---+ IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM46) *Sunday October 21 @ 16:00 - 18:00* *Argentina Room in the Tryp Itaim Hotel. Address: Rua Manuel Guedes, 320* *[Supplementary Meeting: Wednesday October 24 @ 12:30 - 14:00, room 15 Administration building]* --- *Contents* %TOC% ---++ Agenda FM46 1 Roll Call and Agenda (MA) 1 Minutes of [[http://wiki.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/IvoaRepMin/ivoa-tm45-20120712.pdf][TM45]] 1 Review of [[%ATTACHURL%/actions-for-fm46-20121021.pdf][Actions]] 1 Project Reports - Significant Events Only 1 Report of the TCG status (SG) 1 WG Reports 1 Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item] 1 Proposal for IVOA Interest Group on Education and Outreach 1 Proposal for South Africa membership in IVOA 1 Future of IVOA 1 Date of next telecon meeting 1 AOB 1 Summary of Actions (MA) ---++ Reports from the Projects --- ---+++ Argentina - NOVA --- NOVA is installing and uploading data in some of institutions. A set of data from the VVV survey will be uploaded in the following months. The scanning of 'historical data' is still one of the aims of NOVA but there are many different opinions about how this should be done and no data has been so far produced. At begining of next year, a 'master' talk will be given simultaneously in different institutions to motivate researchers to upload their data and to use VO. NOVA is planning a two days workshop on VO techniques for June 2013. ---+++ <nop>ArVO --- ---+++ AstroGrid --- ---+++ Australia-VO --- ---+++ BRAVO --- ---+++ China-VO --- ---+++ CVO --- ---+++ Euro-VO --- ---+++ ESAVO --- ---+++ France VO --- ---+++ GAVO --- ---+++ HVO --- ---+++ Japan-VO --- ---+++ Ukraine VO --- ---+++ VAO --- ---+++ RVO --- ---+++ SVO --- --- ---+++ VObs.it --- ---+++ VO-India --- --- ---++ Reports from WGs & IGs(follows order as at http://www.ivoa.net/forum/) --- --- ---+++ Applications WG --- ---+++ Data Access Layer WG --- ---+++ Data Models WG --- ---+++ Grid and Web Services Working Group --- ---+++ Registry WG --- ---+++ Semantics/UCD WG --- ---+++ VOEvent --- ---+++ VOTable WG --- ---+++ Data Curation and Preservation IG --- ---+++ Knowledge Discovery in Databases IG --- ---+++ Theory IG <br /> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r5 - 2012-10-17 - MarkAllen
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