IVOA Executive Committee Meeting ( TM106 )

When: June 15, 2022
Time: 7pm


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Meeting ID: 858 3600 0236

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Meeting ID: 858 3600 0236

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*Agenda TM106

  1. Roll Call and Agenda
    • Regrets:
  2. Minutes of TM105
  3. Review of Exec ACTIONS_for_TM106.pdf
  4. Project Reports [Significant Events Only]
  5. Overall TCG Status
  6. Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item]
  7. Future Interop meetings: Northern fall 2022 and northern spring 2023
  8. CSP Status
  9. SKAO (Jesus Salgado invited to the meeting)
  10. Latest news on the IVOA-IAU
  11. Kazakhstan VO membership
  12. Date of next Exec meeting
  13. Review of New Action Items

Reports from the Projects:




Australia-VO (ASVO)







France VO












  • Chandra X-ray Center
    • Implemented VO interfaces to new CSC2.1 data; software release today; encourages access via Python/AstroPy to the new data being processed; deploying to public in the next month;; CSC team a the AAS demoing the CSC interfaces.
    • Developing a a new prototype package capability in PyVO. As part of of standards approval process, new features are proposed and need to be demonstrated before the standard may be approved. This capability enables new standards to be tested with an opt-in feature to the PyVO tools.

Report from the TCG

  • Last meeting May 24, Next meeting July 06
  • We note this is a short semester with the Interop on Oct 18-20; TCG has a strong sense that we need to get back to face to face meetings not to loose further community health and momentum; if virtual, TCG discussed moving the schedule so doesn't try and cover round the clock - folks say they can move to whatever schedule like traveling - needs further discussion
  • MOC-2.0 document being updated cause final edits didn't make the published doc - we will publish as 2.1; there is a conversation on how to prevent this in the future; centers on github procedures - moved to mail list
  • Yesterday a Spectral DM meeting was held, the outcome is a roadmap & actions for that REC to move to a minor revision; this action is in response to feedback to users request.

Report from the CSP

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