---++ _Attendees_ * Marco, Janet, Tim, Anne, Hendrik, Ada, Mark L., Mark T., Gerard, Adrian, James, Laurent, François, Giuliano, Theresa, Pierre ---++ _Regrets_ * Raffaele, Markus, Mark CD, André, Gregory, Giulia, Tom, Jesus, Christine, Pat, Carlo ---+++ Meeting Link Time: Aug 25, 2021 20:00 UTC (04:00 PM Eastern Time) Join Zoom Meeting <div id="_mcePaste">[[https://smithsonian.zoom.us/j/86262391051?pwd=V3FYdzdMZVBHTXVTNUthVTIxNlVkZz09]]</div> <div id="_mcePaste">Meeting ID: 862 6239 1051</div> <div id="_mcePaste">Passcode: 400678</div> ---+++ <span style="color: #630000; font-size: 17.290000915527344px; font-weight: bold;">Agenda</span> *(Annotated in Bold with meeting notes after session)* Some further detail in the attached notes text file - see below ---++ <a name="ACTIONS"></a>ACTIONS * New * Adrian - Follow up with Tom on a PyVO Hacjathon for May * Mark CD - to respond to Vandana's feedback at the May Interop - consider a errata/note to add to Utpes to the current Spectrum model * WORKING * ACTION [all]: check and fill in the [[2021ARoadmap][IVOA Roadmap 2021A]]. - __WG DONE; IG Partial - encourage folks to outline goals for the semester__ * ACTION [all]: review/RFC [[VODataServiceV12RFC][VODataService-1.2]]. - __Still need to hear from some folks on the RFC page__ * DONE * ACTION [MM]: send out a reminder on TWiki accounts. (DONE) * ACTION [JE/MM]: remove PR-Vocabularies-2.0 line from the TCG On-going RECs table. Same for UDF Catalogue EN from Current Note's one. (DONE) * ACTION [UCDList v.1.4 editors]: endorsed, push 1.4 to repo * ACTION [JE/MM]: remove UCDList-1.4 from TCG Current Note table. (DONE) * ACTION [all/new members]: ask IVOADoc for a TWiki account (used also for personal landing page in TWiki). Instructions for email available at [[TWikiRegistrationInstructions][new user registration page]]. * ---+++ <a name="Meeting_agenda"></a>Meeting agenda * Welcome to the (Near) End of Northern Summer!! * TCG Ongoing Recommendations / Endorsed Notes /Errata * VODataService 1.2 (Rec) - __3 groups have responded, rest have not__ * VEP006 & 007 (Note) 006 has 4 new terms - #calibration, #bias, #dark, #flat; 007 - adds #detached-header --<em> *MD presented last meeting - Are with good with this??* </em> * *missing Markus, François report on the two VEPs: 006 seems not to have an agreed solution, will need new discussion; 007 might be easier, but not enough discussed - decision postponed* * Highlights - _Go around the Virtual Table_ (WG/IGs) Working on/Aiming towards!! * *WG -* Apps, DAL, DM, GWS, Registry, Semantics * *IG -* DCP, Edu, KDD, Ops, Radio, Solar Sys, Theory, Time Domain * Next Interop - Nov 2-4 _(Virtual 3 day meeting)_ * _Save the Date email to go out to Interop List in Early Sept_ * *discussed on schedule and video recording advertising* * _Special Session??_ * _We discussed one on Interops going forward (Mixed meeting accomodating 'in person' & remote)_ * *Discussion on mixed/hybrid physical/remote meetings: highlighted pros and cons, looking forward to more experience in hybrid solution, also technically* * _Should we solicit outside sessions or do folks within the WG/IG think they need the schedule space this time_ * *try to focus on invited contributions rather than a general call, also because the Nov. Interop is a short one* * _Education - pre-Workshop session??_ * *there will be, like in May, updating that one or adapting the ADASS tutorial one* * Architecture Doc -- PD summary * *Missing Pat (new DocStdProc chair) it is reported that the Note should be finalised now that GMS is in RFC and thus it completes the AAI section.* * AOB * *Ada (CSP) asks about PyVO/astropy follow up meetings: Apps coordination will check* * *Ada (CSP) asks for follow up on Spectral Access/Spectrum DM updates: SSA will see some updates, SpecDM might see an addendum or errata while waiting CUBE DM for a major revision* * *Hendrik (Edu) alerts about the https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/EduResourcesTutorials page and asks for contributions* * *Keep advertising the KDD and CSP vice-chair positions, still open* * Next meeting * *TCG meeting on Wednesday September 15 - 20:00 UTC*
Topic attachments
4.9 K
2021-08-27 - 09:27
MM notes from the meeting
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r7 - 2021-08-30 - JanetEvans
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