Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf ClosingDAL102016.pdf r1 manage 134.3 K 2016-10-23 - 10:58 FrancoisBonnarel DAL closing remarks
PDFpdf DM_Plenary1.pdf r1 manage 99.1 K 2016-10-20 - 18:59 MarkCresitelloDittmar DM-Plenary1
PDFpdf DM_plenary2.pdf r1 manage 255.8 K 2016-10-23 - 06:40 MarkCresitelloDittmar DM-Plenary2
PDFpdf GWS-PlenaryI.pdf r1 manage 457.4 K 2016-10-20 - 14:58 BrianMajor GWS-Plenary1
PDFpdf GWS-PlenaryII.pdf r2 r1 manage 390.4 K 2016-10-23 - 11:37 BrianMajor  
PDFpdf IVOA2016TriesteSemantics.pdf r1 manage 91.4 K 2016-10-23 - 11:08 AlbertoAccomazzi Semantics WG summary
PDFpdf IVOA_Apps_Closing.pdf r1 manage 40.9 K 2016-10-23 - 08:06 PierreFernique  
PDFpdf IVOA_Apps_Opening.pdf r1 manage 50.7 K 2016-10-21 - 06:11 PierreFernique  
Unknown file formatpptx OIGChargeOct2016.pptx r1 manage 39.1 K 2016-10-21 - 07:13 TomMcGlynn  
PDFpdf OIGSummaryOct2016.pdf r2 r1 manage 341.1 K 2016-10-23 - 11:18 TomMcGlynn  
PDFpdf OpeningDAL102016.pdf r1 manage 133.4 K 2016-10-21 - 07:20 FrancoisBonnarel DAL-OpeningPlenary
PDFpdf TDIG-20161023.pdf r1 manage 194.5 K 2016-10-23 - 10:21 DaveMorris Time domain interest summary
PDFpdf Trieste2016_DataCP_Plenary1.pdf r2 r1 manage 633.9 K 2016-10-21 - 13:40 FrancoiseGenova DataCP-Plenary 1
PDFpdf Trieste2016_DataCP_Plenary2.pdf r1 manage 193.9 K 2016-10-23 - 06:29 FrancoiseGenova DataCP-Plenary 2
PDFpdf theory-closing.pdf r1 manage 20.4 K 2016-10-23 - 08:15 CarlosRodrigo  
PDFpdf theory-opening.pdf r1 manage 15.2 K 2016-10-21 - 08:07 CarlosRodrigo  

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Topic revision: r27 - 2016-10-23 - BrianMajor
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