IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM62)

TM62 - 24 Feb 2016 - 16:00 CET



Wednesday, Feb 24, 2016 @16:00 CET



Meeting number: 732 635 629

Meeting password: IVOA2016


1-877-668-4493 Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada)

1-650-479-3208 Call-in toll number (US/Canada)

Access code: 732 635 629

Global call-in numbers:


Toll-free dialing restrictions:


Agenda TM62

  1. Roll Call and Agenda (JE)
  2. Minutes of FM61
  3. Review of Actions
  4. Project Reports [Significant Events Only]
  5. TCG status
  6. Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item]
  7. Review terms up for Expiration (See list below)
  8. Update on Northern Spring 2016 - S Africa (May 8-13)
    1. registration, logistics
    2. overall planning update
    3. plenary talks and focus sessions planning discussion
  9. CODATA/WDS international session planning
  10. Future Interops
    • Northern Fall 2016 - Trieste, Italy (Oct 21-23; after ADASS)
    • Northern Spring 2017 - Shanghai, China
  11. Date of Next Exec Meeting
  12. AOB
  13. Review of Action Items
List of term expirations:

The following position are due at the end of 2015

  • Education Interest Group (Extendable)
The following positions will be coming due at the Northern Spring 2016 meeting:
  • Theory Interest Group Chair (No extension)
  • Time Domain Chair/Vice Chair (Extendable)
  • Executive Committee Vice Chair






AstroCloud, the major scientific project of China-VO was concluded in December, 2015. During the last three years, supported by the AstroCloud project funding, China-VO team established a comprehensive e-Science system for professional and amateur astronomical users. More than 10 telescopes (proposal management), tens of datasets (data access), 300 virtual machines from 5 distributed Cloud Computing nodes, and more than 15000 users are supported by the system. 5 supernova and one nova have been discovered by public users.




The ASTERICS VO Work Package (Data Access, Discovery and Interoperability or DADI) programme of work during the first six months of 2016 includes the organisation of two events:

  • the second Technology Forum, which will be held in Edinburgh 7-8 March https://www.asterics2020.eu/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=open:wp4:wp4techforum2. Euro-VO Technology Forums discuss the partner's technological activities and collaborations.
  • a "Data Provider Forum and Training Event" which will be held in Heidelberg, 15-16 June 2016. This event is open to all European data providers.

IVOA meetings are milestones for the project, so active participation in the Cape Town meeting is expected. The Interop meeting Focus Sessions, and the IVOA priorities, are well aligned with DADI ones. Multi-dimensional data, time domain, HiPS, provenance, authorisation and authentication, the relationship with the RDA, are among DADI topics of interest.


France VO

The annual meeting of the Action Specifique Observatoires Virtuels France (ASOV - France VO) will be held in Paris 14-15 March 2016. The Call for talk proposals is still on-going. The meeting page (in French) will be available soon through http://www.france-ov.org/twiki/bin/view/ASOVFrance/Reunion2016. The meeting will be followed by a more technical meeting ("Semi-Hack-a-Thon") devoted to discussing best practices and implementation.

As usual the ASOV will fund travels for collaborations and for particiapation in IVOA meetings.










USVOA Activities

Held a face-to-face meeting at the Jan AAS; Presented an overview of the Sydney IVOA mtg to the group; a view of the VO from non-insiders: NSF, LSST, Radio astronomer; and US project experience/plans/sharing: IRSA, Keck, EuroVO ASTERICS, Iris. Meeting presentations were posted on the USVOA web page: https://hea-www.cfa.harvard.edu/USVOA/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/USVOA_AAS_Splinter.pdf

A spring USVOA telecon meeting is planned prior to the S. Africa IVOA.

NAVO Activites

TAP/Registry at MAST is ready for deployment and is awaiting provisioning by the MAST operational personnel. This may still take several weeks. There has been some work in adapting an ADQL parser obtained elsewhere to SQLServer.

S[IS]A at HEASARC - several SIA data services are now available. SSA services will be coming.

NED VO services - a March release of NED will clean up the database structures in ways needed for the ultimate SIA release.

IRSA VO activities - registry updates are in progress, notably those linking all tables to the IRSA TAP service.


NRAO has released a VO-enabled Green Bank Telescope (GBT) spectral service. For details please see the article in the NRAO Newsletter (https://science.nrao.edu/enews/9.1/index.shtml#gbt_spectra)


Report from the TCG

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