---+ IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM46) *Sunday October 21 @ 16:00 - 18:00* *Argentina Room in the Tryp Itaim Hotel. Address: Rua Manuel Guedes, 320* *[Supplementary Meeting: Wednesday October 24 @ 12:30 - 14:00, room 15 Administration building]* --- *Contents* %TOC% ---++ Agenda FM46 1 Roll Call and Agenda (MA) 1 Minutes of [[http://wiki.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/IvoaRepMin/ivoa-tm45-20120712.pdf][TM45]] 1 Review of [[%ATTACHURL%/actions-for-fm46-20121021.pdf][Actions]] 1 Project Reports - Significant Events Only 1 Report of the TCG status (SG) 1 WG Reports 1 Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item] 1 Proposal for IVOA Interest Group on Education and Outreach 1 Proposal for South Africa membership in IVOA 1 Future of IVOA 1 Date of next telecon meeting 1 AOB 1 Summary of Actions (MA) ---++ Reports from the Projects --- ---+++ Argentina - NOVA --- NOVA is installing and uploading data in some of institutions. A set of data from the VVV survey will be uploaded in the following months. The scanning of 'historical data' is still one of the aims of NOVA but there are many different opinions about how this should be done and no data has been so far produced. At begining of next year, a 'master' talk will be given simultaneously in different institutions to motivate researchers to upload their data and to use VO. NOVA is planning a two days workshop on VO techniques for June 2013. ---+++ <nop>ArVO --- ---+++ AstroGrid --- ---+++ Australia-VO --- ---+++ BRAVO --- ---+++ China-VO --- ---+++ CVO --- ---+++ Euro-VO --- ---+++ ESAVO --- ---+++ France VO --- ---+++ GAVO --- ---+++ HVO --- ---+++ Japan-VO --- ---+++ Ukraine VO --- ---+++ VAO --- ---+++ RVO RVO progress report (Oct 2012)<br /><br />1. The database of Moscow astronomical plate collection and<br />maintenance of the General Catalogue of Variable Stars (INASAN and SAI<br />MSU, led by Nikolai Samus)<br /><br />As mentioned in our 2011 report, because of its unprecedented large volume, <br />the 80th Name-List of Variable Stars, introducing new objects of the GCVS, <br />is being prepared in three parts. After the previous report, towards the end <br />of the year, Part 2 of the 80th Name-List (2161 stars, right ascensions <br />between 6h and 16h) was published. Part 3 (also about 2000 stars) will be <br />submitted before the end of 2012. <br /><br />We have made considerable effort in analyzing future GCVS prospects and <br />necessary changes in our approaches to the project. Two talks on this subject <br />were delivered by N. Samus at the IAU General Assembly in Beijing.<br /><br />Many dozens of corrections to the electronic GCVS have been introduced during <br />2012. We continued to provide the IAU Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams with <br />new GCVS names given to Novae immediately upon their discovery; however, <br />the response of the BAT has become extremely delayed, and we even do not know <br />exactly which of these designations have been actually announced by the CBAT. <br />Digitizing the Sternberg Institute plate collection has temporarily stopped, <br />the scanners need replacement that was not secured during 2012 due to <br />financial problems. However, we proceed with discoveries of new variable <br />stars using digitized plates. Two papers on discoveries in different <br />10 X 10 degree fields are close to the end of their preparation.<br /><br />2. Working group "RVO data" (INASAN, led by Dana Kovaleva)<br /><br />The pilot version of the Binary Star Database (BDB) - a revised and updated <br />result of evolution of the Besancon Double and Multiple Star Data Base -<br />soon will be available for the community at http://bdb.inasan.ru/ . The BDB <br />includes data on physical and astrometric parameters of binaries of various <br />types. The development of the BDB involved solution of problems of <br />cross-identification and of aggregation of various format data from <br />astronomical catalogues and databases. The report on BDB has been presented <br />at the XIV annual All-Russian conference on Digital Libraries (Program Systems <br />Institute of Russian Acad. Sci., October 15 to 18, 2012, <br />http://rcdl2012.pereslavl.ru/section.php?id=1&plang=e).<br /><br />The scheme of the list of russian astronomical resources has been revised. <br />The update will be placed at the web pages of the RVO by the end of 2012.<br /><br />3. Zvenigorod Scanlaboratory Group (INASAN, led by Sergei Vereshchagin)<br /><br />Zvenigorod observatory keeps working on the project "The creation <br />of the electronic library of astronegatives received on Zvenigorod Astrograph".<br /><br />The project: "The service of the electronic library of astronegatives received <br />on Zvenigorod Astrograph, add data, its reduction to a standard format and it <br />inclusion into WFPDB.<br /><br />Telescope: Astrograph Carl Zeiss - 400/2000. It is established in Zvenigorod <br />in 1972. Focus=200 cm.<br /><br />Plate parameters: Since 1972 about to 2005 was observed the 3703 negatives <br />and are fixed in log. Wide field equal 8.5 deg on 8.5 deg for as much as possible <br />for a large plate with size 30 on 30 cm. Such field of view allows to <br />photograph a long tails of comets, having them on a plate diagonal. <br /><br />The information on work science groups, tools, volumes and characteristics <br />of glass library of the Zvenigorod observatory is presented on the INASAN <br />site http://www.inasan.ru/rus/scan/. The address of a site for viewing of <br />archive of photographic plates of the Zvenigorod Astrograph in a Data Base <br />in Bulgaria is http://draco.skyarchive.org/search/search.cgi. For the <br />project equipment A3 EPSON Expression 1640XL scanner used. <br /><br />Now we continue a scanning and cataloging the plate images according to <br />requirements of the Data Center in Sofia (WFPDB).<br /><br />Scanning of photographic plates of the Zvenigorod Astrograph: 250 negatives <br />in FITS, TIFF and JPG - formats are scanned in 2012. Now accessible more <br />than 1800 scans in total.<br /><br />The scans was recorded on DVD, SOTA and USB disks by Panferova V. I.<br /><br />The data of AFU camera films was added to WFPDB.<br />(http://wfpdb.org/search/ for the search to use the IDobs - "ZVN", IDins <br />- "021").<br /><br />4. Publications<br /><br />Kazarovets, E.V., Pastukhova, E.N., Samus, N.N., Bogdanova, E.M. New <br />Variables in Pegasus: How Can We Use WASP0 Data. Perem. Zvezdy, 2012, 32, <br />No. 4.<br /><br />Kazarovets, E.V., Samus, N.N., Durlevich, O.V., et al. 2011, The 80th <br />Name-List of Variable Stars. Part II - RA 6h to 16h. Information Bulletin <br />on Variable Stars, No. 6008.<br /><br />Samus, N.N., Antipin, S. Recent Space Missions and Ground-Base Surveys and <br />their Implication for Variable-Star Studies. In: 50 years of cosmic era: <br />real and virtual studies if the sky, proceedings of a conference of young <br />sciences of CIS countries, 21-25 November 2011, eds. A. Mikaelian, <br />O. Malkov, N. Samus, Yerevan: National Academy of Sciences, 2012, p. 39-47. <br /><br />Kaygorodov, P.; Debray, B.; Kolesnikov, N.; Kovaleva, D.; Malkov, O. <br />The New Version of the Binary Star Database (bdb). Baltic Astronomy 2012, <br />v. 21, p. 309<br /><br />Kaygorodov P.V., Malkov O.Yu, Kovaleva D.A. Binary Star Database (BDB). <br />In: Digital libraries XIV, 2012, in press.<br /><br />Kovaleva D.A., Dluzhnevskaya O.B. Russian resources of astronomical data <br />to be integrated in the International Virtual Observatory. In: Digital <br />libraries XIII, 2011, Voronezh State University, p. 317-325. / <br />CEUR Workshop Proceedings: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-803/paper22.pdf<br /><br />S.V. Vereshchagin and N.V. Chupina, Digital archive of the Astrograph plates <br />stored at the INASAN Zvenigorod observatory, Baltic Astronomy, 2012, v. 21, <br />p. 366<br /><br />Sergei V. Vereshchagin, Natalia V. Chupina, Valery P. Osipenko, <br />Olga B. Dluzhnevskaya and Milcho K. Tsvetkov The Zvenigorod astronomical <br />plate collection presented in the Wide-Field Plate DataBase. VII <br />Bulgarian-Serbian Astronomical Conference (VII BSAC), 1-4 June 2010, <br />Chepelare, Bulgaria, Proceedings of the VII Bulgarian-Serbian Astronomical <br />Conference, eds. Milcho K. Tsvetkov, Milan S. Dimitrijevic, Katya <br />Tsvetkova, Ognyan Kounchev and Zarko Mijajlovic, Publ. Astron. Soc. <br />"Rudjer Boskovic", No 11, 2012, 209-218<br /><br />Olga B. Dluzhnevskaya, Sergei V. Vereshchagin, Natalia V. Chupina, <br />Valery P. Osipenko The INASAN Zvenigorod observatory plate collection. <br />VII Bulgarian-Serbian Astronomical Conference (VII BSAC), 1-4 June 2010, <br />Chepelare, Bulgaria, Proceedings of the VII Bulgarian-Serbian Astronomical <br />Conference, eds. Milcho K. Tsvetkov, Milan S. Dimitrijevic, Katya Tsvetkova, <br />Ognyan Kounchev and Zarko Mijajlovic, Publ. Astron. Soc. "Rudjer Boskovic", <br />No 11, 2012, 359-362<br /><br />Catalogs in CDS:<br /><br />Vereshchagin S.V., Chupina N.V. ORICAT Catalog of Stars in Orion Great <br />Nebula, 2011, CDS number J/AZh/88/143/oricat<br /><br />Vereshchagin S.V., Chupina N.V. Stellar groups of Orion's Sword region, <br />2010, CDS number J/AZh/87/853/table2 --- ---+++ SVO --- --- ---+++ VObs.it --- ---+++ VO-India --- --- ---++ Reports from WGs & IGs(follows order as at http://www.ivoa.net/forum/) --- --- ---+++ Applications WG --- ---+++ Data Access Layer WG --- ---+++ Data Models WG --- ---+++ Grid and Web Services Working Group --- ---+++ Registry WG --- ---+++ Semantics/UCD WG --- ---+++ VOEvent --- ---+++ VOTable WG --- ---+++ Data Curation and Preservation IG --- ---+++ Knowledge Discovery in Databases IG --- ---+++ Theory IG <br /> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
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