IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM11)

Date: June 23, 2004 Venue: Glasgow, Scotland, UK


SECC convention centre, Fyne room (see map).
Ground floor of Loch Suite next to Lomond Auditorium


  1. 09:30 ACTIONS review
  2. Project round-table
  3. Reports from Boston – WG and IG reports
  4. IVOA Architecture review – final report and recommendations
  5. IVOA Roadmap – synthesis of WG roadmaps plus milestones for 2005/2006
  6. IVOA Strategic Review – discussion on the draft strategic “business” plan (pdf, doc)
  7. IVOA calendar 2005, 2006
  8. AOB
  9. 18:00 adjourn

WG and IG Reports

Working Group Report Chair
DAL pdf, doc Doug Tody
Data Modelling pdf Jonathan McDowell
GWS pdf, doc Guy Rixon
VO Query Language pdf, ppt Masatoshi Ohishi
VOTable pdf Francois Ochsenbein
Registry html Tony Linde
Interest Group Report Chair
Applications pdf, ppt Tom McGlynn
- AIGStandards pdf, doc
- Stds Metrix html, xls
Architecture html Roy Williams
Theory pdf Gerard Lemson

Further Reading to Prepare for Meeting

Event IvoaExecMeeting
Title IVOA Executive Committee Meeting
Date 23.06.2004
Location Glasgow, Scotland - UK
Chair Peter Quinn

This topic: IVOA > IvoaExecMeetingFM11
Topic revision: r10 - 2004-06-24 - MarcoLeoni
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