresitelloDittmar DM Plenary 1
PDFpdf DalConclusionSydney.pdf r1 manage 358.9 K 2015-11-01 - 02:32 FrancoisBonnarel  
PDFpdf DataCP_Plenary1.pdf r1 manage 23.3 K 2015-10-29 - 10:42 FrancoiseGenova  
PDFpdf DataCP_Plenary2.pdf r1 manage 38.5 K 2015-11-01 - 02:32 AlbertoAccomazzi DCP Plenary Summary
PDFpdf GWS-Plenary1.pdf r1 manage 163.2 K 2015-10-29 - 06:27 BrianMajor GWS Plenary I
PDFpdf GWS-Plenary2.pdf r1 manage 162.2 K 2015-11-01 - 00:24 BrianMajor GWS Penary II
PDFpdf OIGSummaryOct2015.pdf r1 manage 651.5 K 2015-11-01 - 02:36 TomMcGlynn  
PDFpdf OpsChargeOct2015.pdf r1 manage 414.5 K 2015-10-29 - 22:26 TomMcGlynn  
Unknown file formatpptx OpsChargeOct2015.pptx r1 manage 35.7 K 2015-10-29 - 22:24 TomMcGlynn  
PDFpdf SemanticsPlenarysept2015.pdf r1 manage 486.9 K 2015-11-01 - 02:31 AlbertoAccomazzi Semantics Summary
PDFpdf Theory-closing.pdf r3 r2 r1 manage 22.1 K 2015-11-01 - 03:29 CarlosRodrigo  
PDFpdf UWS-Plenary1.pdf r1 manage 163.2 K 2015-10-29 - 06:23 BrianMajor please ignore
PDFpdf dmwg_close.pdf r1 manage 1106.6 K 2015-11-01 - 00:10 MarkCresitelloDittmar DM Plenary 2
PDFpdf registry-closing.pdf r1 manage 272.3 K 2015-11-01 - 02:32 MarkusDemleitner  
PDFpdf registry.pdf r1 manage 249.8 K 2015-10-29 - 22:44 MarkusDemleitner  

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Topic revision: r24 - 2015-11-01 - CarlosRodrigo
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