IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM34)

Sun Nov 8 2009 @ 16.00-18.00 CET

Wed Nov 11 2009 @ 12.30-14.30 CET - Supplementary


Full Meeting: ESO Garching, Council Room?

Agenda (DRAFT as of 20091104)

  1. Roll Call and Agenda -­ FP
  2. Minutes of TM 33
  3. Review of Action Items ­- FP
  4. TCG status - CA
  5. Reports by WGs - WG Chairs
  6. Standards documents and process - Bruno Rino + discussion
  7. Prioritisation path - DDY + all
  8. AOB
  9. Review of New Action Items

Reports from the Projects


AstroGrid (UK-VO)

Since our report for TM33, we have submitted a proposal to STFC to support the creation of the AstroGrid Software Foundation, as an open source project to maintain and develop the AstroGrid technical infrastructure suite. We will welcome software contributions from other VO projects and data centre staff, as well as ex-AstroGrid staff on continuing EU and UK VO-related projects. The proposal has been submitted under "urgency procedure" so we hope for an answer soon.

Meanwhile, it is worth repeating that we have made a full documented release of the infrastructure software, which can be found at http://deployer.astrogrid.org . This is intended for both data centres and other VO projects. As before, the astronomer user-software is downloadable from a separate site, http://www.astrogrid.org


BRAVO (Brazil)


Please refer to the report for TM33: http://www.ivoa.net/cgi-bin/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/IvoaExecMeetingTM33#China_VO



France VO




Korean VO


NVO remains in a state of very constrained activity as we wait for NSF to release the promised funding for the VAO. Progress is being made in resolving legal issues concerning the relationship between the agency and the VAO, LLC, the new organization founded by AUI and AURA to manage the VAO. However, given that all previous expectations of progress have not been met, we are reluctant to predict when VAO will really get going.

On the other hand, NASA's initial contribution to VAO is now funded, and in the absence of an overall project plan (which cannot be completed until the NSF funding is in place), we are engaged in core maintenance and support activities such as registry curation and service testing and validation.

US VO staff continue to hold weekly technical telecons on a best-effort basis.

We have recruited a VAO Science Council, but that body will not convene until we have resolved the NSF funding issues.

We have also established a VAO Board of Directors, which met by telecon in July and will meet again by telecon later in November. Dr. Jay Gallagher (U. Wisconsin, and editor of the Astronomical Journal) is the chair of the VAO Board.

BobHanisch, 4 Nov 2009





Reports from WGs & IGs(follows order as at http://www.ivoa.net/forum/)

Applications WG

Data Access Layer WG

Data Models WG

Grid and Web Services Working Group

Registry WG

Semantics/UCD WG



VOTable WG

Astro-RG IG

Data Curation and Preservation IG

Theory IG

Standards & Processes

-- FabioPasian - 04 Nov 2009

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