IVOA TCG Telecon - Tu, 22 Sep 2020 @20:00 UTC


  • Raffaele, Markus, Henrik, Laurent, Marco, Christine, Tim, Francois, Tom, Mark L, Mark T, Steve, Ada, Dave, Carlo, Pierre, Jesus, Theresa, Giuliano, Janet


  • Christophe, Bruno, Bruce, Baptiste
Zoom link


Meeting ID: 937 8740 7247

Passcode: 773836

Agenda/Mtg Notes

  • Actions
    • We skipped action review this meeting
  • TCG Business
    • Github plan - (from Markus) - tabled for discussion when Pat was present
    • CSP discussion - TCG discussion on CSP noted that a stronger CSP presents could help the TCG and user community as a whole. Specific areas of note were: spectral DM implementations do not have a science priority connection to help implementers. There needs to be more invovlement with support of tutorials, docs, and a connection to the community we're serving. Also noted that we are working from the bottom up using VO simple things - we need to reach the community to get a better sense of their uses and issues. Also noted that there needs to be a stronger connection with the TCG Interest groups and that the IG needs to participate in the CSP. JE will work to express to the CSP and Exec that we're requesting a review of the CSP mandate/activity. Time to find and read the CSP mandate. May be time to recommend some changes in their charge at this stage of IVOA to make the group more relevant.
  • WG/IG renewals from May
    • Time Domain IG - D Morris (V Chair) - (5/2020) No renewal left (JE/Exec asked DM to stay till a replacement found - Yes from Dave
    • Theory - Chair (G Lemson) requests a V Chair (not filled) - Exec to work
    • Solar System IG - Baptiste Cecconi Chair (5/2020) Eligible for 1 year extension (Approved) - CCui to contact Baptiste
  • November Interop Discussion
    • Two docs to review
    • Notes from Interop discussion
      • We will offer the community to request a full or smaller session; and to include which time zone would be best for their presnetation
      • We talked about the days/timezones and concluded that Tu-Thu work best for days of the week
      • JE asked WG/IG to begin sign-up for session at the Program Planning link above
      • Marco/Giuliano agreed to support web page and survey results; JE will iterate with them
      • We should ask for meeting feedback - helped with synergy with ongoing work on WG/IGs
      • JE/PD working to get notice out to community; have draft email - send by end of week; followup with Web page and registration
  • AOB
    • Marco noted that he heard back that the Exec reviewed request for an ivoa.net subdomain (documents.ivoa.net); Dave M noted that we may want to consider using 'docs' over 'documents'. Markus reinforced that idea and Marcos agreed.
    • JE notes that there was a follown action from the Exec: Pat asked if it was a subdomain or a DNS entry that was needed; the action was for there to be a discussion with Pat/TCG about the technical details before proceeding.
  • Next meeting - 08 Oct 2020 @15:00 UTC


  • NEW
    • PD: Port Volute to GitHub; update volute migration document and circulate to get everyone on the same page
    • PD: Send an email to the TCG with Publishing Doc links so we can re-address whether we migrate over and when
    • PD/JE: Exec review decision when stable of the doc license choice - OPEN ( but made a forward plan )

This topic: IVOA > WebHome > IvoaTCG > IvoaTCG-2020-09-22
Topic revision: r8 - 2020-09-24 - BaptisteCecconi
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