IVOA TCG Telecon - Tue, 16 Jul 2019 @20:00 UTC
Last edit -> Jul 15; Updated with meeting notes - Jul 19 (JE)
- Andre S., Steve G, Raffaele D., Laurent M., Jesus S., Markus D, Theresa D, Tim J, Tom D, Gerhard L, Christine B, Marco M, Dave M, Mark , Pat, Janet
Agenda/Mtg Notes
- Review Actions (See below)
- Current RFC/TCG reviews
- Current Errata
- Groningen Update
- 2019A Roadmaps
- 2019A Roadmap - Reference leading to Groningen Meeting
- Include current issues in Walk through
- TCG topics
- Source Model update - LM
- DM/Provenance Progress
- ACTION-T0219-5: PD/JE - kick off the Architecture doc effort effort and distribute tasks to team - WORKING
- ACTION-F0518-4: MCD - Produce documentation on how the models relate and how to get started with certain use cases. WORKING
- ACTION-T2019 -6: PD/JE: Ask DOC to transfer links to new Publishing on the VO doc when time is right - OPEN
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Topic revision: r5 - 2019-07-19 - JanetEvans