<!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup --> ---+ IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM68) *TM68 - Tue, 07 Mar 2017 - 15:00 UTC* *Contents* * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM68#IVOA_Executive_Committee_Meeting][IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM68)]] * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM68#Logistics][Logistics]] * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM68#Agenda][Agenda]] * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM68#Reports_from_the_Projects][Reports from the Projects]] * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM68#Argentina_NOVA][Argentina - NOVA]] * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM68#ArVO][ArVO]] * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM68#AstroGrid][AstroGrid]] * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM68#Australia_VO][Australia-VO]] * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM68#BRAVO][BRAVO]] * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM68#China_VO][China-VO]] * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM68#ChiVO][ChiVO]] * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM68#CVO][CVO]] * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM68#Euro_VO][Euro-VO]] * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM68#ESAVO][ESAVO]] * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM68#France_VO][France VO]] * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM68#GAVO][GAVO]] * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM68#HVO][HVO]] * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM68#VObs_it][VObs.it]] * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM68#Japan_VO][Japan-VO]] * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM68#Ukraine_VO][Ukraine VO]] * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM68#USVOA][USVOA]] * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM68#RVO][RVO]] * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM68#SA3][SA^3]] * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM68#SVO][SVO]] * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM68#VO_India][VO-India]] * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM68#Report_from_the_TCG][Report from the TCG]] * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM68#Reports_from_the_WGs][Reports from the WGs]] ---++ Logistics Tuesday, March 07, 2017 @15:00 UTC *Agenda TM68* 1 Roll Call and Agenda (JE) 1 Minutes of <a target="_top" href="http://wiki.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/IvoaRepMin/ivoa-tm67-20161220.pdf">TM67</a> 1 Review of <a target="_top" href="http://wiki.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/IvoaRepMin/actions-for-tm68-20170307.pdf"><span style="font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #000000;">Actions</span></a> 1 Project Reports [Significant Events Only] 1 Overall TCG status 1 Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item] 1 <span style="background-color: transparent;">Update on Northern Spring 2017 - Shanghai</span> 1 <span style="background-color: transparent;">Discussion on new chair of the CSP</span> 1 <span style="background-color: transparent;">Transition in US representation</span> 1 <span style="background-color: transparent;">The 'Open Universe' initiative </span><span style="background-color: transparent;">(</span><a rel="noreferrer" target="_blank" href="http://www.unoosa.org/oosa/en/ourwork/psa/schedule/2017/workshop_italy_openuniverse.html"><span style="background-color: transparent;">http://www.unoosa.org/oosa/en/ourwork/psa/schedule/2017/workshop_italy_openuniverse.html</span></a><span style="background-color: transparent;">)</span> 1 <span style="background-color: transparent;">IVOA term expirations (see list below)</span> 1 <span style="background-color: transparent;">Future Interop</span> * <span style="background-color: transparent;">Northern Spring 2017 - Shanghai, China (May 14-19)</span> * <span style="background-color: transparent;">Northern Automn 2017 - Santiago, Chile (Oct 27-29)</span> 1 <span style="background-color: transparent;">Date of Next Exec Meeting</span> 1 <span style="background-color: transparent;">AOB</span><span style="background-color: transparent;">Review of Action Items</span> *List of term expirations:* * <span style="background-color: transparent;">Positions with 12/2016 expiration with <strong>*no extension*</strong> available:</span> * <span style="background-color: transparent;"> *Education:* Ch: Massimo Ramella</span> * <span style="background-color: transparent;">Positions with 5/2017 expiration with <strong>*no extension*</strong> available:</span> * <span style="background-color: transparent;"> *Time Domain:* Ch: John Swinbank</span> * <span style="background-color: transparent;">Positions with 5/2017 expiration with <strong>*1 year extension*</strong> available:</span> * <span style="background-color: transparent;"> *Applications:* Ch: Pierre Fernique, VCh: Tom Donaldson</span> * <span style="background-color: transparent;"> *Data Access:* Ch: Francois Bonnarel, VCh: Marco Molinaro</span> * <span style="background-color: transparent;"> *Data Curation:* Ch: Francoise Genova</span> * *Registry:* Ch: Markus Demleitner ---+++ Argentina-NOVA --- ---+++ ArVO --- ---+++ AstroGrid --- ---+++ Australia-VO --- ---+++ BRAVO --- ---+++ China-VO The “AstroCloud” project was concluded on Feb. 24, 2017, which was the main project of the China-VO during the last 4 years. --- ---+++ ChiVO --- ---+++ CVO --- ---+++ Euro_VO --- ---+++ ESAVO --- ---+++ France VO As usual, France-VO (the Action Spécifique Observatoires Virtuels or ASOV) opened a call for proposals to support travels to the IVOA Interoperability meetings, collaboration meetings between French teams and meetings on specific topics. The 2017 ASOV meeting will be held 15-16 March in Paris, with participants from Nice, Marseille, Montpellier, Toulouse, Grenoble, Besançon and Strasbourg, plus from Paris and Paris region labs. The meeting agenda (in French) is here: [[http://www.france-ov.org/twiki/bin/view/ASOVFrance/ReunionASOV2017]]. The meeting will be followed on 16 March by a "Semi-Hack-a-Thon" meeting allowing technical discussions among data providers, including but not only on the implementation of the VO framework. A "beginner training" on the implementation of the VO will be held on 17 March. --- ---+++ GAVO --- ---+++ HVO --- ---+++ VObs.it --- ---+++ Japan-VO --- ---+++ RVO --- ---+++ SA^3 --- ---+++ SVO --- ---+++ Ukraine_VO --- ---+++ USVOA The project statuses and notes from the USVOA business meeting during the 229th AAS are [[https://hea-www.cfa.harvard.edu/USVOA/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/USVOA_AAS_229_reports.pdf][available]]. Participating projects included: [[http://ads.harvard.edu/][ADS]], [[http://cxc.cfa.harvard.edu/][CXC]], [[https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/][HEASARC]], [[https://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/frontpage/][IRSA]] , [[http://physics-astronomy.jhu.edu/][JHU]], [[https://www.lsst.org/][LSST]], [[https://archive.stsci.edu/][MAST]], [[https://ned.ipac.caltech.edu/][NED]], [[https://www.noao.edu/][NOAO]], and [[https://science.nrao.edu/][NRAO]] . Highlights from the meeting were * New and updated services / applications * *New service* – [[http://datalab.noao.edu/][NOAO DataLab]] (beta 1) * [[http://www.sciserver.org/][SciServer]] updates: Altair, SkyQuery, Compute, SciDrive hookup to CasJobs * [[http://cxc.cfa.harvard.edu/iris][Iris 3.0]]: updated plotting and fitting interface _(promoted from beta to release on 06Mar17_) * SIA v2 service implemented in [[http://ned.ipac.caltech.edu/ui/?q=vo/SIA_Service][NED]] * [[https://archive.stsci.edu/index.html][MAST]]: ObsTAP available for all MAST observations. Hubble Source Catalog complete. * [[https://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/voapi.html][IRSA]]: Cone, TAP, and SIA services implemented. * Standards statuses: * VO-DML (VO Data Modeling Language) collaboration between CXC, JHU, STScI, and Univ. Strasbourg. Prototyping reference implementations to several formats and reworking syntax based on results. * HiPS (Hierarchical Progresssive Survey) work is planned at CXC and MAST. * CAOM (Common Archive Observation Model). While not a VO standard, US VOA participants are working to build interoperability with CAOM data. * Project goals for 2017+: * ADS: VO compliancy updates and to-do’s — call for suggestions / enhancements in ADS for interoperability with other services. * HEASARC: VO compliancy updates * JHU: VO-DML work, SciServer updates * IRSA: Cone, TAP, and SIA services implemented. Currently working SIA v2, SSA, VOWorkspace, and CAOM services/models * LSST: VO areas of interest – SCS, SIAP, and TAP access will (almost certainly) be enabled within the interfaces and workspace * Chandra CXC: working NDCubeDM, DatasetDM, STC2. HiPS implementation work. * NED: working on TAP interface to NED Object Database, with version 1.0 expected to be released in late 2017. * MAST: Currently working CAOM, VO-DML, TAP, and NAVO-indexing survey, with plans for AuthN/AuthZ, DataLink implementation, and HiPS --- ---++ Report from the TCG ---++
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r10 - 2017-03-07 - FrancoiseGenova
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