---+ IVOA Exec Telecon TM18 January 18 2006 @ 17.00-18.00 GMT ---+++ Agenda (draft) * Roll Call and Agenda * [[%ATTACHURL%/ivoa-fm17-20051005.pdf][Minutes of FM17]] * [[%ATTACHURL%/actions-for-tm18-20060118.pdf][Review of Actions]] * AOB * Summary of this meeting * Date and Venue of the next exec meeting * Summary of Actions --- ---+++ Reports from the Projects _(please upload you projects here - or email to Nic Walton) -- IVOA.NicholasWalton - 10 Jan 2006_ ---++++ Euro-VO ---++++ China-VO ---++++ India-VO ---++++ CVO ---++++ DRACO ---++++ F-VO ---++++ Japan-VO ---++++ NVO ---++++ HVO ---++++ Korea-VO ---++++ RVO ---++++ AstroGrid ---++++ Australia-VO ---++++ SVO ---++++ GAVO ---++++ Armenia <br/> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = %MAINWEB%.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r1 - 2006-01-10 - NicholasWalton
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