IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM80)

FM80 - Thu, 08 Nov 2018 - 17:30 Local Time



FM80 - Thu, 11 Nov 2018 - 17:30 Local Time


Thursday 5:30 pm | 3 hours | (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Meeting number: 735 768 124
Password: CollegePark
Join by phone
1-877-668-4493 Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada)
1-650-479-3208 Call-in toll number (US/Canada)
Access code: 735 768 124

Agenda FM90

  1. Roll Call and Agenda
  2. Minutes of TM79
  3. Review of Exec Actions
  4. Project Reports [Significant Events Only]
  5. Overall TCG Status
  6. Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item]
  7. Overall CSP Status
  8. Update of Northern Spring 2019 - Paris, France (May 12-17); B Cecconi
  9. Future Interops
    • Northern Autumn 2019 - Amsterdam, Netherlands - No sponsor
    • Northern Spring 2020 - TBD
  10. AOB
  11. Date of next Exec meeting
  12. Review of New Action Items







  • China-VO hosted the 2nd East Asian Workshop on Astrostatistics and R language. The Workshop were held on July 9-13, 2018 in Nanjing,and on July 16-20, 2018 in Guiyang. A total of 129 participants from 28 astronomical research institutes of China, Japan, Vietnam and Mongolia attended to the workshop. Prof. Eric Feigelson from Penn State University is the instructor of the workshop. During the workshop, Prof. Feigelson covered the topics of density estimation & local regression, statistical inference, regression, multivariate clustering & classification, Bayesian inference, time series analysis, good statistical practices in astronomy, etc. and illustrated by code examples in R.
  • Telescope Access Program Became User of the China-VO. The Telescope Access Program (TAP) is a program to give astronomers based in China direct access to competitive instrumentation on intermediate- and large-aperture optical/infrared telescopes outside of China. Currently, the TAP Supported telescopes includes Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope(3.6m), Palomar Hale Telescope, Las Cumbres Observatory(1m network). The China-VO began to support proposal submission and data archiving of the TAP since September, 2018.
  • Chinese Astronomical Data Center passed CoreTrustSeal. On October 25, Chinese Astronomical Data Center (CAsDC) passed the CoreTrustSeal certification, and continues its Regular Membership in the WDS. The CAsDC is the first data center certified by the CoreTrustSeal in Asia.




Euro-VO partners have been active in the ASTERICS project leading the "Data Access, Discovery and Interoperability” work package. The ASTERICS project is now in its final year, finishing in April 2019.

Recent events have been:

The ASTERICS DADI “European Data Provider Forum and Training event”, held in Heidelberg June 27-28 2018, to support astronomy data providers become part of the VO framework and to share their experience. An important development is the inclusion of representatives from the European Solar Telescope (EST). This event also included an introductory course on the Virtual Observatory on 26 June and hands-on consulting sessions on data publication on 29 June.

ASTERICS DADI has also supported a special Time Series Data Model meeting, in Strasbourg, 17-20 July 2018

ASTERICS DADI partners have prepared the “4th DADI VO School" that will occur very soon (Nov 20-22, 2018 in Strasbourg) with about ~38 students and 10 tutors. Many of the tutorials have been updated and these training materials will be available on the Euro-VO pages following the event.

A final major event of the ASTERICS project will be the “The New Era of Multi-Messenger Astrophysics” symposium (http://multi-messenger.asterics2020.eu). The conference will be held at Martini Plaza in Groningen, the Netherlands, from Monday 25 March to Friday 29 March 2019.


France VO







  • National funds secured until the end of 2020.
  • Manpower: 4 astronomers + 4 technical + 3 students.
  • Most relevant activities since July 2018
    • EPSC2018 2 oral contributions
      • A citizen-science project to identify NEAs and Mars crossers using the Virtual Observatory
      • Physical properties of asteroids using the WFCAM Transit Survey and the Virtual Observatory
    • SEA2018
      • The Gran Telescopio Canarias VO-compliant archive (oral)
      • The Pleiades as seen by TGAS and the VO (poster)
      • Clusterix. A VO tool for the determination of membership probabilities in stellar clusters (poster)
      • SVO Discovery Tool. A new tool to facilitate the discovery of archive information (poster)
      • VOSA for the characterization of high-mass X-ray binaries (poster)
      • Identification and characterization of ultracool dwafs in extragalactic fields using VO tools (poster)
      • VOSA. The Spanish VO SED Analyzer (poster)
      • Management of asteroseismic models in the VO framework (poster)
      • Identification and characterization of asteroids in large area surveys (RoPACS) using the Virtual Observatory (poster)
    • New filter added to the SVO Filter Profile Service. 4469 filter already available.





  • LSST
    • Implementing TAP (using CADC software) and experimenting with an ADQL translator for QServ backend database.
    • Added support for ObsCore to Firefly.
    • Investigating a mapping from the LSST data model to ObsCore and CAOM2.
    • Beginning work on VOSpace and HiPS.
    • Looking at mapping LSST alert packets (currently using Apache Avro) to VOEvent.
    • Would like to have discussions on authenticated access to IVOA services, transport of large tabular data results, and improving Python client software.
  • AURA
    • Interested in Science Platform standardization.

Report from the TCG

This topic: IVOA > IvoaExecMeetingFM80
Topic revision: r6 - 2018-11-02 - TimJenness
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