Remark :
- it is still possible to add a slot, please feel free to send a request to andre.schaaff @ if you want to present something.
One of the sessions will be dedicated to discussions.
GWS Session 1
GWS 1 - Naupaka 7 - Friday 9:00 10:30 |
Speaker |
Title |
Duration |
Materials |
André Schaaff |
Introduction, report of current work in the WG |
10 |
(pdf) |
Dmitry Y Mishin |
Data sharing using SciDrive (former VOBox) |
20 |
(pdf) |
Brian Major |
UWS in action: The CANFAR VM lifecycle web service |
20 |
pdf |
Andre Schaaff |
Experimenting clouds with HEALPix surveys |
15 |
(pdf) |
Carlo Maria Zwölf |
Results of the public RFC for PDL: answers and modifications for meeting the comments |
20 |
(pdf) |
All |
Discussion |
15 |
(minutes) |
GWS Session 2
GWS 2 - Naupaka 7 - Saturday 9:00 10:30 |
Speaker |
Title |
Duration |
Materials |
All |
Discussion about "Abusive users" |
(minutes) |
All |
Discussion about existing GWS standards, needs / updates ? |
(minutes) |
Work around abusive users
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Topic revision: r8 - 2013-09-27 - BrianMajor