IVOA IAU Liaison Committee


The International Astronomical Union (IAU) promotes research, communication, education and development in astronomy, through international cooperation. The IVOA has been engaging with the IAU to support the broad astronomical goals of the IAU, and to promote the value of IVOA activities to the IAU and the astronomy community. So far, a functional working group on the Virtual Observatory has been established within Division B (Facilities, Technology and Data Science), of the IAU; an MoU has been signed between the IVOA and the IAU Office of Astronomy for Development to support its activities. IVOA members gave presentations at sessions of the IAU General Assembly in August 2022 and supported the organization of the Division B meeting at the General Assembly. The purpose of this group, the IVOA-IAU Liaison Group (IILG), is to provide future coordination of these activities.


Chair: Bruce Berriman


The charter of the IVOA-IAU Liaison Committee is available here.

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