Plenary 1, Friday Oct 21, 2016

Introductory talks, 5 min presentation (plus questions) per WG and IG

Speaker Title File
Fernique WG Applications [pdf]
Bonnarel WG DAL [pdf]
Cresitello-Dittmar WG DM [pdf]
Major WG GWS [pdf]
Demleitner WG Registry [pdf]
Louys WG Semantics [pdf]
Genova IG DCP [pdf]
Ramella IG Education [pdf]
Polsterer IG KDIG [pdf]
McGlynn IG Operations [pdf]
Rodrigo IG Theory [pdf]
Swinbank IG Time Domain [pdf]

Plenary 2, Sunday Oct 23 2016

WG/IG session summaries, 5 min presentation (plus questions) per WG and IG

Speaker Title File
Fernique WG Applications [pdf]
Bonnarel WG DAL [pdf]
Cresitello-Dittmar WG DM [pdf]
Major WG GWS [pdf]
Demleitner WG Registry [pdf]
Louys WG Semantics [pdf]
Genova IG DCP [pdf]
Ramella IG Education [pdf]
Polsterer IG KDIG [pdf]
McGlynn IG Operations [pdf]
Rodrigo IG Theory [pdf]
Swinbank IG Time Domain [pdf]

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