TCG Meeting (online) - Thu, Aug 11 2022 @ 20:00 UTC
- Regrets : Gerard, Gus, Mark Talyor (maybe), Laurant
Meeting details
TCG Meeting - Thu, Aug 11
@20:00 UTC
- Existing
- [MD] mail TCG for last quick chance to comment on UAT PEN for endorsement [DONE]
- [MM] ask IVOADoc to update list of people [DONE]
- [DM] - integrate code of conduct with IVOA current one and move repo to [ONGOING]
- [MM] contact Pat Dowler (StdProc) for final solution and step on MOC-2.0/2.1, copy to editors/authors [ONGOING]
- [MM] contact Stéphane Erard (EPN editor) on shaping RFC for final review and vote [ONGOING]
- [Apps] to lead start discussion on JSON & XML in VO architecture [??]
- [MM] investigate update of RFC wiki-template [OPEN]
- New
Meeting Agenda
(Annotated in Bold with meeting notes after session)
- 2022A Roadmap - Overviews ... started last mtg
- This mtg: (PD/AD) Apps, (GT/DM) GWS, (HH/SL) EDU, ML/FB (Radio)
- Next mtg: (RS/TJ) Reg, (MD/CMZ) Sem, AR/BC (SS), BM/MCD (Tim), GL/ST (Theory)
- Last mtg: (JD) DAL, (LM) DM, (GLa) DCP & (RDA) KD gave Roadmap overviews - July06 reviews
- TCG RFC Review
- Coordinates 1.0 - Up for a Vote this meeting !!
- EPN-TAP - Up for Vote this meeting !!
- UAT Note adoption - Endorsed 07/22/22 - No action !!
- MOC-2.0 REC Fix
- Status??
- How to prevent in the future ?? Need a lead.
- Meeting times going forward?? Accommodate Asia better now that we have TCG members there
- Alternate between 20UTC and .... maybe 13 UTC??
- 13 UTC is 11pm Sydney, 9pm china, 6am Victoria/LA, 9am Boston, 3pm Paris, Madrid, Strasbourg, 2pm London
- Planning the Interop; Oct 18-20 (Tu-Th)
- Schedule - round the clock or time in one zone??
- ADASS planning 4 time blocks - they are moving toward our approach while we discuss moving to their approace - Funny!!
- Suggest we keep block schedule for upcoming meeting (3 days/short) and consider alternate solution for 5 day mtg in the future if virtual
- WG/IG leads solicit talks - especially for short mtg??
- Any special topics??
- - open 24h to let people organise side meetings when needed; any other adjustments?
- Program Prep Page -
- JSON & VOTable -- side series of discussions started - MM update
- ADASS 2022 is Virtual: Oct 31-Nov04; ADASS 2023 will be in Tucson - time to provide any TCG preferences/requirements to the Exec
- Next TCG meeting: **Early Sept* 2022 @xx:00 UTC*
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Topic revision: r3 - 2022-08-10 - JanetEvans